- ADAPTFEKOLaunchOptions
ADAPTFEKO launch options.
- ADAPTFEKOLaunchOptionsList
A list of ADAPTFEKOLaunchOptions items.
- AMRFEKOLaunchOptions
AMRFEKO launch options.
- AMRFEKOLaunchOptionsList
A list of AMRFEKOLaunchOptions items.
- AbstractAntennaArray
A finite antenna array which includes mutual coupling and edge-effects in the analysis.
- AbstractFEMLinePort
An abstract (base) object for FEM line ports.
- AbstractIdealSource
An abstract (base) object for ideal sources.
- AbstractMeshEdge
An abstract (base) object for mesh edges.
- AbstractMeshTriangleFace
An abstract (base) object for mesh triangle faces.
- AbstractMeshWire
An abstract (base) object for mesh triangle wires.
- AbstractPointSource
An abstract (base) object for point sources.
- AbstractSurfaceCurve
An abstract (base) object for curves.
- AdvancedSolverSettings
Advanced solver settings.
- AdvancedSolverSettingsList
A list of AdvancedSolverSettings items.
- Align
An align transform.
- AnalyticalCurve
An analytical curve.
- AngularDimension
The degrees of an angle.
- AngularDimensionList
A list of AngularDimension items.
- AnisotropicDielectric
A 3D anisotropic medium.
- AnisotropicDielectricLayers
Layer properties of the layered anisotropic dielectric medium.
- AnisotropicDielectricLayersList
A list of AnisotropicDielectricLayers items.
- AntennaArrayElement
A finite antenna array element.
- AntennaArraySource
A finite antenna array element source.
- AntennaArraySourceList
A list of AntennaArraySource items.
- Application
The CADFEKO Application.
- BaseFieldReceivingAntenna
An base object for mesh triangle faces.
- BasisFunctionGlobalSolverSettings
Basis function control.
- BasisFunctionGlobalSolverSettingsList
A list of BasisFunctionGlobalSolverSettings items.
- BasisFunctionLocalSolverSettings
Solution basis function control properties. Only applies if basis function control has been enabled in the global solver settings.
- BasisFunctionLocalSolverSettingsList
A list of BasisFunctionLocalSolverSettings items.
- BezierCurve
A Bezier curve.
- Box
A box in 3D space. The box is defined by its two corners.
- CFXModelImportSettings
The CADFEKO model (*.cfx file) import settings.
- CFXModelImporter
The CADFEKO model (*.cfx file) importer.
- CableBundleCableSpecification
The type and position of a cable in a cable bundle.
- CableBundleCableSpecificationList
A list of CableBundleCableSpecification items.
- CableBundleCrossSection
A cable bundle cross section.
- CableCoaxialCrossSection
A coaxial cable cross section.
- CableConnector
A cable connector.
- CableConnectorPin
A cable connector pin.
- CableCrossSection
A cable cross section.
- CableGeneralNetwork
A cable general network component.
- CableHarness
A cable harness.
- CableInstance
A cable instance.
- CableNonConductingElementCrossSection
A non conducting element cable cross section.
- CablePath
A cable path.
- CablePathTerminal
A cable path terminal.
- CablePort
A cable port is created on a cable harness schematic.
- CableProbe
A cable probe.
- CableRibbonCrossSection
A ribbon cross section.
- CableRoute
A Lua table of
Point entities describing the path of a cable.
- CableSchematicCurrentProbe
A cable voltage current component.
- CableSchematicVoltageProbe
A cable voltage probe component.
- CableShield
A cable shield.
- CableSignal
The cable signal.
- CableSingleConductorCrossSection
A single conductor cable cross section.
- CableSpiceNetwork
A cable spice network component.
- CableTwistedPairCrossSection
A twisted pair cable cross section.
- Cables
Cable definitions and harnesses.
- Capacitor
A cable capacitor component.
- CartesianDescription
The description of an analytical curve using the Cartesian coordinate system.
- CartesianDescriptionList
A list of CartesianDescription items.
- CartesianRequestPoints
The Cartesian request point positions.
- CartesianRequestPointsList
A list of CartesianRequestPoints items.
- CartesianStructure
The cartesian coordinate system source description.
- CartesianStructureList
A list of CartesianStructure items.
- CharacterisedSurface
A characterised surface medium.
- CharacteristicModes
A solution characteristic modes analysis request.
- CharacteristicModesConfiguration
A characteristic modes configuration.
- CoaxialInsulationLayer
A core insulating layer for a CoaxialCableCrossSection.
- CoaxialInsulationLayerList
A list of CoaxialInsulationLayer items.
- Complex
A complex number.
- ComplexLoad
A cable complex load component.
- ComplexMatrix
A two-dimensional matrix.
- ComplexMatrixIndexer
This is an intermediate object that allows convenient indexing of multidimensional matrices.
- ComplexTensor
The rows of the tensor defined using complex expressions.
- ComplexTensorList
A list of ComplexTensor items.
