A collection of geometry.
application = cf.Application.GetInstance() project = application:NewProject() -- Create various geometry objects project.Contents.Geometry:AddCuboid(cf.Point(1,0,0),1,1,1) project.Contents.Geometry:AddLine(cf.Point(0,0,0),cf.Point(1,1,1)) project.Contents.Geometry:AddSphere(cf.Point(0,0,0),1) project.Contents.Geometry:Union({project.Contents.Geometry[1], project.Contents.Geometry[2]}) -- Lock all the geometry for value,geometry in pairs(project.Contents.Geometry) do geometry.Locked = true end
The GeometryCollection object is derived from the OperatorCollection object.
The following objects are derived (specialisations) from the GeometryCollection object:
Usage locations
The GeometryCollection object can be accessed from the following locations:
- Collection lists
- ModelContents object has collection Geometry.
Property List
- BoundingBox
- A box indicating the bounding box of this entity. (Read only Box). (Read only Box)
- Count
- The number of Geometry items in the collection. (Read only number)
- FaultyParts
- Contains all faulty parts in the model. (Read only List of Geometry)
- Find
- The geometry find tools. (Read only Find)
- Label
- The object label. (Read/Write string)
- Locked
- A boolean that indicates whether the entity or it's ancestor is locked or not. (Read/Write boolean)
- Rebuild
- The geometry rebuild tools. (Read only GeometryRebuild)
- Repair
- The geometry repair tools. (Read only GeometryRepair)
- Type
- The object type string. (Read only string)
Method List
- AddAnalyticalCurve (properties table)
- Create an analytical curve from a table defining the properties. (Returns a AnalyticalCurve object.)
- AddAnalyticalCurve (start Expression, end Expression, u Expression, v Expression, n Expression)
- Create an analytical curve in the Cartesian coordinate system. (Returns a AnalyticalCurve object.)
- AddAnalyticalCurveCylindrical (start Expression, end Expression, rho Expression, phi Expression, n Expression)
- Create an analytical curve in the cylindrical coordinate system. (Returns a AnalyticalCurve object.)
- AddAnalyticalCurveSpherical (start Expression, end Expression, r Expression, theta Expression, phi Expression)
- Create an analytical curve in the spherical coordinate system. (Returns a AnalyticalCurve object.)
- AddBezierCurve (properties table)
- Create a Bezier from a table defining the properties. (Returns a BezierCurve object.)
- AddBezierCurve (startpoint Point, starttangent Point, endtangent Point, endpoint Point)
- Create a Bezier curve from the given coordinates. (Returns a BezierCurve object.)
- AddCone (properties table)
- Create a cone from a table defining the properties. (Returns a Cone object.)
- AddCone (base Point, baseradius Expression, topradius Expression, height Expression)
- Create a cone by specifying height and top radius in addition to the centre and radius at the base. (Returns a Cone object.)
- AddConeWithAngleAndHeight (base Point, baseradius Expression, angle Expression, height Expression)
- Create a cone by specifying the height and side angle in addition to the centre and radius at the base. (Returns a Cone object.)
- AddConeWithAngleAndTopCentre (base Point, baseradius Expression, angle Expression, top Point)
- Create a cone by specifying the top centre position and side angle in addition to the centre and radius at the base. (Returns a Cone object.)
- AddConeWithTopRadiusAndTopCentre (base Point, baseradius Expression, topradius Expression, top Point)
- Create a cone by specifying the centre and radius at the top in addition to the centre and radius at the base. (Returns a Cone object.)
- AddConstrainedSurface (properties table)
- Create a constrained surface from a table defining the properties. (Returns a ConstrainedSurface object.)
- AddConstrainedSurface (positionlist List of Point, normallist List of Point, uvpointlist List of UVPoint)
- Add a constrained surface operator. (Returns a ConstrainedSurface object.)
- AddCross (properties table)
- Create a cross from a table defining the properties. (Returns a Cross object.)
- AddCross (centrepoint Point, armlengthu Expression, armlengthv Expression, stripwidth Expression)
- Create a cross at the specified centre, arm lengths and strip width. (Returns a Cross object.)
- AddCuboid (properties table)
- Create a cuboid from a table defining the properties. (Returns a Cuboid object.)
- AddCuboid (cornerpoint Point, width Expression, depth Expression, height Expression)
- Create a cuboid at the specified base corner and dimensions. (Returns a Cuboid object.)
- AddCuboidAtCentre (centrepoint Point, width Expression, depth Expression, height Expression)
- Create a cuboid at the specified base centre and dimensions. (Returns a Cuboid object.)
- AddCylinder (properties table)
- Create a cylinder from a table defining the properties. (Returns a Cylinder object.)
- AddCylinder (centrepoint Point, radius Expression, height Expression)
- Create a cylinder at the specified base centre, radius and height. (Returns a Cylinder object.)
- AddCylinderWithTopCentre (centrepoint Point, radius Expression, topcentrepoint Point)
- Create a cylinder at the specified base centre, radius and top centre. (Returns a Cylinder object.)
- AddEllipse (properties table)
- Create an ellipse from a table defining the properties. (Returns a Ellipse object.)
- AddEllipse (centrepoint Point, radiusu Expression, radiusv Expression)
- Create an ellipse at a given centre point and 2 radii. (Returns a Ellipse object.)
- AddEllipticArc (properties table)
- Create an elliptic arc from a table defining the properties. (Returns a EllipticArc object.)
- AddEllipticArc (ellipsecentre Point, radiusu Expression, radiusv Expression, startangle Expression, endangle Expression)
- Create an elliptic arc by specifying the ellipse centre point, radii and the arc angles. (Returns a EllipticArc object.)
- AddEllipticArcWithAperture (aperturecentre Point, depth Expression, apertureradius Expression, eccentricity Expression, majoraxisdirection EllipticArcMajorAxisDirectionEnum)
- Create an elliptic arc by specifying the aperture centre point, depth, radius and eccentricity. (Returns a EllipticArc object.)
- AddFittedSpline (properties table)
- Create a fitted spline from a table defining the properties. (Returns a FittedSpline object.)
- AddFittedSpline (points List of Point)
- Create a fitted spline from the given coordinates. (Returns a FittedSpline object.)
- AddFlare (properties table)
- Create a flare from a table defining the properties. (Returns a Flare object.)
- AddFlare (base Point, bottomwidth Expression, bottomdepth Expression, height Expression, topwidth Expression, topdepth Expression)
- Create a flare by specifying the height, bottom- and top width, bottom- and top depth in addition to the centre at the base. (Returns a Flare object.)
- AddFlareWithBaseCentreAndFlareAngles (base Point, bottomwidth Expression, bottomdepth Expression, height Expression, angleu Expression, anglev Expression)
- Create a flare by specifying the height, bottom width, bottom depth and flare angles in addition to the centre at the base. (Returns a Flare object.)
- AddFlareWithBaseCorner (base Point, bottomwidth Expression, bottomdepth Expression, height Expression, topwidth Expression, topdepth Expression)
- Create a flare by specifying the height, bottom- and top width, bottom- and top depth in addition to the corner at the base. (Returns a Flare object.)
