- Dipole
Calculate the radiation pattern and input impedance for a half-wavelength dipole at 74.9 MHz. The dipole length is 2 m with a wire radius of 2 mm.
- Dipole in Front of a Cube
Calculate the radiation pattern for a half-wavelength dipole in front of a cuboid. View the effect of the cuboid on the radiation pattern.
- Dipole in Front of a Plate
Calculate the radiation pattern of a dipole in front of an electrically large plate. Several techniques available in Feko are considered and the results and resource requirements compared.
- Monopole Antenna on a Finite Ground Plane
Calculate the radiation pattern for a wire monopole antenna on a finite ground plane. The ground plane is modelled as a circular PEC ground plane.
- Yagi-Uda Antenna Above a Real Ground
Calculate the radiation pattern for a horizontally polarised Yagi-Uda antenna consisting of a dipole, a reflector and three directors at 400 MHz. The antenna is located 3 m above a real ground which is modelled with the Green’s function formulation.
- Pattern Optimisation of a Yagi-Uda Antenna
Optimise a Yagi-Uda antenna design to achieve a specific radiation pattern and gain at 1 GHz. The Yagi-Uda antenna consists of a dipole, reflector and two directors.
- Log Periodic Dipole Array Antenna
Calculate the radiation pattern and input impedance for a log periodic dipole array (LPDA) antenna. Non-radiating transmission lines are used to model the boom of the LPDA antenna.
- Microstrip Patch Antenna
Model a microstrip patch antenna using two feed methods (pin feed, microstrip edge feed). The dielectric substrate is considered as a finite substrate and an infinite planar multilayer substrate.
- Proximity Coupled Patch Antenna with Microstrip Feed
Calculate the input reflection coefficient of a proximity coupled patch antenna on an infinite substrate.
- Aperture Coupled Patch Antenna
Calculate the input reflection coefficient of an aperture coupled patch antenna. Use continuous frequency sampling to minimise runtime. Compare results for a finite and infinite dielectric.
- Different Ways to Feed a Horn Antenna
Calculate the far field pattern of a pyramidal horn antenna at 1.645 GHz.
- Dielectric Resonator Antenna on Finite Ground
Calculate the input impedance and radiation pattern of a dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) with a coaxial pin feed on a finite ground.
- Dielectric Lens Antenna
Calculate the radiation pattern of a dielectric lens antenna. The lens is illuminated by an equivalent far field source with an ideal cosine pattern. The lens structure is modelled using the ray launching geometrical optics (RL-GO). Compare the RL-GO solution with a hybrid FEM/MoM solution.
- Windscreen Antenna on an Automobile
Calculate the input impedance of a windscreen antenna constructed with wires. The windscreen consists of a layer of glass and a layer of foil.
- MIMO Elliptical Ring Antenna (Characteristic Modes)
Calculate the current distribution and far fields for a MIMO elliptical ring antenna. Use characteristic mode analysis to calculate the results for different modes.
- Periodic Boundary Conditions for Array Analysis
Calculate the far field pattern for a single element in an infinite two-dimensional array of pin-fed patch elements. The infinite patch array is modelled using periodic boundary condition. Calculate the approximated far field pattern for a 10x10 element array.
- Finite Antenna Array with Non-Linear Spacing
Calculate the radiation pattern for an array of arbitrarily placed pin-fed patch antennas. Use the finite array tool to construct the array and the domain Green's function method (DGFM) to minimize computational resources.