A collection of cable schematic components.
application = cf.Application.GetInstance() project = application:Load({FEKO_HOME..[[/shared/Resources/Automation/Cables.cfx]]}) -- Get an existing 'CableHarness' cableHarness = project.Contents.CableHarnesses["CableHarness1"] -- Get the number of schematic components associated with a 'CableHarness' componentCount = cableHarness.CableSchematic.Components.Count -- Add a capacitor to between two terminals terminal1 = cableHarness.Connectors["CableConnector2"].Pins["Pin2"].Terminal terminal2 = cableHarness.Connectors["CableConnector2"].Pins["Pin1"].Terminal capacitor = cableHarness.CableSchematic.Components:AddCapacitor(terminal1, terminal2, 1e-6)
The CableSchematicComponentCollection object is derived from the CollectionOf_DomainEntity object.
Property List
Method List
- AddCapacitor ()
- Add a new capacitor to the cable harness schematic. (Returns a Capacitor object.)
- AddCapacitor (properties table)
- Add a new capacitor to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties. (Returns a Capacitor object.)
- AddCapacitor (terminal1 Terminal, terminal2 Terminal, capacitance Expression)
- Add a new capacitor to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminals. (Returns a Capacitor object.)
- AddComplexLoad (properties FAIL - unsupported type)
- Add a new complex load to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties. (Returns a ComplexLoad object.)
- AddComplexLoad (terminal1 Terminal, terminal2 Terminal, real Expression, imaginary Expression)
- Add a new complex load to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminals. (Returns a ComplexLoad object.)
- AddComplexLoad (properties table)
- Add a new complex load to the cable harness schematic. (Returns a ComplexLoad object.)
- AddCurrentProbe (terminal1 Terminal, terminal2 Terminal)
- Add a new current probe to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminals. (Returns a CableSchematicCurrentProbe object.)
- AddCurrentProbe (properties table)
- Add a new current probe to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties. (Returns a CableSchematicCurrentProbe object.)
- AddDeviceGround ()
- Add a new device ground to the cable harness schematic. (Returns a DeviceGround object.)
- AddDeviceGround (terminal Terminal)
- Add a new device ground to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminal. (Returns a DeviceGround object.)
- AddDeviceGround (properties table)
- Add a new device ground to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties. (Returns a DeviceGround object.)
- AddDeviceGroundAtLocation (location GridLocation)
- Add a new device ground to the cable harness schematic at the specified location. (Returns a DeviceGround object.)
- AddGeneralNetwork (properties table)
- Add a new general network to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties. (Returns a CableGeneralNetwork object.)
- AddGeneralNetwork (numports number, filename string)
- Add a new general network to the cable harness schematic. (Returns a CableGeneralNetwork object.)
- AddInductor ()
- Add a new inductor to the cable harness schematic. (Returns a Inductor object.)
- AddInductor (properties table)
- Add a new inductor to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties. (Returns a Inductor object.)
- AddInductor (terminal11 Terminal, terminal2 Terminal, inductance Expression)
- Add a new inductor to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminals. (Returns a Inductor object.)
- AddInstallation ()
- Add an installation connection. (Returns a Installation object.)
- AddInstallation (location GridLocation)
- Add a installation component to the cable harness schematic and place it at a specified position. (Returns a Installation object.)
- AddInstallation (terminal Terminal)
- Add a installation component to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminal. (Returns a Installation object.)
- AddResistor ()
- Add a new resistor to the cable harness schematic. (Returns a Resistor object.)
- AddResistor (properties table)
- Add a new resistor to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties. (Returns a Resistor object.)
- AddResistor (terminal1 Terminal, terminal2 Terminal, resistance Expression)
- Add a new resistor to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminals. (Returns a Resistor object.)
- AddSpiceNetwork (properties table)
- Add a new SPICE network to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties. (Returns a CableSpiceNetwork object.)
- AddSpiceNetwork (numpins number, circuit string)
- Add a new manually specified SPICE network to the cable harness schematic. (Returns a CableSpiceNetwork object.)
- AddSpiceNetworkFromFile (numpins number, filename string)
- Add a new SPICE network to the cable harness schematic. (Returns a CableSpiceNetwork object.)
- AddTransformer (properties table)
- Add a new transformer to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties. (Returns a Transformer object.)
- AddTransformer (terminal1 Terminal, terminal2 Terminal, teminal3 Terminal, terminal4 Terminal, coupledinductor1 Expression, coupledinductor2 Expression)
- Add a new transformer to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminals. (Returns a Transformer object.)
- AddVoltageControlledVoltageSource (properties FAIL - unsupported type)
- Add a new voltage controlled voltage source to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties. (Returns a VoltageControlledVoltageSource object.)
- AddVoltageControlledVoltageSource (terminal1 Terminal, terminal2 Terminal, teminal3 Terminal, terminal4 Terminal, gain Expression)
- Add a new voltage controlled voltage source to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminals. (Returns a VoltageControlledVoltageSource object.)