- AddFlareWithBaseCornerAndTopCorner (base Point, top Point, bottomwidth Expression, bottomdepth Expression)
- Create a flare by specifying a corner at the base, a corner at the top as well as the bottom width and depth. (Returns a Flare object.)
- AddHelix (properties table)
- Create a helix from a table defining the properties. (Returns a Helix object.)
- AddHelix (basecentre Point, baseradius Expression, endradius Expression, height Expression, turns Expression, lefthandrotated boolean)
- Create a variable radius helix by specifying the top and bottom radii, the height and number of turns. (Returns a Helix object.)
- AddHelixWithHeight (basecentre Point, radius Expression, height Expression, pitchangle Expression, lefthandrotated boolean)
- Create a constant radius helix with the number of turns implied by the height. (Returns a Helix object.)
- AddHelixWithTurns (basecentre Point, radius Expression, pitchangle Expression, turns Expression, lefthandrotated boolean)
- Create a constant radius helix with height implied by the number of turns. (Returns a Helix object.)
- AddHexagon (properties table)
- Create a hexagon from a table defining the properties. (Returns a Hexagon object.)
- AddHexagon (centrepoint Point, width Expression)
- Create a hexagon at the specified centre and width. (Returns a Hexagon object.)
- AddHyperbolicArc (properties table)
- Create a hyperbolic arc from a table defining the properties. (Returns a HyperbolicArc object.)
- AddHyperbolicArc (basecentre Point, depth Expression, radius Expression, eccentricity Expression)
- Create a hyperbolic arc by specifying the hyperbola base centre point, the radius, depth and eccentricity. (Returns a HyperbolicArc object.)
- AddHyperbolicArcAtApertureCentre (aperturecentre Point, depth Expression, radius Expression, eccentricity Expression)
- Create a hyperbolic arc by specifying the centre point of the arc's aperture, the radius, depth and eccentricity. (Returns a HyperbolicArc object.)
- AddLine (properties table)
- Create a line from a table defining the properties. (Returns a Line object.)
- AddLine (startpoint Point, endpoint Point)
- Create a straight line between the given start and end coordinates. (Returns a Line object.)
- AddNurbsSurface (properties table)
- Create a NURBS surface from a table defining the properties. (Returns a NurbsSurface object.)
- AddNurbsSurface (points PointExpressionTable, weights ExpressionTable)
- Create a NURBS surface by specifying all control points and all weights. The number of rows and columns (U' and V' direction orders) will be derived implicitly from the provided 2D tables' size. (Returns a NurbsSurface object.)
- AddOpenRing (properties table)
- Create an open ring from a table defining the properties. (Returns a OpenRing object.)
- AddOpenRing (centrepoint Point, outerradius Expression, innerradius Expression, gapangle Expression, startangle Expression)
- Create an open ring at the specified centre, outer and inner radius, gap angle and start angle. (Returns a OpenRing object.)
- AddParabolicArc (properties table)
- Create a parabolic arc from a table defining the properties. (Returns a ParabolicArc object.)
- AddParabolicArc (basecentre Point, radius Expression, focaldepth Expression)
- Create a parabolic arc by specifying the parabola base centre point, radius and focal depth. (Returns a ParabolicArc object.)
- AddParabolicArcAtApertureCentre (aperturecentre Point, radius Expression, depth Expression)
- Create a parabolic arc by specifying the centre point of the arc's aperture, the radius and depth. (Returns a ParabolicArc object.)
- AddParabolicArcAtBaseCentre (basecentre Point, radius Expression, depth Expression)
- Create a parabolic arc by specifying the parabola base centre point, radius and depth. (Returns a ParabolicArc object.)
- AddParaboloid (properties table)
- Create a paraboloid from a table defining the properties. (Returns a Paraboloid object.)
- AddParaboloid (centrepoint Point, radius Expression, focaldepth Expression)
- Create a paraboloid at a given centre point, with specified radius and focal depth. (Returns a Paraboloid object.)
- AddPolygon (properties table)
- Create a polygon from a table defining the properties. (Returns a Polygon object.)
- AddPolyline (properties table)
- Create a polyline from a table defining the properties. (Returns a Polyline object.)
- AddPolyline (points List of Point)
- Create a polyline from the given coordinates. (Returns a Polyline object.)
- AddRectangle (cornerpoint Point, width Expression, depth Expression)
- Create a rectangle at the specified base corner and dimensions. (Returns a Rectangle object.)
- AddRectangle (properties table)
- Create a rectangle from the properties given. (Returns a Rectangle object.)
- AddRectangleAtCentre (centrepoint Point, width Expression, depth Expression)
- Create a rectangle at the specified base centre and dimensions. (Returns a Rectangle object.)
- AddRing (properties table)
- Create a ring from a table defining the properties. (Returns a Ring object.)
- AddRing (centrepoint Point, outerradius Expression, innerradius Expression)
- Create a ring at the specified centre, outer and inner radius. (Returns a Ring object.)
- AddSphere (centre Point, radius Expression)
- Create a sphere with the specified radius. (Returns a Sphere object.)
- AddSpheroid (properties table)
- Create a spheroid from a table defining the properties. (Returns a Sphere object.)
- AddSpheroid (centre Point, radiusu Expression, radiusv Expression, radiusn Expression)
- Create a spheroid at centre with radii specified in the U, V and N directions. (Returns a Sphere object.)
- AddSpiralCross (properties table)
- Create a spiral cross from a table defining the properties. (Returns a SpiralCross object.)
- AddSpiralCross (centrepoint Point, armlength Expression, edgelength Expression, spirallength Expression, stripwidth Expression)
- Create a spiral cross at the specified centre, arm length, edge length, spiral length and strip width. (Returns a SpiralCross object.)
- AddSplitRing (properties table)
- Create a split ring from a table defining the properties. (Returns a SplitRing object.)
- AddSplitRing (centrepoint Point, outerradius Expression, innerradius Expression, gapangle Expression, startangle Expression)
- Create a split ring at the specified centre, outer and inner radius, gap angle and start angle. (Returns a SplitRing object.)
- AddStripCross (properties table)
- Create a strip cross from a table defining the properties. (Returns a StripCross object.)
- AddStripCross (properties Point, armlengthu Expression, armlengthv Expression, stripwidth Expression, slotwidth Expression)
- Create a strip cross at the specified centre, arm lengths, strip width and slot width. (Returns a StripCross object.)
- AddStripHexagon (properties table)
- Create a strip hexagon from a table defining the properties. (Returns a StripHexagon object.)
- AddStripHexagon (centrepoint Point, width Expression, stripwidth Expression)
- Create a strip hexagon at the specified centre, width and strip width. (Returns a StripHexagon object.)
- AddSurfaceBezierCurve (properties table)
- Create a surface Bezier from a table defining the properties. (Returns a SurfaceBezierCurve object.)
- AddSurfaceBezierCurve (worksurface WorkSurface, startu Expression, startv Expression, starttangentu Expression, starttangentv Expression, endtangentu Expression, endtangentv Expression, endu Expression, endv Expression)
- Add a surface Bezier curve operator. (Returns a SurfaceBezierCurve object.)
- AddSurfaceLine (properties table)
- Create a surface line from a table defining the properties. (Returns a SurfaceLine object.)