- ComponentLaunchOptions
The components launch options that specifies the command line parameters for the various Altair Feko components.
- CompositeValue
A group or collection of properties.
- CompositeValueHierarchyList
A list of CompositeValue items.
- Cone
A cone.
- ConicalRequestPoints
The conical request point positions.
- ConicalRequestPointsList
A list of ConicalRequestPoints items.
- ConstrainedSurface
A constrained surface.
- ConstrainedSurfacePoint
A point used to define a constrained surface.
- ConstrainedSurfacePointList
A list of ConstrainedSurfacePoint items.
- Cross
A cross.
- CrossShape
A cross shape.
- Cuboid
A cuboid.
- CurrentSource
A current source, similar to a voltage source, but the current is impressed in the model.
- Currents
A solution currents request.
- CurrentsExportSettings
Currents export options.
- CurrentsExportSettingsList
A list of CurrentsExportSettings items.
- Cutplane
The cutplane object that will cut various items in the 3D View.
- Cylinder
A cylinder.
- CylindricalCircularArray
A finite antenna array with a cylindrical or circular distribution.
- CylindricalDescription
The description of an analytical curve using the cylindrical coordinate system.
- CylindricalDescriptionList
A list of CylindricalDescription items.
- CylindricalRequestPoints
The cylindrical request point positions.
- CylindricalRequestPointsList
A list of CylindricalRequestPoints items.
- CylindricalStructure
The cylindrical coordinate system source description.
- CylindricalStructureList
A list of CylindricalStructure items.
- CylindricalXRequestPoints
The cylindrical (X axis) request point positions.
- CylindricalXRequestPointsList
A list of CylindricalXRequestPoints items.
- CylindricalYRequestPoints
The cylindrical (Y axis) request point positions.
- CylindricalYRequestPointsList
A list of CylindricalYRequestPoints items.
- DefaultMedium
A non-physical medium that can be applied to a face or region. It allows the properties to be inferred from the surrounding face or region settings.
- DeviceGround
A cable device ground component.
- Dielectric
A dielectric medium.
- DielectricBoundaryMedium
A non-physical medium that can be applied to a face to describe the separation between two dielectric regions.
- DielectricFrequencyPoint
The dielectric modelling frequency point properties.
- DielectricFrequencyPointList
A list of DielectricFrequencyPoint items.
- DielectricModelling
Dielectric modelling properties.
- DielectricModellingList
A list of DielectricModelling items.
- Dimension
A dimension is a measurable extent of some kind, such as height or length.
- DimensionList
A list of Dimension items.
- DomainConnection
A pair of geometry labels that should be treated as connected.
- DomainConnectionList
A list of DomainConnection items.
- DomainConnectivity
Domain connections between unconnected faces.
- DomainDecompositionSettings
Domain decomposition solver settings.
- DomainDecompositionSettingsList
A list of DomainDecompositionSettings items.
- Edge
A geometry edge entity. When the edge is not connected to any faces it is considered to be a wire.
- EdgeMeshPort
An edge mesh port which is created along an edge defining the boundary between two sets of mesh faces.
- EdgeMeshRefinement
A mesh refinement on an edge.
- EdgePort
An edge port is created along an edge defining the boundary between two sets of faces.
- ElectricDipole
The electric dipole source represents an elementary dipole element with the specified orientation, magnitude and phase.
- Ellipse
An ellipse.
- EllipseShape
An ellipse shape.
- EllipticArc
An elliptic arc.
- ErrorEstimateRefinement
An adaptive refinement meshing rule. Reads the error estimates from an earlier solution and adds Point refinement rules in the areas where the errors are estimated to be the highest.
- ErrorEstimation
Error estimation is an a-posteriori error indicator which gives feedback on the mesh quality.
- Exporter
The model (geometry and mesh) exporter.
- ExpressionList
A list of Expression items.
- ExpressionTable
A table (2 dimensional list) of Expression items.
- FDTDBoundaryConditions
An FDTDBoundaryConditions request.
- FDTDBoundarySettings
The settings for an FDTD boundary.
- FDTDBoundarySettingsList
A list of FDTDBoundarySettings items.
- FDTDSettings
Settings for the finite difference time domain solver.
- FDTDSettingsList
A list of FDTDSettings items.
- FEKOGPUOptions
Feko Solver graphical processing units (GPU) launch options.
- FEKOGPUOptionsList
A list of FEKOGPUOptions items.
- FEKOLaunchOptions
The components launch options that specifies the command line parameters for the various Altair Feko components.
- FEKOLaunchOptionsList
A list of FEKOLaunchOptions items.
- FEKOParallelDiagnosticTests
Feko Solver parallel diagnostic test launch options. These settings should be disabled for normal Feko Solver runs to not degrade performance.
- FEKOParallelDiagnosticTestsList
A list of FEKOParallelDiagnosticTests items.
- FEKOParallelExecutionOptions
Feko Solver parallel execution launch options.
