

hm_comparereturnresults ?source_component_id? ?target_component_id?


HyperMesh Tcl Query Command


The output is a list of lists.
  1. Consolidated compare data of all sources (Matched Overlapped Intersected Unmatched)
  2. Consolidated compare data of all targets (Matched Overlapped Intersected Unmatched)
  3. Consolidated matched/overlapped/intersected/unmatched data of one source or target (0|1 CompID CompareType MatchPercentage)
    1. 0 indicates source, 1 indicates target
  4. Fragmented matched/overlapped/intersected/unmatched data of one source with one target (0|1 SourceCompID TargetCompID CompareType MatchPercentage)
    1. 0 indicates the next list has target entities, 1 indicates the next list has source entities
  5. Information on component ID and type Entities of source or target and match type as determined in the list 4 (SourceCompID SourceType TargetCompID TargetType)
  6. Entities of source or target and match type as determined in list 4 (EntityIDs)

The data repeats from list 3 to list 6.


If ignored, or set to 0, all the compared data corresponding to all source components will be generated. If a valid source ID is given, the compared data for the corresponding source component is generated.
If ignored, or set to 0, all the compared data corresponding to all target components will be generated. If a valid target ID is given, the compared data for the corresponding target component is generated.


Compare assembly 1 to assembly 2 and get results for source component 12 and target component 14:
*createmark elems 1 "by assems" 1 
*createmark elems 2 "by assems" 2
hm_comparesetflags 1
hm_compareentitiessameside elems 1 elems 2 1.0 2 0
hm_comparereturnresults 12 14


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

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