- AddSurfaceLine (worksurface WorkSurface, startu Expression, startv Expression, endu Expression, endv Expression)
- Add a surface line operator. (Returns a SurfaceLine object.)
- AddSurfaceRegularLines (properties table)
- Create a surface regular lines operator from a table defining the properties. (Returns a SurfaceRegularLines object.)
- AddSurfaceRegularLines (worksurface WorkSurface, startcorneru Expression, startcornerv Expression, endcorneru Expression, endcornerv Expression, numlines Expression)
- Add a surface regular lines operator. (Returns a SurfaceRegularLines object.)
- AddTCross (properties table)
- Create a T-cross from a table defining the properties. (Returns a TCross object.)
- AddTCross (centrepoint Point, armlength Expression, edgelength Expression, stripwidth Expression)
- Create a T-cross at the specified centre, arm length, edge length and strip width. (Returns a TCross object.)
- AddTrifilar (propreties table)
- Create a trifilar from a table defining the properties. (Returns a Trifilar object.)
- AddTrifilar (position Point, length Expression, stripwidth Expression)
- Create a trifilar at the specified centre, length and strip width. (Returns a Trifilar object.)
- Contains (label string)
- Checks if the collection contains an item with the given label. (Returns a boolean object.)
- Delete ()
- Deletes the entity.
- Duplicate ()
- Duplicates the entity. (Returns a Object object.)
- GetProperties ()
- Returns a table of properties representing the state of the object. The properties table can be used with the SetProperties method to change multiple properties of the object in one step. (Returns a table object.)
- ImprintPoints (geometry Geometry, properties table)
- Imprint points onto the geometry. (Returns a ImprintPoints object.)
- ImprintPoints (geometry Geometry, points List of Point)
- Imprint points onto the geometry. (Returns a ImprintPoints object.)
- Intersect (geometrylist List of Geometry)
- Intersect the given geometry. (Returns a Intersect object.)
- Item (index number)
- Returns the Geometry for the given index in the collection. (Returns a Geometry object.)
- Item (label string)
- Returns the Geometry for the given label in the collection. (Returns a Geometry object.)
- Items ()
- Returns a table of Geometry items. (Returns a UnsupportedType(List of Geometry) object.)
- Loft (startgeometry Geometry, endgeometry Geometry)
- Create a loft from one geometry profile to another. The two geometry profiles should either both be surfaces or curves. For surfaces each profile can only contain a single face without holes. For curves and arcs, the profiles must be continuous. (Returns a Loft object.)
- Loft (properties table)
- Create a loft from one geometry profile to another, using a table defining the properties. The two geometry profiles should either both be surfaces or curves. For surfaces each profile can only contain a single face without holes. For curves and arcs, the profiles must be continuous. (Returns a Loft object.)
- Loft (startgeometry Geometry, endgeometry Geometry, reverse boolean)
- Create a loft from one geometry profile to another. The two geometry profiles should either both be surfaces or curves. For surfaces each profile can only contain a single face without holes. For curves and arcs, the profiles must be continuous. (Returns a Loft object.)
- Loft (startgeometry Geometry, endgeometry Geometry, properties table)
- Create a loft from one geometry profile to another, using a table defining the properties. The two geometry profiles should either both be surfaces or curves. For surfaces each profile can only contain a single face without holes. For curves and arcs, the profiles must be continuous. (Returns a Loft object.)
- LoftEdges (startedge Edge, endedge Edge)
- Create a loft from one edge to another. The edges will be copied out of their current geometry into new geometry profiles. Also accepts wires. (Returns a Loft object.)
- LoftEdges (startedge Edge, endedge Edge, properties table)
- Create a loft from one edge to another, using a table defining the properties. The edges will be copied out of their current geometry into new geometry profiles. Also accepts wires. (Returns a Loft object.)
- LoftFaces (startface Face, endface Face)
- Create a loft from one face to another. The faces will be copied out of their current geometry into new geometry profiles. The faces should not contain holes. (Returns a Loft object.)
- LoftFaces (startface Face, endface Face, properties table)
- Create a loft from one face to another, using a table defining the properties. The faces will be copied out of their current geometry into new geometry profiles. The faces should not contain holes. (Returns a Loft object.)
- PathSweep (geometry Geometry, path Geometry)
- Sweep a part along the given path. (Returns a PathSweep object.)
- PathSweep (geometry Geometry, path Geometry, twistangle Expression, scalefactor Expression, flipends boolean)
- Sweep a part along the given path with normal alignment. (Returns a PathSweep object.)
- PathSweep (geometry Geometry, path Geometry, flipends boolean)
- Sweep a part along the given path. (Returns a PathSweep object.)
- PathSweepParallel (geometry Geometry, path Geometry, twistangle Expression, scalefactor Expression, flipends boolean)
- Sweep a part along the given path with parallel alignment. (Returns a PathSweep object.)
- ProjectGeometry (geometrylist List of Geometry, part Geometry)
- Project the provided list of geometry onto the target geometry. (Returns a ProjectGeometry object.)
- ProjectGeometry (geometry Geometry, part Geometry)
- Project the provided geometry onto the target geometry. (Returns a ProjectGeometry object.)
- SetProperties (properties Object)
- Modifies the state of the object using the provided table of properties. This method is used to modify multiple properties of the object in a single step.
- Simplify (properties table)
- Simplify the provided geometry using a table to define the simplification settings. (Returns a List of Simplify object.)
- Simplify (geometry Geometry)
- Simplify the provided geometry. (Returns a Simplify object.)
- SimplifyEntities (geometrylist List of Geometry)
- Simplify the provided geometry. (Returns a List of Simplify object.)
- Spin (geometry Geometry, properties table)
- Spin geometry using a table defining the properties. (Returns a Spin object.)
- Spin (geometry Geometry, axisorigin Point, axisdirection Point, angle Expression)
- Spin the given geometry. (Returns a Spin object.)
- Split (properties table)
- Split geometry using a table defining the properties. (Returns a List of Split object.)
- Split (geometry Geometry, origin Point, rotationu Expression, rotationv Expression)
- Split geometry along the UV plane. (Returns a List of Split object.)
- SplitPlaneUN (geometry Geometry, origin Point, rotationu Expression, rotationn Expression)
- Split geometry along the UN plane. (Returns a List of Split object.)
- SplitPlaneVN (geometry Geometry, origin Point, rotationv Expression, rotationn Expression)
- Split geometry along the VN plane. (Returns a List of Split object.)
- Stitch (properties table)
- Stitch the given geometry. (Returns a Stitch object.)
- Stitch (geometrylist List of Geometry)
- Stitch the given geometry. (Returns a Stitch object.)
- Stitch (geometrylist List of Geometry, tolerance Expression)
- Stitch the given geometry. (Returns a Stitch object.)
- Subtract (part Geometry, geometrylist List of Geometry)
- Subtract the given geometry. (Returns a Subtract object.)
- Subtract (part Geometry, parttosubtract Geometry)
- Subtract the given geometry. (Returns a Subtract object.)
- Sweep (geometry Geometry, properties table)
- Sweep geometry using a table defining the properties. (Returns a Sweep object.)
- Sweep (geometry Geometry, from Point, to Point)
- Sweep geometry between the vector defined by the given start and end points. (Returns a Sweep object.)
