Returns the hierarchical structure of assemblies and components, along with properties, materials, groups and beamsection collectors.
hm_hierarchy name_or_id
HyperMesh Tcl Query Command
Returns the hierarchical structure of assemblies and components, along with properties, materials, groups and beamsection collectors.
The returned list contains entries of the form: {root name_or_id entity_type list_of_children_indices}. There is an entry for each supported entity.
The root value is returned as 1 for entities at the root (top) of the hierarchy, or 0 otherwise. Only assemblies and components have a hierarchy and have the possibility of returning 1.
The name_or_id value is the name or ID of the entity. This is controlled by the name_or_id option.
The entity_type value is the type of entity from the list of supported entities.
The list_of_children_indices value is a list of indices of the children of the entity. The indices refer to the location of the entity in the returned list. The indices are 0 based. Only assemblies can return a non-empty list if they have children.
- name_or_id
- The string "name" if the list is to be returned using entity names, or "id" if the list is to be returned using entity IDs.

hm_hierarchy name
{0 Part1 components {}} {0 base assemblies 0} {0 Part2 components {}} {0 attachments assemblies 2} {1 wheel assemblies {1 3}} {0 Part3 components {}} {1 head assemblies 5} {1 empty assemblies {}} {1 Part4 components {}} {4 6 7 8}
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error