- FEKOParallelExecutionOptionsList
A list of FEKOParallelExecutionOptions items.
- FEKORemoteExecutionOptions
Feko Solver remote execution launch options.
- FEKORemoteExecutionOptionsList
A list of FEKORemoteExecutionOptions items.
- FEMLineMeshPort
A FEM line mesh port is used to define the location of an impressed current source and load in the FEM region.
- FEMLinePort
A FEM line port is used to define the location of an impressed current source and load in the FEM region.
- FEMModalMeshPort
A FEM modal mesh port is used to apply a modal port boundary condition on the boundary of a finite element (FEM) region.
- FEMModalPort
A FEM modal port is used to apply a modal port boundary condition on the boundary of a finite element (FEM) region.
- FEMModalSource
A FEM modal source.
- FEMSettings
FEM solver settings.
- FEMSettingsList
A list of FEMSettings items.
- Face
A geometry face entity.
- FarField
A solution far field request.
- FarFieldAdvancedSettings
The advanced far field settings.
- FarFieldAdvancedSettingsList
A list of FarFieldAdvancedSettings items.
- FarFieldData
A far field data using file structure import.
- FarFieldExportSettings
Far field export settings.
- FarFieldExportSettingsList
A list of FarFieldExportSettings items.
- FarFieldOptimisationGoal
A far field optimisation goal.
- FarFieldPBCSettings
Far field periodic boundary condition settings.
- FarFieldPBCSettingsList
A list of FarFieldPBCSettings items.
- FarFieldReceivingAntenna
A solution far field receiving antenna request.
- FarFieldSource
A solution far field source.
- FarFieldSphericalModeSettings
Far field spherical mode settings.
- FarFieldSphericalModeSettingsList
A list of FarFieldSphericalModeSettings items.
- FieldData
A field data definition.
- FileReference
A reference to a file.
- FileReferenceList
A list of FileReference items.
- FillHoleSettings
A settings object for filling a geometry hole.
- Find
The find tools.
- FittedSpline
A fitted spline.
- Flare
A flare.
- Form
A fully customisable dialog. The form can be used as the base component for facilitating feedback from interactive scripts.
- FormButtons
The form buttons.
- FormCheckBox
A check box item. Check boxes are used mainly in two cases. The first case is when a simple yes/no response is required. The second case is when multiple selections from a number options is permitted. In this case each option will be presented by a separate check box.
- FormComboBox
A combo box item. A combo box provides a list of options of which at least one must be selected.
- FormDirectoryBrowser
A directory browser item. When working with multiple files, it is often simplest to specify only the directory where the files are located. When generating multiple files, it is also useful to specify where the files should be stored. The directory browser is then a tool for navigating through the operating system's directory structures to set an active directory of interest.
- FormDoubleSpinBox
A spin box item supporting doubles. Spin boxes are sometimes also referred to as numeric steppers or spinners. Spin boxes are used to obtain a numerical value. Up and down arrows are provided to increment or decrement the value respectively. Alternatively, the numerical value can be typed into the input field.
- FormFileBrowser
A file browser item. The file browser can be used to navigate an operating system's directory structure to look for and select a file.
- FormFileSaveAsBrowser
A file browser item. The file browser can be used to navigate an operating system's directory structure to look for and select a file.
- FormGroupBox
A group box is a type of frame that contains other items. Group boxes are often used to make logical groupings of items and are therefore mainly design components. Functionally, group boxes make it easier to hide or disable several items simultaneously by simply modifying the properties of the group box container.
- FormImage
An image item. Images can be added to any form or group box. Supported formats include PNG, BMP and JPG/JPEG files.
- FormIntegerSpinBox
A spin box item. Spin boxes are sometimes also referred to as numeric steppers or spinners. Spin boxes can be used to obtain an integer value. Up and down arrows are provided to increment or decrement the value respectively. Alternatively, the numerical value can be typed into the input field.
- FormItem
The structure of all form items. All form items share a set of common properties that are listed here.
- FormLabel
A label item or a simple string of text. Labels are typically used to explain the contents of a form. Note that most form items already have a built-in label associated with it.
- FormLabelledItem
Allows access to built-in label objects associated with the derived form item.
- FormLayout
A layout is a type of frame that contains other items. Layouts are often used to make logical groupings of items and are therefore mainly design components. Functionally, layouts make it easier to hide or disable several items simultaneously by simply modifying the properties of the layout.
- FormLineEdit
A line edit item; also known as a text box or text field. A line edit is used to obtain text-based input from a user.
- FormProgressDialog
A progress dialog provides feedback for actions that take a long time to execute.When the progress value reaches 100 the dialog automatically closes.
- FormPushButton
A push button item. Push button are used to trigger a function/call back that is associated with the button.
- FormRadioButtonGroup
A radio button group item. Radio button groups are used when precisely one option out of a set of options can be selected.
- FormScrollArea
A scroll area is a type of frame that contains a scrolling view of other items. Scroll areas are often used to make logical groupings of items where many items need to be displayed.
