- Antenna Synthesis and Analysis
Simple examples demonstrating antenna synthesis and analysis.
- Antenna Placement
Simple examples demonstrating antenna placement.
- Radar Cross Section (RCS)
Simple examples demonstrating radar cross section (RCS) calculations of objects.
- EMC Analysis and Cable Coupling
Simple examples demonstrating electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) analysis and cable coupling.
- Waveguide and Microwave Circuits
Simple examples demonstrating using waveguides and microwave circuits.
- Bio Electromagnetics
Simple examples demonstrating phantom and tissue exposure analsysis.
- Time Domain
A simple example demonstrating the time analysis of an incident plane wave on an obstacle.
- Special Solution Methods
Simple examples demonstrating using continuous frequency range, using the MLFMM for large models, using the LE-PO (large element physical optics) on subparts of the model and optimising the waveguide pin feed location.
- User Interface Tools
Simple examples demonstrating using Feko application automation, matching circuit generation with Optenni Lab and optimising a bandpass filter with HyperStudy.