- Union (geometrylist List of Geometry)
- Union the given geometry. (Returns a Union object.)
- Union ()
- Union all the geometry. (Returns a Union object.)
- UniqueName (label string)
- Generates a unique name base of the provided base name. If the base name already exists in the collection, a digit will be appended until a valid name is generated. (Returns a string object.)
Static Function List
- GetDefaultProperties ()
- Creates a table containing the default settings to create an object. (Returns a table object.)
Property Details
- BoundingBox
- A box indicating the bounding box of this entity. (Read only Box).
- Type
- Box
- Access
- Read only
- Count
- The number of Geometry items in the collection.
- Type
- number
- Access
- Read only
- FaultyParts
- Contains all faulty parts in the model.
- Access
- Read only
- Find
- The geometry find tools.
- Type
- Find
- Access
- Read only
- Label
- The object label.
- Type
- string
- Access
- Read/Write
- Locked
- A boolean that indicates whether the entity or it's ancestor is locked or not.
- Type
- boolean
- Access
- Read/Write
- Rebuild
- The geometry rebuild tools.
- Type
- GeometryRebuild
- Access
- Read only
- Repair
- The geometry repair tools.
- Type
- GeometryRepair
- Access
- Read only
- Type
- The object type string.
- Type
- string
- Access
- Read only
Method Details
- AddAnalyticalCurve (properties table)
- Create an analytical curve from a table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new analytical curve.
- Return
- AnalyticalCurve
- The analytical curve.
- AddAnalyticalCurve (start Expression, end Expression, u Expression, v Expression, n Expression)
- Create an analytical curve in the Cartesian coordinate system.
- Input Parameters
- start(Expression)
- The start of the interval over which the analytical curve is parametrically defined.
- end(Expression)
- The end of the interval over which the analytical curve is parametrically defined.
- u(Expression)
- The curve description in the U dimension as a function of variable t.
- v(Expression)
- The curve description in the V dimension as a function of variable t.
- n(Expression)
- The curve description in the N dimension as a function of variable t.
- Return
- AnalyticalCurve
- The analytical curve.
- AddAnalyticalCurveCylindrical (start Expression, end Expression, rho Expression, phi Expression, n Expression)
- Create an analytical curve in the cylindrical coordinate system.
- Input Parameters
- start(Expression)
- The start of the interval over which the analytical curve is parametrically defined.
- end(Expression)
- The end of the interval over which the analytical curve is parametrically defined.
- rho(Expression)
- The curve description in the rho dimension as a function of variable t.
- phi(Expression)
- The curve description in the phi dimension as a function of variable t.
- n(Expression)
- The curve description in the N dimension as a function of variable t.
- Return
- AnalyticalCurve
- The analytical curve.
- AddAnalyticalCurveSpherical (start Expression, end Expression, r Expression, theta Expression, phi Expression)
- Create an analytical curve in the spherical coordinate system.
- Input Parameters
- start(Expression)
- The start of the interval over which the analytical curve is parametrically defined.
- end(Expression)
- The end of the interval over which the analytical curve is parametrically defined.
- r(Expression)
- The curve description in the R dimension as a function of variable t.
- theta(Expression)
- The curve description in the theta dimension as a function of variable t.
- phi(Expression)
- The curve description in the phi dimension as a function of variable t.
- Return
- AnalyticalCurve
- The analytical curve.
- AddBezierCurve (properties table)
- Create a Bezier from a table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new Bezier curve.
- Return
- BezierCurve
- The Bezier curve.
- AddBezierCurve (startpoint Point, starttangent Point, endtangent Point, endpoint Point)
- Create a Bezier curve from the given coordinates.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- BezierCurve
- The Bezier curve.
- AddCone (properties table)
- Create a cone from a table defining the properties.
- AddCone (base Point, baseradius Expression, topradius Expression, height Expression)
- Create a cone by specifying height and top radius in addition to the centre and radius at the base.
- Input Parameters
- base(Point)
- The base centre point coordinate.
- baseradius(Expression)
- The base radius.
- topradius(Expression)
- The top radius.
- height(Expression)
- The height.
- Return
- Cone
- The cone.
- AddConeWithAngleAndHeight (base Point, baseradius Expression, angle Expression, height Expression)
- Create a cone by specifying the height and side angle in addition to the centre and radius at the base.
- Input Parameters
- base(Point)
- The base centre point coordinate.
- baseradius(Expression)
- The base radius.
- angle(Expression)
- The angle (degrees) between the cone's side and base.
- height(Expression)
- The height.
- Return
- Cone
- The cone.
- AddConeWithAngleAndTopCentre (base Point, baseradius Expression, angle Expression, top Point)
- Create a cone by specifying the top centre position and side angle in addition to the centre and radius at the base.
- Input Parameters
- base(Point)
- The base centre point coordinate.
- baseradius(Expression)
- The base radius.
- angle(Expression)
- The angle (degrees) between the cone's side and base.
- top(Point)
- The top centre point coordinate.
- Return
- Cone
- The cone.
- AddConeWithTopRadiusAndTopCentre (base Point, baseradius Expression, topradius Expression, top Point)
- Create a cone by specifying the centre and radius at the top in addition to the centre and radius at the base.
- Input Parameters
- base(Point)
- The base centre point coordinate.
- baseradius(Expression)
- The base radius.
- topradius(Expression)
- The top radius.
- top(Point)
- The top centre point coordinate.
- Return
- Cone
- The cone.
- AddConstrainedSurface (properties table)
- Create a constrained surface from a table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new constrained surface.
- Return
- ConstrainedSurface
- The constrained surface.
- AddConstrainedSurface (positionlist List of Point, normallist List of Point, uvpointlist List of UVPoint)
- Add a constrained surface operator.
- AddCross (properties table)
- Create a cross from a table defining the properties.
- AddCross (centrepoint Point, armlengthu Expression, armlengthv Expression, stripwidth Expression)
- Create a cross at the specified centre, arm lengths and strip width.
- Input Parameters
- centrepoint(Point)
- The centre point coordinate.
- armlengthu(Expression)
- The cross arm length (U).
- armlengthv(Expression)
- The cross arm length (V).
- stripwidth(Expression)
- The cross strip width.
- Return
- Cross
- The cross.
- AddCuboid (properties table)
- Create a cuboid from a table defining the properties.
- AddCuboid (cornerpoint Point, width Expression, depth Expression, height Expression)
- Create a cuboid at the specified base corner and dimensions.
- Input Parameters
- cornerpoint(Point)
- The base corner coordinates.
- width(Expression)
- The cuboid width (W).
- depth(Expression)
- The cuboid depth (D).
- height(Expression)
- The cuboid height (H).
- Return
- Cuboid
- The cuboid.
- AddCuboidAtCentre (centrepoint Point, width Expression, depth Expression, height Expression)
- Create a cuboid at the specified base centre and dimensions.
- Input Parameters
- centrepoint(Point)
- The base centre coordinates.
- width(Expression)
- The cuboid width (W).
- depth(Expression)
- The cuboid depth (D).
- height(Expression)
- The cuboid height (H).
- Return
- Cuboid
- The cuboid.