- FormSeparator
A Separator item. Separators are used to visually group (or separate) items on a form. Both horizontal and vertical separators are available.
- FormTree
A tree.
- FormTreeItem
A tree item.
- FreeSpace
The default free space medium.
- Frequency
A solution frequency range.
- FrequencyAdvancedSettings
Advanced frequency properties.
- FrequencyAdvancedSettingsList
A list of FrequencyAdvancedSettings items.
- FrequencyContinuousQuantities
Quantities to include for adaptive frequency sampling.Quantities not included will be calculated at discrete solution frequency points.
- FrequencyContinuousQuantitiesList
A list of FrequencyContinuousQuantities items.
- FrequencyContinuousSettings
Advanced continuous frequency properties.
- FrequencyContinuousSettingsList
A list of FrequencyContinuousSettings items.
- FrequencyExportSettings
Properties that control how continuous frequency is sampled for exporting. These properties are only valid when Frequency Type is Continuous.
- FrequencyExportSettingsList
A list of FrequencyExportSettings items.
- FrequencyFDTDSettings
Advanced FDTD time interval properties.
- FrequencyFDTDSettingsList
A list of FrequencyFDTDSettings items.
- FundamentalModeOptions
The waveguide source fundamental mode options.
- FundamentalModeOptionsList
A list of FundamentalModeOptions items.
- GeneralNetwork
A general non-radiating network.
- GeneralSolverSettings
General solution solver settings.
- GeneralSolverSettingsList
A list of GeneralSolverSettings items.
- Geometry
A geometry object. All derived geometry objects share a set of common properties and methods that are listed here.
- GeometryExporter
The geometry exporter. Geometry can be exported to a variety of formats.
- GeometryImporter
The geometry importer.
- GeometryRebuild
The rebuild tools.
- GeometryRepair
A grouping of various geometry repair tools.
- GlobalCoordinates
Global coordinates define positions relative to the global coordinate system.
- GlobalCoordinatesList
A list of GlobalCoordinates items.
- GlobalMeshSettings
The global mesher settings.
- GlobalOrigin
Global origin defines an origin position relative to the global coordinate system.
- GlobalOriginList
A list of GlobalOrigin items.
- GlobalPlane
The global coordinate system plane.
- GlobalPlaneList
A list of GlobalPlane items.
- GlobalVector
Global vector defines a vector relative to the global coordinate system.
- GlobalVectorList
A list of GlobalVector items.
- Ground
A cable ground component.
- GroundPlane
The model's infinite plane/ground. The following may be defined: PEC, PMC ground planes, homogeneous half space and planar multilayer substrate (finite and infinite).
- GroundPlaneMedium
The finite ground plane medium.
- Helix
A helix.
- Hexagon
A hexagon.
- HexagonShape
A hexagon shape.
- HighFrequencySettings
High frequency solver settings.
- HighFrequencySettingsList
A list of HighFrequencySettings items.
- HyperbolicArc
A hyperbolic arc.
- ImpedanceOptimisationGoal
An impedance optimisation goal.
- ImpedanceSheet
An impedance sheet medium.
- Importer
The model (geometry and mesh) importer.
- ImpressedCurrent
An impressed current may be defined as a source in a model.
- ImprintPoints
Imprint points onto geometry.
- Inductor
A cable inductor component.
- Installation
A cable installation component.
- IntegralEquation
Integral equation settings.
- IntegralEquationList
A list of IntegralEquation items.
- Intersect
An intersect operator.
- IsotropicDielectricLayers
Layer properties of the layered dielectric medium.
- IsotropicDielectricLayersList
A list of IsotropicDielectricLayers items.
- IterativeSolverSettings
Settings for the iterative solver.
- IterativeSolverSettingsList
A list of IterativeSolverSettings items.
- KBLImporter
The KBL file importer.
- LaunchResult
The result of last Feko or external process run.
- Launcher
The object coordinating the launching of Feko and external processes.
- LayeredAnisotropicDielectric
A layered anisotropic dielectric medium.
- LayeredDielectric
A layered isotropic dielectric medium.
- LayeredIsotropicDielectric
A layered isotropic dielectric medium.
- LibraryMedium
A medium from the MediaLibrary.
- Line
A straight line.
- LinearPlanarArray
A finite antenna array with a planar or linear distribution.
- LinkProperties
The properties of a schematic link connection.
- LinkPropertiesList
A list of LinkProperties items.
- Load
A solution load.
- LocalCoordinate
Local coordinates typically define positions relative to the coordinate system of a 'LocalWorkplane'.
- LocalCoordinateList
A list of LocalCoordinate items.
- LocalInternalCoordinate
Local coordinates typically define positions relative to the coordinate system of a 'LocalWorkplane'.
- LocalInternalCoordinateList
A list of LocalInternalCoordinate items.
- LocalMeshSettings
Mesh settings that can be applied to root-level geometry or mesh parts.