- AddVoltageControlledVoltageSource (properties table)
- Add a new voltage controlled voltage source to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminals. (Returns a VoltageControlledVoltageSource object.)
- AddVoltageProbe (terminal1 Terminal, terminal2 Terminal)
- Add a new voltage probe to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminals. (Returns a CableSchematicVoltageProbe object.)
- AddVoltageProbe (properties table)
- Add a new voltage probe to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties. (Returns a CableSchematicVoltageProbe object.)
- Contains (label string)
- Checks if the collection contains an item with the given label. (Returns a boolean object.)
- Delete ()
- Deletes the entity.
- Duplicate ()
- Duplicates the entity. (Returns a Object object.)
- GetProperties ()
- Returns a table of properties representing the state of the object. The properties table can be used with the SetProperties method to change multiple properties of the object in one step. (Returns a table object.)
- Item (index number)
- Returns the Object for the given index in the collection. (Returns a Object object.)
- Item (label string)
- Returns the Object for the given label in the collection. (Returns a Object object.)
- Items ()
- Returns a table of Object items. (Returns a UnsupportedType(List of Object) object.)
- SetProperties (properties Object)
- Modifies the state of the object using the provided table of properties. This method is used to modify multiple properties of the object in a single step.
- UniqueName (label string)
- Generates a unique name base of the provided base name. If the base name already exists in the collection, a digit will be appended until a valid name is generated. (Returns a string object.)
Static Function List
- GetDefaultProperties ()
- Creates a table containing the default settings to create an object. (Returns a table object.)
Property Details
Method Details
- AddCapacitor ()
- Add a new capacitor to the cable harness schematic.
- Return
- Capacitor
- The new component.
- AddCapacitor (properties table)
- Add a new capacitor to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties.
- AddCapacitor (terminal1 Terminal, terminal2 Terminal, capacitance Expression)
- Add a new capacitor to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminals.
- Input Parameters
- terminal1(Terminal)
- The terminal that the components first terminal should be connected to.
- terminal2(Terminal)
- The terminal that the components second terminal should be connected to.
- capacitance(Expression)
- The capacitance of the capacitor in Farad.
- Return
- Capacitor
- The new component.
- AddComplexLoad (properties FAIL - unsupported type)
- Add a new complex load to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(FAIL - unsupported type)
- A table of properties defining the new component.
- Return
- ComplexLoad
- The new component.
- AddComplexLoad (terminal1 Terminal, terminal2 Terminal, real Expression, imaginary Expression)
- Add a new complex load to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminals.
- Input Parameters
- terminal1(Terminal)
- The terminal that the components first terminal should be connected to.
- terminal2(Terminal)
- The terminal that the components second terminal should be connected to.
- real(Expression)
- The real impedance of the complex load in Ohm.
- imaginary(Expression)
- The imaginary impedance of the complex load in Ohm.
- Return
- ComplexLoad
- The new component.
- AddComplexLoad (properties table)
- Add a new complex load to the cable harness schematic.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new component.
- Return
- ComplexLoad
- The new component.
- AddCurrentProbe (terminal1 Terminal, terminal2 Terminal)
- Add a new current probe to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminals.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- CableSchematicCurrentProbe
- The new current probe component.
- AddCurrentProbe (properties table)
- Add a new current probe to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new component.
- Return
- CableSchematicCurrentProbe
- The new component.
- AddDeviceGround ()
- Add a new device ground to the cable harness schematic.
- Return
- DeviceGround
- The new component.
- AddDeviceGround (terminal Terminal)
- Add a new device ground to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminal.
- Input Parameters
- terminal(Terminal)
- The terminal that the ground should be connected to.
- Return
- DeviceGround
- The new component.
- AddDeviceGround (properties table)
- Add a new device ground to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new component.
- Return
- DeviceGround
- The new component.
- AddDeviceGroundAtLocation (location GridLocation)
- Add a new device ground to the cable harness schematic at the specified location.
- Input Parameters
- location(GridLocation)
- The location that the ground should be placed.
- Return
- DeviceGround
- The new component.
- AddGeneralNetwork (properties table)
- Add a new general network to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new component.
- Return
- CableGeneralNetwork
- The new component.
- AddGeneralNetwork (numports number, filename string)
- Add a new general network to the cable harness schematic.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- CableGeneralNetwork
- The new general network.
- AddInductor ()
- Add a new inductor to the cable harness schematic.
- Return
- Inductor
- The new component.
- AddInductor (properties table)
- Add a new inductor to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties.
- AddInductor (terminal11 Terminal, terminal2 Terminal, inductance Expression)
- Add a new inductor to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminals.
- Input Parameters
- terminal11(Terminal)
- The terminal that the components first terminal should be connected to.
- terminal2(Terminal)
- The terminal that the components second terminal should be connected to.
- inductance(Expression)
- The inductance of the inductor in Henry.
- Return
- Inductor
- The new component.
- AddInstallation ()
- Add an installation connection.
- Return
- Installation
- The new component.
