Returns details about a specific query for a hole/tube.
hm_holedetectiongetholedetailsdata index query_key
HyperMesh Tcl Query Command
Returns details about a specific query for a hole/tube.
- index
- The index of the hole/tube to get details for, starting from 0.
- query_key
- The keyword to be used for a specific shape type. Valid values are:
- axis
- The x/y/z coordinates of the axis. Valid for all holes.
- axis_bottom
- The x/y/z coordinates of the bottom axis. Valid for all tubes.
- axis_top
- The x/y/z coordinates of the top axis. Valid for all tubes.
- capped_flag
- Returns true if there is a capped hole. Valid for all tubes.
- center
- The x/y/z coordinates of the center. Valid for all holes.
- center_bottom
- The x/y/z coordinates of the bottom center. Valid for all tubes.
- center_top
- The x/y/z coordinates of the top center. Valid for all tubes.
- depth
- The tube depth. Valid for all tubes.
- entities_list
- The list of ordered nodes or lines. Valid for all holes.
- has_washer
- Returns true if there is a washer. Valid for all 2D mesh holes.
- length
- The side length. Valid for square/rectangular holes.
- length_bottom
- The bottom side length. Valid for square/rectangular tubes.
- length_top
- The top side length. Valid for square/rectangular tubes.
- radius
- The circular radius. Valid for circular holes.
- radius_bottom
- The bottom circular radius. Valid for circular tubes.
- rim_entities_bottom
- The bottom list of ordered nodes or lines. Valid for all tubes.
- rim_entities_top
- The top list of ordered nodes or lines. Valid for all tubes.
- radius_top
- The top circular radius. Valid for circular tubes only.
- shape_type
- The shape type. Valid for all holes/tubes.
- tube_barrel_info
- The number of barrels, barrel types, and entity IDs in the format {number_of_barrels {barrel_type {surface/element/face IDs}}}. Valid for all tubes.
- tube_entities_list
- The list of tube surfaces, shells, or solids and face indices. Valid for all tubes.
- width
- The side width. Valid for rectangular holes.
- width_bottom
- The bottom side width. Valid for rectangular tubes.
- width_top
- The top side width. Valid for rectangular tubes.
To write out geometric shell hole queried information details to
set holesfile [open "C:/temp/holes.txt" "w"]
*createmark surfs 1 all
hm_holedetectionsetentities surfs 1
hm_holedetectionsetholeparams hole_shape=31
hm_holedetectionfindholes 1
set n [hm_holedetectiongetnumberofholes]
if { $n > 0 } {
puts $holesfile "Number of holes = $n"
puts $holesfile "queried data details of hole"
puts $holesfile "shape-type = [hm_holedetectiongetholedetailsdata 0 shape_type]"
puts $holesfile "center = [hm_holedetectiongetholedetailsdata 0 center]"
puts $holesfile "radius = [hm_holedetectiongetholedetails 0 radius]"
puts $holesfile "entities list = [hm_holedetectiongetholedetails 0 entities_list]"
} else {
puts $holesfile "Holes not detected."
close $holesfile
Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect
errors, you can use the catch
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
Version History