
Returns various information on entities.


hm_entityinfo option entity_type ?entity_name_or_id? ?search_type?


HyperMesh Tcl Query Command


Returns various information on entities.


Type of information requested. Valid values are:
centroid elems entity_id
Returns the element centroid as a list of three values {x y z}.
color entity_type entity_name_or_id ?search_type?
Returns the color of the entity (1-64). Only for entities that have a color.
configcolor entity_type config_name_or_id
Supported for elements. Returns the color for the given config name or ID.
configs entity_type
Supported for elements and loads. If no template is loaded, returns an empty value, otherwise returns a list of entity config names.
configids entity_type
Supported for elements and loads. If no template is loaded, returns an empty value, otherwise returns a list of entity config IDs.
configtype entity_type config_name
Supported for elements and loads. If no template is loaded, returns an empty value, otherwise returns the current type string for the specified config_name. For example:
hm_entityinfo configtype elements quad4
hm_entityinfo configtype loads pressure
configtypeid entity_type config_name
Supported for elements and loads. If no template is loaded, returns an empty value, otherwise returns the current type ID for the specified config_name. For example:
hm_entityinfo configtypeid elements quad4
hm_entityinfo configtypeid loads pressure
configtypeids entity_type config_name
Supported for elements and loads. If no template is loaded, returns an empty list, otherwise returns a list of type IDs for the specified config_name. For example:
hm_entityinfo configtypeids elements quad4
hm_entityinfo configtypeids loads pressure
configtypes entity_type config_name
Supported for elements and loads. If no template is loaded, returns an empty list, otherwise returns a list of type strings for the specified config_name. For example:
hm_entityinfo configtypes elements quad4
hm_entityinfo configtypes loads pressure
dimension entity_type config_name_or_id
Supported for elements. Returns the dimension for the given config name or ID.
dof entity_type entity_id
For rbe3 elements and equations only, returns the degree of freedom flags for the independent nodes.
elementsvisible entity_type entity_name_or_id ?search_type?
Returns 1 if the entity is visible, 0 otherwise. For entities that have both geometry and element display states, the visibility state of elements is returned. For all other entities, the general visibility state is returned.
exist entity_type entity_name_or_id ?search_type?
Returns 1 if the entity exists, 0 otherwise. If a value of -1 is passed for the ID, this command will return 1 if any surface exists and 0 otherwise.
geometryvisible entity_type entity_name_or_id ?search_type?
Returns 1 if the entity is visible, 0 otherwise. For entities that have both geometry and element display states, the visibility state of geometry is returned. For all other entities, the general visibility state is returned.
geomstyle entity_type entity_name_or_id ?search_type?
For components only, returns the geometry visual style.
  • 1 - Wireframe geometry
  • 2 - Shaded geometry and surface edges
  • 3 - Shaded geometry
  • 4 - Wireframe geometry and surface lines
graphictranslation entity_type entity_name_or_id ?search_type?
For components only, returns the graphic translation x, y and z values.
id entity_type entity_name_or_id ?search_type?
Returns the ID of the entity. If search_type is not specified, the search is performed by name only.
inode entity_type entity_id
For rbe3 elements and equations only, returns the independent nodes.
maxid entity_type
Returns the maximum ID used by entity_type in the HM database. This does not necessarily correspond to the last created entity.
This replaces and behaves the same as hm_entitymaxid. See also hm_entityrecorder and hm_latestentityid.
name entity_type entity_name_or_id ?search_type?
Returns the name of the entity. If search_type is not specified, the search is performed by ID only.
named entity_type
Returns 1 if the entity_type is a named entity, 0 otherwise.
style entity_type entity_name_or_id ?search_type?
For components only, returns the visual style used.
  • 0 - Wireframe elements (see also hm_info elementinternaledgesmode option)
  • 1 - Shaded elements
  • 2 - Shaded elements and mesh lines
  • 3 - Shaded elements and feature lines
  • 4 - Transparent elements
type points entity_id
Returns vertex, weld, or free.
visible entity_type entity_name_or_id ?search_type?
Returns 1 if the entity is visible, 0 otherwise. For entities that have both geometry and element display states, the visibility state of elements is returned. For all other entities, the general visibility state is returned.
weight entity_type entity_id
For rbe3 elements and equations only, returns the coefficients for the independent nodes.
For rbe3 elements, there is one value returned per independent node.
For equations, there are 6 values (one for each DOF) returned for each independent node.
all entity_type entity_name_or_id ?search_type?
everything entity_type entity_name_or_id ?search_type?
A list of commonly used values returned in the following order:
  • assemblies - name id elementsvisible geometryvisible color
  • components - name id elementsvisible geometryvisible color style colortype
  • materials - name id
  • properties - name id
The type of entity to query.
The name or ID of the entity.
By default, HyperMesh searches for entities by name, and if the name is not found, it then searches by ID. This option allows you to specify how the search for an entity should be conducted. Valid values are:
-byname - Search only by name.
-byid - Search only by ID.


To display information on a selected component:
*createmarkpanel components 1 "Select components"
set compList [ hm_getmark components 1 ]
if { ! [ Null compList ] } {
    set compId [ lindex $compList 0 ]
    set name     [ hm_entityinfo name components $compId ]
    set color    [ hm_entityinfo color components $compId ]
    set visible  [ hm_entityinfo visible components $compId ]
    set style    [ hm_entityinfo style components $compId ]
    set graphics [ hm_info graphicsmode ]
    set colormap [ hm_winfo entitycolors ]
    set msgBuff    "component:\t$name\n"
    append msgBuff "color:\t\t$color\n"
    append msgbuff "visible:\t\t$visible\n"
    append msgBuff "id:\t\t$compId\n"
    append msgBuff "style:\t\t$style\n\n"
    append msgBuff "graphics:\t\t$graphics\n\n"
    append msgBuff "colormap:"
    regsub -all "{" $colormap "" colormap
    set cm [ split $colormap "}" ] 
    for { set i 0; set j 1 } { $i < 16 } { incr i; incr j } {
        append msgBuff "\t\t$j = [ lindex $cm $i ]\n"
    tk_messageBox -message $msgBuff


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History

2020 - Added new options configs, configids, configcolors and dimension.