- LocalVector
Local vector typically define a vector in the coordinate system.
- LocalVectorList
A list of LocalVector items.
- LocalWorkplane
The workplane.
- LocalWorkplaneList
A list of LocalWorkplane items.
- Loft
A loft operator.
- MLFMMACASettings
MLFMM / ACA solver settings.
- MLFMMACASettingsList
A list of MLFMMACASettings items.
- MLFMMSolverSettings
MLFMM solver settings.
- MLFMMSolverSettingsList
A list of MLFMMSolverSettings items.
- MagneticDipole
A magnetic dipole source can be either an electric ring current or a magnetic line current.
- MagneticFrequencyPoint
The magnetic modelling frequency point properties.
- MagneticFrequencyPointList
A list of MagneticFrequencyPoint items.
- MagneticModelling
Magnetic modelling properties.
- MagneticModellingList
A list of MagneticModelling items.
- MainWindow
The main window of the application.
- ManuallySpecifiedOrDerivedValue
A ManuallySpecifiedOrDerivedValue is a value that can be specified by a user or calculated automatically.
- ManuallySpecifiedOrDerivedValueList
A list of ManuallySpecifiedOrDerivedValue items.
- Matrix
A two-dimensional matrix.
- MatrixIndexer
This is an intermediate object that allows convenient indexing of multidimensional matrices.
- MdiSubWindow
A 3D model view window.
- Media
The media section of the definitions of the CADFEKO model.
- Medium
A medium.
- Mesh
An editable mesh object.
- MeshAdvancedSettings
Properties controlling advanced mesh creation.
- MeshAdvancedSettingsList
A list of MeshAdvancedSettings items.
- MeshCurvilinearSegmentWire
A mesh entity representing a wire meshed using curvilinear segments.
- MeshCurvilinearTriangleFace
A mesh entity representing a face meshed using curvilinear triangles.
- MeshCurvilinearWire
An abstract (base) object for curvilinear mesh segment wires.
- MeshCylinder
A mesh entity representing one or more unmeshed cylinders. This type of mesh is typically solved using a solution method that does not require fine subdivision, like the uniform theory of diffraction.
- MeshCylinderReference
A reference to a mesh cylinder.
- MeshExporter
The mesh exporter.
- MeshFind
The mesh find tools.
- MeshImporter
The mesh importer.
- MeshInfo
The quality of the mesh can be examined through these properties.
- MeshPlate
A mesh entity representing one or more unmeshed polygons. This type of mesh is typically solved using a solution method that does not require fine subdivision, like the uniform theory of diffraction.
- MeshPolygonReference
A reference to a mesh polygon.
- MeshRefinementRule
A mesh refinement rule.
- MeshRegion
An abstract (base) object for mesh regions.
- MeshRepair
A grouping of various mesh repair tools.
- MeshSegmentReference
A reference to a mesh segment.
- MeshSegmentWire
A mesh entity representing a wire meshed using segments.
- MeshSettings
The model mesher.
- MeshTetrahedronReference
A reference to a mesh tetrahedron.
- MeshTetrahedronRegion
A mesh entity representing a region meshed with tetrahedra.
- MeshTopology
A mesh entity forming part of the mesh.
- MeshTriangleFace
A mesh entity representing a face meshed using triangles.
- MeshTriangleReference
A reference to a mesh triangle.
- MeshVertexReference
A reference to a mesh vertex.
- MeshWire
An abstract (base) object for mesh segment wires.
- Mesher
The model mesher.
- MesherTypeSettings
The mesher type settings.
- MessageWindow
The application message window. Messages with various formatting can be written to the message window.
- Metal
A metallic medium.
- MetallicFrequencyPoint
Metallic medium frequency point properties.
- MetallicFrequencyPointList
A list of MetallicFrequencyPoint items.
- MicrostripMeshPort
A microstrip mesh port is used to represent a feed line on a microstrip structure.
- MicrostripPort
A microstrip port is used to represent a feed line on a microstrip structure.
- Mirror
The mirror transform.
- Model
The CADFEKO Model.
- ModelAttributes
The model attributes.
- ModelContents
The contents section of the CADFEKO model.
- ModelDecomposition
A solution model decomposition request.
- ModelDefinitions
The definitions section of the CADFEKO model.
- ModelMeshInfo
The quality of the mesh can be examined through these properties.
- ModelSymmetry
The model symmetry planes.
- NamedPoint
A named point in 3D space. This object lives in the CADFEKO project. NamedPoints are defined by expressions. Mathematical operations cannot be done on NamedPoints, use 'Point' instead.
- NearField
A solution near field request.
- NearFieldAdvancedSettings
The advanced near field settings.
- NearFieldAdvancedSettingsList
A list of NearFieldAdvancedSettings items.
- NearFieldBoundarySurface
The near field Cartesian boundary surface settings.
- NearFieldBoundarySurfaceList
A list of NearFieldBoundarySurface items.
- NearFieldDataFileStructure
A near field data file structure specification.
