Finds the deviation between two CAD geometries and returns a list of component pairs along with the deviation data.
hm_finddeviation source_entity_type source_mark_id target_entity_type target_mark_id tolerance_value
HyperMesh Tcl Query Command
Finds and returns the deviating component pairs data for a given set of selected components. The returned data is a list of lists where each entity is represented in the following format:
{srccompid targetcompid unmatch unmatch_pecentage deviationdata {{sourcepoint}
{target_point} {source_face_id} {target_face_id} {deviation_distance}}}
- srccompid – The ID of the source component.
- trgcompid – The ID of the target component.
- unmatch – The approximate percentage of unmatched area between the two components.
- source_point – The coordinates of the point on the source component where the deviation occurs.
- target_point - The coordinates of the point on the target component where the deviation occurs.
- source_face_id – The ID of the surface on the source component that contains the source point.
- target_face_id – The ID of the surface on the target component that contains the target point.
- deviation_distance - The distance between the source point and the target point.
- source_entity_type
- The type of the source entity. Currently supported for components only.
- source_mark_id
- The ID of the mark containing the source entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- target_entity_type
- The type of the target entity. Currently supported for components only.
- target_mark_id
- The ID of the mark containing the target entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.
- tolerance_value
- The tolerance value.
To get the deviation information between components ID 81 and 88 using a tolerance of 0.01:
*createmark comps 1 81
*createmark comps 2 88
hm_finddeviation comps 1 comps 2 0.01
Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect
errors, you can use the catch
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
Version History