- AddCylinder (properties table)
- Create a cylinder from a table defining the properties.
- AddCylinder (centrepoint Point, radius Expression, height Expression)
- Create a cylinder at the specified base centre, radius and height.
- Input Parameters
- centrepoint(Point)
- The base centre coordinates.
- radius(Expression)
- The cylinder radius.
- height(Expression)
- The cylinder height.
- Return
- Cylinder
- The cylinder.
- AddCylinderWithTopCentre (centrepoint Point, radius Expression, topcentrepoint Point)
- Create a cylinder at the specified base centre, radius and top centre.
- Input Parameters
- centrepoint(Point)
- The base centre coordinates.
- radius(Expression)
- The cylinder radius.
- topcentrepoint(Point)
- The cylinder height.
- Return
- Cylinder
- The cylinder.
- AddEllipse (properties table)
- Create an ellipse from a table defining the properties.
- AddEllipse (centrepoint Point, radiusu Expression, radiusv Expression)
- Create an ellipse at a given centre point and 2 radii.
- Input Parameters
- centrepoint(Point)
- The centre point coordinate.
- radiusu(Expression)
- The U radius.
- radiusv(Expression)
- The V radius.
- Return
- Ellipse
- The ellipse.
- AddEllipticArc (properties table)
- Create an elliptic arc from a table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new elliptic arc.
- Return
- EllipticArc
- The elliptic arc.
- AddEllipticArc (ellipsecentre Point, radiusu Expression, radiusv Expression, startangle Expression, endangle Expression)
- Create an elliptic arc by specifying the ellipse centre point, radii and the arc angles.
- Input Parameters
- ellipsecentre(Point)
- The centre point coordinate of the ellipse on which the arc lies.
- radiusu(Expression)
- The ellipse U radius.
- radiusv(Expression)
- The ellipse V radius.
- startangle(Expression)
- The arc start angle (degrees).
- endangle(Expression)
- The arc end angle (degrees).
- Return
- EllipticArc
- The elliptic arc.
- AddEllipticArcWithAperture (aperturecentre Point, depth Expression, apertureradius Expression, eccentricity Expression, majoraxisdirection EllipticArcMajorAxisDirectionEnum)
- Create an elliptic arc by specifying the aperture centre point, depth, radius and eccentricity.
- Input Parameters
- aperturecentre(Point)
- The centre point coordinate of the aperture formed by the elliptical arc section.
- depth(Expression)
- The distance from the aperture centre point to the apex of the elliptical arc section.
- apertureradius(Expression)
- The radius of the aperture of the elliptic arc.
- eccentricity(Expression)
- The eccentricity of the ellipse on which the elliptical arc section lies. The eccentricity must be less than 1 to specify a valid ellipse.
- majoraxisdirection(EllipticArcMajorAxisDirectionEnum)
- The ellipse major axis direction specified by EllipticArcMajorAxisDirectionEnum.
- Return
- EllipticArc
- The elliptic arc.
- AddFittedSpline (properties table)
- Create a fitted spline from a table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new fitted spline.
- Return
- FittedSpline
- The fitted spline.
- AddFittedSpline (points List of Point)
- Create a fitted spline from the given coordinates.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- FittedSpline
- The fitted spline.
- AddFlare (properties table)
- Create a flare from a table defining the properties.
- AddFlare (base Point, bottomwidth Expression, bottomdepth Expression, height Expression, topwidth Expression, topdepth Expression)
- Create a flare by specifying the height, bottom- and top width, bottom- and top depth in addition to the centre at the base.
- Input Parameters
- base(Point)
- The base centre point coordinate.
- bottomwidth(Expression)
- The bottom width.
- bottomdepth(Expression)
- The bottom depth.
- height(Expression)
- The height.
- topwidth(Expression)
- The top width.
- topdepth(Expression)
- The top depth.
- Return
- Flare
- The flare.
- AddFlareWithBaseCentreAndFlareAngles (base Point, bottomwidth Expression, bottomdepth Expression, height Expression, angleu Expression, anglev Expression)
- Create a flare by specifying the height, bottom width, bottom depth and flare angles in addition to the centre at the base.
- Input Parameters
- base(Point)
- The base centre point coordinate.
- bottomwidth(Expression)
- The bottom width.
- bottomdepth(Expression)
- The bottom depth.
- height(Expression)
- The height.
- angleu(Expression)
- The flare angle (degrees) between the flare and the UN plane.
- anglev(Expression)
- The flare angle (degrees) between the flare and the VN plane.
- Return
- Flare
- The flare.
- AddFlareWithBaseCorner (base Point, bottomwidth Expression, bottomdepth Expression, height Expression, topwidth Expression, topdepth Expression)
- Create a flare by specifying the height, bottom- and top width, bottom- and top depth in addition to the corner at the base.
- Input Parameters
- base(Point)
- The base corner point coordinate.
- bottomwidth(Expression)
- The bottom width.
- bottomdepth(Expression)
- The bottom depth.
- height(Expression)
- The height.
- topwidth(Expression)
- The top width.
- topdepth(Expression)
- The top depth.
- Return
- Flare
- The flare.
- AddFlareWithBaseCornerAndTopCorner (base Point, top Point, bottomwidth Expression, bottomdepth Expression)
- Create a flare by specifying a corner at the base, a corner at the top as well as the bottom width and depth.
- Input Parameters
- base(Point)
- The base corner point coordinate.
- top(Point)
- The top corner point coordinate.
- bottomwidth(Expression)
- The bottom width.
- bottomdepth(Expression)
- The bottom depth.
- Return
- Flare
- The flare.
- AddHelix (properties table)
- Create a helix from a table defining the properties.
- AddHelix (basecentre Point, baseradius Expression, endradius Expression, height Expression, turns Expression, lefthandrotated boolean)
- Create a variable radius helix by specifying the top and bottom radii, the height and number of turns.
- Input Parameters
- basecentre(Point)
- The centre point of the helix base.
- baseradius(Expression)
- The radius of the helix base.
- endradius(Expression)
- The radius of the helix top.
- height(Expression)
- The height of the helix.
- turns(Expression)
- The number of turns of the helix.
- lefthandrotated(boolean)
- The rotation direction of the helix. Left handed if true, else right handed.
- Return
- Helix
- The helix.
- AddHelixWithHeight (basecentre Point, radius Expression, height Expression, pitchangle Expression, lefthandrotated boolean)
- Create a constant radius helix with the number of turns implied by the height.
- Input Parameters
- basecentre(Point)
- The centre point of the helix base.
- radius(Expression)
- The radius of the helix.
- height(Expression)
- The height of the helix.
- pitchangle(Expression)
- The angle (degrees) between the tangent of the curve and the UV plane.
- lefthandrotated(boolean)
- The rotation direction of the helix. Left handed if true, else right handed.
- Return
- Helix
- The helix.
- AddHelixWithTurns (basecentre Point, radius Expression, pitchangle Expression, turns Expression, lefthandrotated boolean)
- Create a constant radius helix with height implied by the number of turns.
- Input Parameters
- basecentre(Point)
- The centre point of the helix base.
- radius(Expression)
- The radius of the helix.
- pitchangle(Expression)
- The angle (degrees) between the tangent of the curve and the UV plane.