- NearFieldDataFullImport
An aperture data using full file import.
- NearFieldExportSettings
Near field export options.
- NearFieldExportSettingsList
A list of NearFieldExportSettings items.
- NearFieldOptimisationGoal
A near field optimisation goal.
- NearFieldReceivingAntenna
A solution near field receiving antenna request.
- NearFieldSource
A solution aperture source.
- Net
The wire that connects schematic terminals.
- Network
An abstract (base) object for non-radiating networks.
- NormalDimension
An amount measured in regular units, such as metres or feet.
- NormalDimensionList
A list of NormalDimension items.
- NumericalGreensFunction
The numerical Green's function (NGF) applied to the model.
- NurbsControlPoint
A weighted point used for controlling a NURB surface.
- NurbsControlPointList
A list of NurbsControlPoint items.
- NurbsControlPointTable
A table (2 dimensional list) of NurbsControlPoint items.
- NurbsSurface
A NURBS surface.
- OPTFEKOLaunchOptions
OPTFEKO launch options.
- OPTFEKOLaunchOptionsList
A list of OPTFEKOLaunchOptions items.
- Object
An object is anything that can be selected in CADFEKO.
- ObjectReferenceList
A list of ObjectReference items.
- ObjectReferenceTable
A table (2 dimensional list) of ObjectReference items.
- OpenRing
An open ring.
- OpenRingShape
A open ring shape.
- Optimisation
An optimisation object.
- OptimisationCombination
A combined set of goals where only the minimum, maximum or average value of all of the errors of all of the goals in the set is taken.
- OptimisationConstraint
- OptimisationConstraintList
A list of OptimisationConstraint items.
- OptimisationGoal
An optimisation goal.
- OptimisationGoalObjective
The optimisation goal objective.
- OptimisationGoalProcessingSteps
Focus processing steps.
- OptimisationGoalProcessingStepsList
A list of OptimisationGoalProcessingSteps items.
- OptimisationMask
An optimisation mask.
- OptimisationMaskValues
The graph value pairs of the optimisation mask.
- OptimisationMaskValuesList
A list of OptimisationMaskValues items.
- OptimisationOperator
An optimisation operator.
- OptimisationParameters
An optimisation parameters object that defines the variables which may be used during the optimisation process.
- OptimisationSearch
An optimisation search object.
- OptimisationSearchAdvancedSettings
The Advanced optimisation search settings.
- OptimisationVariable
- OptimisationVariableList
A list of OptimisationVariable items.
- OutputFileSolverSettings
Output file solver settings.
- OutputFileSolverSettingsList
A list of OutputFileSolverSettings items.
The PCB importer.
- PCBCurrentData
PCB current data using PollEx.
- PCBSource
A solution PCB source.
- PREFEKOLaunchOptions
PREFEKO launch options.
- PREFEKOLaunchOptionsList
A list of PREFEKOLaunchOptions items.
- PREFEKOVariableExportOptions
PREFEKO variables (names, values, comments) export launch options.
- PREFEKOVariableExportOptionsList
A list of PREFEKOVariableExportOptions items.
- ParabolicArc
A parabolic arc.
- Paraboloid
A paraboloid.
- ParametricComplexExpression
A complex expression is a Lua string that defines a complex expression.
- ParametricComplexExpressionList
A list of ParametricComplexExpression items.
- ParametricComplexExpressionTable
A table (2 dimensional list) of ParametricComplexExpression items.
- ParametricExpression
An expression is a Lua string containing variables and numbers. Eg: (1+5)*10
- ParametricExpressionList
A list of ParametricExpression items.
- PathSweep
A path sweep operator.
- PerfectElectricConductor
The default perfect electric conductor medium.
- PerfectMagneticConductor
The default perfect magnetic conductor medium.
- PeriodicBoundary
The periodic boundary condition (PBC) for the model. PBCs are used to simulate structures that repeat to infinity. PBC is often used to simulate frequency selective surfaces (FSS) and infinite antenna arrays.
- PeriodicBoundaryBeamSquintAngle
Beam pointing (squint) angle used for modelling arrays by using periodic boundary conditions.
- PeriodicBoundaryBeamSquintAngleList
A list of PeriodicBoundaryBeamSquintAngle items.
- PeriodicBoundaryPhaseShift
The phase shift to be applied in the direction of each of the vectors defining the unit-cell.
- PeriodicBoundaryPhaseShiftList
A list of PeriodicBoundaryPhaseShift items.
- PlanarSubstrate
The planar substrate properties.
- PlanarSubstrateList
A list of PlanarSubstrate items.
- PlaneShape
A plane shape.
- PlaneWave
A plane wave may be defined as a source in a model.
- Point
A point in 3D space. This object lives in the Lua session only. Points are defined by numbers and cannot be defined with expressions. Mathematical operations can be done on points.
- PointAngleRange
A range of points defined between a start and end angles.
- PointAngleRangeList
A list of PointAngleRange items.
