Jump to index list
  • A
    • acronyms[1]
    • analyzeCurvature
      • analyzeCurvature[1]
    • analyzeEdges
      • analyzeEdges[1]
    • analyzeNakedBorders
      • analyzeNakedBorders[1]
    • angle
    • antenna[1]
    • antenna coupling[1]
    • antenna coupling by frequency[1]
    • antenna coupling by step[1]
    • antenna coupling text files[1]
    • antenna feeding
    • arc
    • area
    • array[1]
    • ArrayOnSuerface[1]
    • arrayOnSurface
      • arrayOnSurface[1]
    • axis
  • B
    • batch[1]
    • batch utility[1]
    • bentDipoles
    • bistatic RCS
    • booleanDifference
      • booleanDifference[1]
    • booleanInside
      • booleanInside[1]
    • booleanIntersection
      • booleanIntersection[1]
    • boolean operations[1]
    • booleanOutside
      • booleanOutside[1]
    • booleanSplit
      • booleanSplit[1]
    • booleanUnion
      • booleanUnion[1]
    • booleanXOR
    • box
  • C
  • D
  • E
    • edit
      • project parameters[1]
    • edit menu[1]
    • ellipse
    • ellipsoid
    • example
    • execute[1]
    • exit
    • explode[1]
    • export[1]
    • extendHole
    • extrude
    • extrudeNormal
      • extrudeNormal[1]
    • extrudeSurface
      • extrudeSurface[1]
  • F
  • G
  • H
    • help[1]
    • hexagon
    • high performance computing (HPC)[1]
    • history[1]
    • HPC[1]
    • hyperbola
    • hyperboloid
  • I
    • ignore edges[1]
    • import[1]
    • inside[1]
    • interdigitalLines
      • interdigitalLines[1]
    • intersection[1]
    • inverting normals[1]
    • invertNormals
      • invertNormals[1]
    • invert normals[1]
  • J
  • L
  • M
    • menu
    • mesh
      • create visibility matrix[1]
      • ignore edges[1]
      • manual divisions[1]
      • to surfaces[1]
      • view[1]
    • meshFromSurfaces
      • meshFromSurfaces[1]
    • meshToSurfaces
      • meshToSurfaces[1]
    • method of moments (MoM)[1]
    • MIMO
    • MIMO results[1]
      • channel correlation[1]
      • channel transfer matrix[1]
    • monostatic RCS
    • move[1]
    • multiple points[1]
    • multipole antenna[1][2]
    • mutual coupling[1]
  • N
    • near field[1][2]
      • view cuts[1]
      • view cuts by frequency[1]
      • view cuts by step[1]
    • newFASANT script[1]
  • O
  • P
    • pan[1]
    • parabola
    • paraboloid
    • parameter
    • passive antenna[1]
    • pattern file[1]
    • pattern file antenna[1]
    • pattern file array[1]
    • pattern files
    • perpendicular
      • perpendicular[1]
    • pipe
    • planarSurface
      • planarSurface[1]
    • plane
    • plot viewer[1][2]
    • point[1]
    • pointCloud
    • pointsFromCurve
      • pointsFromCurve[1]
    • pointsFromCurveByDistance
      • pointsFromCurveByDistance[1]
    • pointsFromSurface
      • pointsFromSurface[1]
    • polygon
    • post-process[1]
    • power angular spectrum[1]
    • power process[1]
    • primitive[1]
    • project
    • project folder[1]
    • project parameters
    • project to surface[1][2]
  • Q
  • R
    • radiation pattern[1]
    • RCS[1][2]
    • RCS parameters[1]
    • rebuildCurve
      • rebuildCurve[1]
    • rebuildSurface
      • rebuildSurface[1]
    • rectangle
    • rectangularHole
      • rectangularHole[1]
    • redo[1]
    • reference plane[1]
    • reflectarray[1]
    • remote server[1]
    • rename
    • render mode[1]
    • result[1]
    • revolve
    • rhomboid
    • ring
    • rotate[1][2]
  • S
    • save[1]
    • scale[1]
    • scale1D
    • scale2D
    • scale3D
    • scaleNonUniform
      • scaleNonUniform[1]
    • script
    • segment
    • semicircle
    • server
    • set
    • set step[1]
    • simulation parameter[1][2][3]
    • single point[1]
    • skinned
    • solid
    • source[1]
      • pattern file[1]
    • sphere
    • spiral
    • spiralCross
    • split[1][2]
    • splitByProjection
      • splitByProjection[1]
    • splitCurves
    • splitRing
    • splitSurfaceByIsoparam
      • splitSurfaceByIsoparam[1]
    • splitSurfaceByIsoparamGrid
      • splitSurfaceByIsoparamGrid[1]
    • splitSurfaces
      • splitSurfaces[1]
    • statusbar[1]
    • stripCross
    • stripHexagon
      • stripHexagon[1]
    • stripTrifilar
      • stripTrifilar[1]
    • surface[1]
    • surfaceCornerPoints
      • surfaceCornerPoints[1]
    • surfaceEdges
      • surfaceEdges[1]
    • surfaceEllipse
      • surfaceEllipse[1]
    • surfaceFromEdges
      • surfaceFromEdges[1]
    • surfaceFunction
      • surfaceFunction[1]
    • surfaceInterpolation
      • surfaceInterpolation[1]
    • surfaceIsoparamCurve
      • surfaceIsoparamCurve[1]
    • surfaceSpiral
      • surfaceSpiral[1]
    • sweep
    • symmetric
    • symmetry[1]
  • T
    • tangent
    • tCross
    • threeDipoles
      • threeDipoles[1]
    • threeDipolesUnion
      • threeDipolesUnion[1]
    • tool
    • toolbar[1]
    • torus
    • trace[1]
    • trace options[1]
    • trace representation[1]
    • transform
      • to reference plane[1]
    • tree[1]
    • trifilar
    • trim
  • U
  • V
    • view
    • view control points[1]
    • view mesh[1]
    • view ray[1]
    • view text files[1]
    • visibility matrix[1]
  • X
  • Z