- turns(Expression)
- The number of turns of the helix.
- lefthandrotated(boolean)
- The rotation direction of the helix. Left handed if true, else right handed.
- Return
- Helix
- The helix.
- AddHexagon (properties table)
- Create a hexagon from a table defining the properties.
- AddHexagon (centrepoint Point, width Expression)
- Create a hexagon at the specified centre and width.
- Input Parameters
- centrepoint(Point)
- The centre point coordinate.
- width(Expression)
- The hexagon width.
- Return
- Hexagon
- The hexagon.
- AddHyperbolicArc (properties table)
- Create a hyperbolic arc from a table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new hyperbolic arc.
- Return
- HyperbolicArc
- The hyperbolic arc.
- AddHyperbolicArc (basecentre Point, depth Expression, radius Expression, eccentricity Expression)
- Create a hyperbolic arc by specifying the hyperbola base centre point, the radius, depth and eccentricity.
- Input Parameters
- basecentre(Point)
- The centre point coordinate of the hyperbola base.
- depth(Expression)
- The distance from the apex of the hyperbola to the centre of the aperture.
- radius(Expression)
- The radius of the hyperbolic arc's aperture.
- eccentricity(Expression)
- The eccentricity of the hyperbola on which the hyperbolic arc section lies.
- Return
- HyperbolicArc
- The hyperbolic arc.
- AddHyperbolicArcAtApertureCentre (aperturecentre Point, depth Expression, radius Expression, eccentricity Expression)
- Create a hyperbolic arc by specifying the centre point of the arc's aperture, the radius, depth and eccentricity.
- Input Parameters
- aperturecentre(Point)
- The aperture centre of the hyperbolic arc section.
- depth(Expression)
- The distance from the apex of the hyperbola to the centre of the aperture.
- radius(Expression)
- The radius of the hyperbolic arc's aperture.
- eccentricity(Expression)
- The eccentricity of the hyperbola on which the hyperbolic arc section lies.
- Return
- HyperbolicArc
- The hyperbolic arc.
- AddLine (properties table)
- Create a line from a table defining the properties.
- AddLine (startpoint Point, endpoint Point)
- Create a straight line between the given start and end coordinates.
- AddNurbsSurface (properties table)
- Create a NURBS surface from a table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new NURBS surface.
- Return
- NurbsSurface
- The NURBS surface.
- AddNurbsSurface (points PointExpressionTable, weights ExpressionTable)
- Create a NURBS surface by specifying all control points and all weights. The number of rows and columns (U' and V' direction orders) will be derived implicitly from the provided 2D tables' size.
- Input Parameters
- points(PointExpressionTable)
- The 2D table containing the control points.
- weights(ExpressionTable)
- The 2D table containing the weights at each control point.
- Return
- NurbsSurface
- The NURBS surface.
- AddOpenRing (properties table)
- Create an open ring from a table defining the properties.
- AddOpenRing (centrepoint Point, outerradius Expression, innerradius Expression, gapangle Expression, startangle Expression)
- Create an open ring at the specified centre, outer and inner radius, gap angle and start angle.
- Input Parameters
- centrepoint(Point)
- The centre point coordinate.
- outerradius(Expression)
- The ring outer radius.
- innerradius(Expression)
- The ring inner radius.
- gapangle(Expression)
- The ring gap angle.
- startangle(Expression)
- The ring gap start angle.
- Return
- OpenRing
- The open ring.
- AddParabolicArc (properties table)
- Create a parabolic arc from a table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new parabolic arc.
- Return
- ParabolicArc
- The parabolic arc.
- AddParabolicArc (basecentre Point, radius Expression, focaldepth Expression)
- Create a parabolic arc by specifying the parabola base centre point, radius and focal depth.
- Input Parameters
- basecentre(Point)
- The centre point coordinate of the parabola base.
- radius(Expression)
- The radius of the parabolic arc's aperture.
- focaldepth(Expression)
- The focal depth of the parabola.
- Return
- ParabolicArc
- The parabolic arc.
- AddParabolicArcAtApertureCentre (aperturecentre Point, radius Expression, depth Expression)
- Create a parabolic arc by specifying the centre point of the arc's aperture, the radius and depth.
- Input Parameters
- aperturecentre(Point)
- The aperture centre of the parabolic arc section.
- radius(Expression)
- The radius of the parabolic arc's aperture.
- depth(Expression)
- The distance from the apex of the parabola to the centre of the aperture.
- Return
- ParabolicArc
- The parabolic arc.
- AddParabolicArcAtBaseCentre (basecentre Point, radius Expression, depth Expression)
- Create a parabolic arc by specifying the parabola base centre point, radius and depth.
- Input Parameters
- basecentre(Point)
- The centre point coordinate of the parabola base.
- radius(Expression)
- The radius of the parabolic arc's aperture.
- depth(Expression)
- The distance from the apex of the parabola to the centre of the aperture.
- Return
- ParabolicArc
- The parabolic arc.
- AddParaboloid (properties table)
- Create a paraboloid from a table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new paraboloid.
- Return
- Paraboloid
- The paraboloid.
- AddParaboloid (centrepoint Point, radius Expression, focaldepth Expression)
- Create a paraboloid at a given centre point, with specified radius and focal depth.
- Input Parameters
- centrepoint(Point)
- The centre point coordinate.
- radius(Expression)
- The radius.
- focaldepth(Expression)
- The focal depth.
- Return
- Paraboloid
- The paraboloid.
- AddPolygon (properties table)
- Create a polygon from a table defining the properties.
- AddPolyline (properties table)
- Create a polyline from a table defining the properties.
- AddPolyline (points List of Point)
- Create a polyline from the given coordinates.
- AddRectangle (cornerpoint Point, width Expression, depth Expression)
- Create a rectangle at the specified base corner and dimensions.
- Input Parameters
- cornerpoint(Point)
- The base corner coordinates.
- width(Expression)
- The rectangle width (W).
- depth(Expression)
- The rectangle depth (D).
- Return
- Rectangle
- The rectangle.
- AddRectangle (properties table)
- Create a rectangle from the properties given.
- AddRectangleAtCentre (centrepoint Point, width Expression, depth Expression)
- Create a rectangle at the specified base centre and dimensions.
- Input Parameters
- centrepoint(Point)
- The base centre coordinates.
- width(Expression)
- The rectangle width (W).
- depth(Expression)
- The rectangle depth (D).
- Return
- Rectangle
- The rectangle.
- AddRing (properties table)
- Create a ring from a table defining the properties.
- AddRing (centrepoint Point, outerradius Expression, innerradius Expression)
- Create a ring at the specified centre, outer and inner radius.
- Input Parameters
- centrepoint(Point)
- The centre point coordinate.
- outerradius(Expression)
- The ring outer radius.
- innerradius(Expression)
- The ring inner radius.
- Return
- Ring
- The ring.
- AddSphere (centre Point, radius Expression)
- Create a sphere with the specified radius.
- Input Parameters
- centre(Point)
- The coordinate of the centre of the sphere.
- radius(Expression)
- The radius of the sphere.
- Return
- Sphere
- The spheroid.
- AddSpheroid (properties table)
- Create a spheroid from a table defining the properties.