- PointExpressionTable
A table (2 dimensional list) of PointExpression items.
- PointRange
A range of points defined between a start and end point.
- PointRangeExpression
A type of parametric expression used in point ranges.
- PointRangeExpressionList
A list of PointRangeExpression items.
- PointRangeList
A list of PointRange items.
- PointRefinement
A point refinement meshing rule. Objects in the vicinity of the point are meshed finer.
- PolderTensor
The parameters used to define a Polder tensor.
- PolderTensorList
A list of PolderTensor items.
- Polygon
A polygon.
- Polyline
A polyline.
- PolylineRefinement
A point refinement meshing rule. Objects in the vicinity of the polyline are meshed finer.
- Port
A port.
- PortProperties
The S-parameter port properties.
- PortPropertiesList
A list of PortProperties items.
- Power
The power settings.
- PowerOptimisationGoal
A power optimisation goal.
- PreconditionerSettings
Preconditioner solver settings.
- PreconditionerSettingsList
A list of PreconditionerSettings items.
- Primitive
A primitive operator.
- ProjectGeometry
Project geometry onto a part.
- ProtectedModel
A concealed password protected component.
- RLGOFaceAbsorbingSettings
The face absorption, reflection and transmission properties with regards to rays.
- RLGOFaceAbsorbingSettingsList
A list of RLGOFaceAbsorbingSettings items.
- RayContributionsFacetedUTD
Ray contribution settings.
- RayContributionsFacetedUTDList
A list of RayContributionsFacetedUTD items.
- RayContributionsRLGO
Ray contribution settings.
- RayContributionsRLGOList
A list of RayContributionsRLGO items.
- RayContributionsUTD
Ray contribution settings.
- RayContributionsUTDList
A list of RayContributionsUTD items.
- ReceivingAntennaOptimisationGoal
A receiving antenna optimisation goal.
- Rectangle
A rectangle.
- ReferenceDirection
The reference direction vector components.
- ReferenceDirectionList
A list of ReferenceDirection items.
- Region
A geometry region entity.
- RemoveSmallFeaturesSettings
A settings object for removing small geometry features.
- RepairAndSewFaces
Represents a geometry object that has been repaired and sewn.
- RepairAndSewFacesSettings
A settings object for repairing and sewing geometry faces.
- RepairEdgesSettings
A settings object for repairing geometry edges.
- RepairPart
Represents a geometry object that has been repaired.
- RepairPartsSettings
A settings object for repairing geometry parts.
- Resistor
A cable resistor component.
- Ring
A ring.
- RingShape
A ring shape.
- Rotate
A rotate transform.
A SAR request.
- SAROptimisationGoal
A SAR optimisation goal.
- SParameter
A solution S-parameter request.
- SParameterConfiguration
An S-parameter configuration.
- SParameterOptimisationGoal
An S-parameter optimisation goal.
- Scale
A scale transformation.
- Schematic
A schematic.
- SchematicLink
Define a connection between circuit element on the schematic and the geometry model.
- SchematicViewMdiSubWindow
The window that contains the schematic view.
- SchematicViewWindow
A schematic view window.
- ScopeSettings
Limits the field calculation to only use the sources on the specified elements.
- ScopeSettingsList
A list of ScopeSettings items.
- Shape
A shape object.
- ShieldLayerSettings
The shield layer settings.
- ShieldLayerSettingsList
A list of ShieldLayerSettings items.
- ShieldedEnclosure
Shielded enclosure where cables can connect to circuitry and other cables.
- Simplify
Simplify a part.
- SimplifyEdgeSettings
Edge and wire simplification settings.
- SimplifyEdgeSettingsList
A list of SimplifyEdgeSettings items.
- SimplifyFaceSettings
Face simplification settings.
- SimplifyFaceSettingsList
A list of SimplifyFaceSettings items.
- SimplifyPartRepresentationSettings
A settings object for simplifying part representation.
- SimplifyPointSettings
Point simplification settings.
- SimplifyPointSettingsList
A list of SimplifyPointSettings items.
- SimplifyRegionSettings
Region simplification settings.
- SimplifyRegionSettingsList
A list of SimplifyRegionSettings items.
- SimulationMeshInfo
The quality of the mesh can be examined through these properties.
- SolutionCoefficientData
Solution coefficient data.
- SolutionCoefficientSource
A solution SolutionCoefficient source.
- SolutionConfiguration
A solution configuration.
- SolutionSettings
The model solution settings.
- SolverSettings
The solution solver settings.
- Source
An abstract (base) object for sources.
- SpecifiedRequestPoints
The Specified request point positions.
- SpecifiedRequestPointsList
A list of SpecifiedRequestPoints items.
- Sphere
A spheroid.
- SphericalDescription
The description of an analytical curve using the spherical coordinate system.
- SphericalDescriptionList
A list of SphericalDescription items.
- SphericalModeDataFromFile
A spherical modes data using full file import.
- SphericalModeDataManuallySpecified
A spherical modes data using manual specifications.