- AddInstallation (location GridLocation)
- Add a installation component to the cable harness schematic and place it at a specified position.
- Input Parameters
- location(GridLocation)
- The location that the installation component should be placed.
- Return
- Installation
- The new component.
- AddInstallation (terminal Terminal)
- Add a installation component to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminal.
- Input Parameters
- terminal(Terminal)
- The terminal that the instasllation component should be connected to.
- Return
- Installation
- The new component.
- AddResistor ()
- Add a new resistor to the cable harness schematic.
- Return
- Resistor
- The new component.
- AddResistor (properties table)
- Add a new resistor to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties.
- AddResistor (terminal1 Terminal, terminal2 Terminal, resistance Expression)
- Add a new resistor to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminals.
- Input Parameters
- terminal1(Terminal)
- The terminal that the components first terminal should be connected to.
- terminal2(Terminal)
- The terminal that the components second terminal should be connected to.
- resistance(Expression)
- The resistance of the resistor in Ohm.
- Return
- Resistor
- The new component.
- AddSpiceNetwork (properties table)
- Add a new SPICE network to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new component.
- Return
- CableSpiceNetwork
- The new spice circuit.
- AddSpiceNetwork (numpins number, circuit string)
- Add a new manually specified SPICE network to the cable harness schematic.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- CableSpiceNetwork
- The new spice circuit.
- AddSpiceNetworkFromFile (numpins number, filename string)
- Add a new SPICE network to the cable harness schematic.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- CableSpiceNetwork
- The new spice circuit.
- AddTransformer (properties table)
- Add a new transformer to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new component.
- Return
- Transformer
- The new component.
- AddTransformer (terminal1 Terminal, terminal2 Terminal, teminal3 Terminal, terminal4 Terminal, coupledinductor1 Expression, coupledinductor2 Expression)
- Add a new transformer to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminals.
- Input Parameters
- terminal1(Terminal)
- The terminal that the components first L1 terminal should be connected to.
- terminal2(Terminal)
- The terminal that the components second L1 terminal should be connected to.
- teminal3(Terminal)
- The terminal that the components first L2 terminal should be connected to.
- terminal4(Terminal)
- The terminal that the components second L2 terminal should be connected to.
- coupledinductor1(Expression)
- The inductance of the L1 coupled inductor.
- coupledinductor2(Expression)
- The inductance of the L2 coupled inductor.
- Return
- Transformer
- The new component.
- AddVoltageControlledVoltageSource (properties FAIL - unsupported type)
- Add a new voltage controlled voltage source to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(FAIL - unsupported type)
- A table of properties defining the new component.
- Return
- VoltageControlledVoltageSource
- The new component.
- AddVoltageControlledVoltageSource (terminal1 Terminal, terminal2 Terminal, teminal3 Terminal, terminal4 Terminal, gain Expression)
- Add a new voltage controlled voltage source to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminals.
- Input Parameters
- terminal1(Terminal)
- The terminal that the source's positive terminal should be connected to.
- terminal2(Terminal)
- The terminal that the source's negative terminal should be connected to.
- teminal3(Terminal)
- The terminal that the component's positive probe terminal should be connected to.
- terminal4(Terminal)
- The terminal that the component's negative probe terminal should be connected to.
- gain(Expression)
- The voltage gain as a ratio.
- Return
- VoltageControlledVoltageSource
- The new component.
- AddVoltageControlledVoltageSource (properties table)
- Add a new voltage controlled voltage source to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminals.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new component.
- Return
- VoltageControlledVoltageSource
- The new component.
- AddVoltageProbe (terminal1 Terminal, terminal2 Terminal)
- Add a new voltage probe to the cable harness schematic and connect to specified terminals.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- CableSchematicVoltageProbe
- The new voltage probe component.
- AddVoltageProbe (properties table)
- Add a new voltage probe to the cable harness schematic using the specified properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new component.
- Return
- CableSchematicVoltageProbe
- The new component.
- Contains (label string)
- Checks if the collection contains an item with the given label.
- Delete ()
- Deletes the entity.
- Duplicate ()
- Duplicates the entity.
- Return
- Object
- The new (duplicated) entity.
- GetProperties ()
- Returns a table of properties representing the state of the object. The properties table can be used with the SetProperties method to change multiple properties of the object in one step.
- Return
- table
- A table defining the properties.
- Item (index number)
- Returns the Object for the given index in the collection.
- Item (label string)
- Returns the Object for the given label in the collection.
- Items ()
- Returns a table of Object items.
- Return
- UnsupportedType(List of Object)
- The list of items in the collection
- SetProperties (properties Object)
- Modifies the state of the object using the provided table of properties. This method is used to modify multiple properties of the object in a single step.
- Input Parameters
- properties(Object)
- A table of properties defining the new state of the object.
- UniqueName (label string)
- Generates a unique name base of the provided base name. If the base name already exists in the collection, a digit will be appended until a valid name is generated.
Static Function Details
- GetDefaultProperties ()
- Creates a table containing the default settings to create an object.
- Return
- table
- A table containing the default properties.