- AddSpheroid (centre Point, radiusu Expression, radiusv Expression, radiusn Expression)
- Create a spheroid at centre with radii specified in the U, V and N directions.
- Input Parameters
- centre(Point)
- The coordinate of the centre of the spheroid.
- radiusu(Expression)
- The radius in the U direction.
- radiusv(Expression)
- The radius in the V direction.
- radiusn(Expression)
- The radius in the N direction.
- Return
- Sphere
- The spheroid.
- AddSpiralCross (properties table)
- Create a spiral cross from a table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new spiral cross.
- Return
- SpiralCross
- The spiral cross.
- AddSpiralCross (centrepoint Point, armlength Expression, edgelength Expression, spirallength Expression, stripwidth Expression)
- Create a spiral cross at the specified centre, arm length, edge length, spiral length and strip width.
- Input Parameters
- centrepoint(Point)
- The centre point coordinate.
- armlength(Expression)
- The cross arm length.
- edgelength(Expression)
- The cross edge length.
- spirallength(Expression)
- The cross spiral length.
- stripwidth(Expression)
- The cross strip width.
- Return
- SpiralCross
- The spiral cross.
- AddSplitRing (properties table)
- Create a split ring from a table defining the properties.
- AddSplitRing (centrepoint Point, outerradius Expression, innerradius Expression, gapangle Expression, startangle Expression)
- Create a split ring at the specified centre, outer and inner radius, gap angle and start angle.
- Input Parameters
- centrepoint(Point)
- The centre point coordinate.
- outerradius(Expression)
- The split ring outer radius.
- innerradius(Expression)
- The split ring inner radius.
- gapangle(Expression)
- The ring gap angle.
- startangle(Expression)
- The ring gap start angle.
- Return
- SplitRing
- The split ring.
- AddStripCross (properties table)
- Create a strip cross from a table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new strip cross.
- Return
- StripCross
- The strip cross.
- AddStripCross (properties Point, armlengthu Expression, armlengthv Expression, stripwidth Expression, slotwidth Expression)
- Create a strip cross at the specified centre, arm lengths, strip width and slot width.
- Input Parameters
- properties(Point)
- The centre point coordinate.
- armlengthu(Expression)
- The cross arm length (U).
- armlengthv(Expression)
- The cross arm length (V).
- stripwidth(Expression)
- The cross strip width.
- slotwidth(Expression)
- The cross slot width.
- Return
- StripCross
- The strip cross.
- AddStripHexagon (properties table)
- Create a strip hexagon from a table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new strip hexagon.
- Return
- StripHexagon
- The strip hexagon.
- AddStripHexagon (centrepoint Point, width Expression, stripwidth Expression)
- Create a strip hexagon at the specified centre, width and strip width.
- Input Parameters
- centrepoint(Point)
- The centre point coordinate.
- width(Expression)
- The hexagon width.
- stripwidth(Expression)
- The hexagon strip width.
- Return
- StripHexagon
- The strip hexagon.
- AddSurfaceBezierCurve (properties table)
- Create a surface Bezier from a table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new surface Bezier curve.
- Return
- SurfaceBezierCurve
- The surface Bezier curve.
- AddSurfaceBezierCurve (worksurface WorkSurface, startu Expression, startv Expression, starttangentu Expression, starttangentv Expression, endtangentu Expression, endtangentv Expression, endu Expression, endv Expression)
- Add a surface Bezier curve operator.
- Input Parameters
- worksurface(WorkSurface)
- The work surface on which to create the surface line.
- startu(Expression)
- The start point U' coordinate.
- startv(Expression)
- The start point V' coordinate.
- starttangentu(Expression)
- The start tangent point U' coordinate.
- starttangentv(Expression)
- The start tangent point V' coordinate.
- endtangentu(Expression)
- The end tangent point U' coordinate.
- endtangentv(Expression)
- The end tangent point V' coordinate.
- endu(Expression)
- The end point U' coordinate.
- endv(Expression)
- The end point V' coordinate.
- Return
- SurfaceBezierCurve
- The surface Bezier curve.
- AddSurfaceLine (properties table)
- Create a surface line from a table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new surface line.
- Return
- SurfaceLine
- The surface line.
- AddSurfaceLine (worksurface WorkSurface, startu Expression, startv Expression, endu Expression, endv Expression)
- Add a surface line operator.
- Input Parameters
- worksurface(WorkSurface)
- The work surface on which to create the surface line.
- startu(Expression)
- The start point U' coordinate.
- startv(Expression)
- The start point V' coordinate.
- endu(Expression)
- The end point U' coordinate.
- endv(Expression)
- The end point V' coordinate.
- Return
- SurfaceLine
- The surface line operator.
- AddSurfaceRegularLines (properties table)
- Create a surface regular lines operator from a table defining the properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- A table of properties defining the new surface regular lines.
- Return
- SurfaceRegularLines
- The surface regular lines.
- AddSurfaceRegularLines (worksurface WorkSurface, startcorneru Expression, startcornerv Expression, endcorneru Expression, endcornerv Expression, numlines Expression)
- Add a surface regular lines operator.
- Input Parameters
- worksurface(WorkSurface)
- The work surface on which to create the surface line.
- startcorneru(Expression)
- The start corner point U' coordinate.
- startcornerv(Expression)
- The start corner point V' coordinate.
- endcorneru(Expression)
- The end corner point U' coordinate.
- endcornerv(Expression)
- The end corner point V' coordinate.
- numlines(Expression)
- The number of lines.
- Return
- SurfaceRegularLines
- The surface line operator.
- AddTCross (properties table)
- Create a T-cross from a table defining the properties.
- AddTCross (centrepoint Point, armlength Expression, edgelength Expression, stripwidth Expression)
- Create a T-cross at the specified centre, arm length, edge length and strip width.
- Input Parameters
- centrepoint(Point)
- The centre point coordinate.
- armlength(Expression)
- The cross arm length.
- edgelength(Expression)
- The cross edge length.
- stripwidth(Expression)
- The cross strip width.
- Return
- TCross
- The T-cross.
- AddTrifilar (propreties table)
- Create a trifilar from a table defining the properties.
- AddTrifilar (position Point, length Expression, stripwidth Expression)
- Create a trifilar at the specified centre, length and strip width.
- Input Parameters
- position(Point)
- The centre point coordinate.
- length(Expression)
- The trifilar length.
- stripwidth(Expression)
- The trifilar strip width.
- Return
- Trifilar
- The trifilar.
- Contains (label string)
- Checks if the collection contains an item with the given label.
- Delete ()
- Deletes the entity.
- Duplicate ()
- Duplicates the entity.
- Return
- Object
- The new (duplicated) entity.
- GetProperties ()
- Returns a table of properties representing the state of the object. The properties table can be used with the SetProperties method to change multiple properties of the object in one step.
- Return
- table
- A table defining the properties.
- ImprintPoints (geometry Geometry, properties table)
- Imprint points onto the geometry.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- ImprintPoints
- The points imprint operator.
- ImprintPoints (geometry Geometry, points List of Point)
- Imprint points onto the geometry.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- ImprintPoints
- The points imprint operator.
- Intersect (geometrylist List of Geometry)
- Intersect the given geometry.