- SphericalModeOptions
For manual specification, each mode must be defined separately per specification entry.
- SphericalModeOptionsList
A list of SphericalModeOptions items.
- SphericalModeReceivingAntenna
A solution spherical modes receiving antenna request.
- SphericalModeSource
A solution spherical modes source.
- SphericalRequestPoints
The spherical request point positions.
- SphericalRequestPointsList
A list of SphericalRequestPoints items.
- SphericalStructure
The spherical coordinate system source description.
- SphericalStructureList
A list of SphericalStructure items.
- Spin
A spin operator.
- SpiralCross
A spiral cross.
- SpiralCrossShape
A spiral cross shape.
- Split
A split operator.
- SplitRing
A split ring.
- SplitRingShape
A split ring shape.
- StandardConfiguration
A standard configuration.
- Stitch
A stitch operator.
- StripCross
A strip cross.
- StripCrossShape
A strip cross shape.
- StripHexagon
A strip hexagon.
- StripHexagonShape
A strip hexagon shape.
- Subtract
A subtract operator.
- SurfaceBezierCurve
A surface Bezier curve.
- SurfaceCoordinate
Surface coordinates are used to define a 2D position (U', V') on a work surface.
- SurfaceCoordinateList
A list of SurfaceCoordinate items.
- SurfaceImpedanceFrequencyPoint
Surface impedance modelling frequency point properties.
- SurfaceImpedanceFrequencyPointList
A list of SurfaceImpedanceFrequencyPoint items.
- SurfaceLine
A surface line.
- SurfaceRegularLines
Regular surface lines.
- Sweep
A sweep operator.
- TCross
A T-cross.
- TCrossShape
A t-cross shape.
- Terminal
A terminal of a component or a net.
- TopologyEntity
An abstract (base) object for elements with topology information.
- Transform
A transform on a 3d object, e.g. geometry or mesh.
- Transformer
A cable transformer component.
- Translate
A translate transform.
- TransmissionLine
An ideal non-radiating transmission line.
- TransmissionReflection
A transmission / reflection coefficient calculations request.
- TransmissionReflectionOptimisationGoal
A transmission / reflection optimisation goal.
- Trifilar
A trifilar.
- TrifilarShape
A trifilar shape.
- UTDCylinderTerminationType
The uniform theory of diffraction (UTD) solution settings for cylinder regions.
- UTDCylinderTerminationTypeList
A list of UTDCylinderTerminationType items.
- UVPoint
A point in 2D space. This object lives in the Lua session only. Points are defined by numbers and cannot be defined with expressions. Mathematical operations can be done on points.
- Union
A union operator.
- UnitCell
A unit cell.
- UnitCellLayer
A layer within a unit cell.
- UnitCellLayerList
A list of UnitCellLayer items.
- UnprotectedInformation
Provides public information about the protected component.
- Variable
A variable expression.
- Vector
A Cartesian vector (direction). This object lives in the Lua session only. Vectors are defined by numbers and cannot be defined with expressions. Mathematical operations can be done on vectors.
- Version
An object that describes that application version in detail.
- View3DAxesFormat
The view 3D axes properties.
- View3DAxesFormatList
A list of View3DAxesFormat items.
- ViewDisplayMode
The view display mode properties.
- ViewDisplayModeList
A list of ViewDisplayMode items.
- ViewRenderingOptions
The view rendering properties.
- ViewRenderingOptionsList
A list of ViewRenderingOptions items.
- ViewXt
A 3D model view where results can be plotted.
- ViewXtWindow
A 3D model view window.
- VoltageControlledVoltageSource
A cable voltage controlled voltage source component.
- VoltageSource
A voltage source, impresses a voltage on the model.
- VoxelAdvancedSettings
Properties controlling advanced voxel mesh creation.
- VoxelAdvancedSettingsList
A list of VoxelAdvancedSettings items.
- VoxelGridSummary
Information about the voxel grid setup.
- VoxelGridSummaryList
A list of VoxelGridSummary items.
- VoxelSettings
Settings applicable only to the creation of the voxel mesh.
- WaveguideMeshPort
A waveguide mesh port is used to define a plane of excitation for a waveguide structure.
- WaveguideModeOptions
The waveguide mode properties.
- WaveguideModeOptionsList
A list of WaveguideModeOptions items.
- WaveguidePort
A waveguide port is used to define a plane of excitation for a waveguide structure.
- WaveguideSource
A waveguide source.
- Windscreen
A windscreen medium.
- WindscreenSolutionMethod
Windscreen solution method properties.
- WindscreenSolutionMethodList
A list of WindscreenSolutionMethod items.
- WireMeshPort
A port on a wire mesh segment or vertex.
- WirePort
A wire port is created on a wire edge, i.e. a free edge that does not form a face boundary.
- WorkSurface
A work surface.
- Workplane
A workplane.
- Zero
A non-physical medium that can be used with 3D anisotropic media. It represents no coupling to the particular tensor component.