- Item (index number)
- Returns the Geometry for the given index in the collection.
- Item (label string)
- Returns the Geometry for the given label in the collection.
- Items ()
- Returns a table of Geometry items.
- Return
- UnsupportedType(List of Geometry)
- The list of items in the collection
- Loft (startgeometry Geometry, endgeometry Geometry)
- Create a loft from one geometry profile to another. The two geometry profiles should either both be surfaces or curves. For surfaces each profile can only contain a single face without holes. For curves and arcs, the profiles must be continuous.
- Loft (properties table)
- Create a loft from one geometry profile to another, using a table defining the properties. The two geometry profiles should either both be surfaces or curves. For surfaces each profile can only contain a single face without holes. For curves and arcs, the profiles must be continuous.
- Loft (startgeometry Geometry, endgeometry Geometry, reverse boolean)
- Create a loft from one geometry profile to another. The two geometry profiles should either both be surfaces or curves. For surfaces each profile can only contain a single face without holes. For curves and arcs, the profiles must be continuous.
- Loft (startgeometry Geometry, endgeometry Geometry, properties table)
- Create a loft from one geometry profile to another, using a table defining the properties. The two geometry profiles should either both be surfaces or curves. For surfaces each profile can only contain a single face without holes. For curves and arcs, the profiles must be continuous.
- LoftEdges (startedge Edge, endedge Edge)
- Create a loft from one edge to another. The edges will be copied out of their current geometry into new geometry profiles. Also accepts wires.
- LoftEdges (startedge Edge, endedge Edge, properties table)
- Create a loft from one edge to another, using a table defining the properties. The edges will be copied out of their current geometry into new geometry profiles. Also accepts wires.
- LoftFaces (startface Face, endface Face)
- Create a loft from one face to another. The faces will be copied out of their current geometry into new geometry profiles. The faces should not contain holes.
- LoftFaces (startface Face, endface Face, properties table)
- Create a loft from one face to another, using a table defining the properties. The faces will be copied out of their current geometry into new geometry profiles. The faces should not contain holes.
- PathSweep (geometry Geometry, path Geometry)
- Sweep a part along the given path.
- PathSweep (geometry Geometry, path Geometry, twistangle Expression, scalefactor Expression, flipends boolean)
- Sweep a part along the given path with normal alignment.
- Input Parameters
- geometry(Geometry)
- The geometry to sweep.
- path(Geometry)
- The geometry defining the path to sweep along.
- twistangle(Expression)
- The twist angle of the path sweep (degrees).
- scalefactor(Expression)
- The scale factor of the path sweep.
- flipends(boolean)
- Start the sweep from the other end of the path.
- Return
- PathSweep
- The path sweep operator.
- PathSweep (geometry Geometry, path Geometry, flipends boolean)
- Sweep a part along the given path.
- PathSweepParallel (geometry Geometry, path Geometry, twistangle Expression, scalefactor Expression, flipends boolean)
- Sweep a part along the given path with parallel alignment.
- Input Parameters
- geometry(Geometry)
- The geometry to sweep.
- path(Geometry)
- The geometry defining the path to sweep along.
- twistangle(Expression)
- The twist angle of the path sweep (degrees).
- scalefactor(Expression)
- The scale factor of the path sweep.
- flipends(boolean)
- Start the sweep from the other end of the path (boolean).
- Return
- PathSweep
- The path sweep operator.
- ProjectGeometry (geometrylist List of Geometry, part Geometry)
- Project the provided list of geometry onto the target geometry.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- ProjectGeometry
- The project geometry operator.
- ProjectGeometry (geometry Geometry, part Geometry)
- Project the provided geometry onto the target geometry.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- ProjectGeometry
- The project geometry operator.
- SetProperties (properties Object)
- Modifies the state of the object using the provided table of properties. This method is used to modify multiple properties of the object in a single step.
- Input Parameters
- properties(Object)
- A table of properties defining the new state of the object.
- Simplify (properties table)
- Simplify the provided geometry using a table to define the simplification settings.
- Simplify (geometry Geometry)
- Simplify the provided geometry.
- SimplifyEntities (geometrylist List of Geometry)
- Simplify the provided geometry.
- Spin (geometry Geometry, properties table)
- Spin geometry using a table defining the properties.
- Spin (geometry Geometry, axisorigin Point, axisdirection Point, angle Expression)
- Spin the given geometry.
- Input Parameters
- geometry(Geometry)
- The geometry that must be spun.
- axisorigin(Point)
- The coordinates of the axis of rotation.
- axisdirection(Point)
- The direction of the axis of rotation.
- angle(Expression)
- The angle (degrees) to spin by.
- Return
- Spin
- The spin operator.
- Split (properties table)
- Split geometry using a table defining the properties.
- Split (geometry Geometry, origin Point, rotationu Expression, rotationv Expression)
- Split geometry along the UV plane.
- Input Parameters
- geometry(Geometry)
- The geometry that must be split.
- origin(Point)
- The origin of the split plane.
- rotationu(Expression)
- The split plane U axis rotation angle (degrees).
- rotationv(Expression)
- The split plane V axis rotation angle (degrees).
- Return
- SplitPlaneUN (geometry Geometry, origin Point, rotationu Expression, rotationn Expression)
- Split geometry along the UN plane.
- Input Parameters
- geometry(Geometry)
- The geometry that must be split.
- origin(Point)
- The origin of the split plane.
- rotationu(Expression)
- The split plane U axis rotation angle (degrees).
- rotationn(Expression)
- The split plane N axis rotation angle (degrees).
- Return
- SplitPlaneVN (geometry Geometry, origin Point, rotationv Expression, rotationn Expression)
- Split geometry along the VN plane.
- Input Parameters
- geometry(Geometry)
- The geometry that must be split.
- origin(Point)
- The geometry that must be split.
- rotationv(Expression)
- The split plane V axis rotation angle (degrees).
- rotationn(Expression)
- The split plane N axis rotation angle (degrees).
- Return
- Stitch (properties table)
- Stitch the given geometry.
- Stitch (geometrylist List of Geometry)
- Stitch the given geometry.
- Stitch (geometrylist List of Geometry, tolerance Expression)
- Stitch the given geometry.
- Input Parameters
- geometrylist(List of Geometry)
- The list of geometry that must be stitched.
- tolerance(Expression)
- The tolerance to use when stitching.
- Return
- Stitch
- The Stitch operator.
- Subtract (part Geometry, geometrylist List of Geometry)
- Subtract the given geometry.
- Subtract (part Geometry, parttosubtract Geometry)
- Subtract the given geometry.
- Sweep (geometry Geometry, properties table)
- Sweep geometry using a table defining the properties.
- Sweep (geometry Geometry, from Point, to Point)
- Sweep geometry between the vector defined by the given start and end points.
- Union (geometrylist List of Geometry)
- Union the given geometry.
- Union ()
- Union all the geometry.
- Return
- Union
- The union operator.
- UniqueName (label string)
- Generates a unique name base of the provided base name. If the base name already exists in the collection, a digit will be appended until a valid name is generated.
Static Function Details
- GetDefaultProperties ()
- Creates a table containing the default settings to create an object.
- Return
- table
- A table containing the default properties.