
This tool allows the user to calculate the angle (in degrees) between two given vectors. Vectors are specified by an initial point and an end point.

Inline mode usage:

angle -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.
angle <x1 y1 z1> <x2 y2 z2> <x3 y3 z3> <x4 y4 z4>
Calculates the angle between the vectors. <x1 y1 z1> and <x2 y2 z2> refer to the initial and final Cartesian coordinates of first vector and <x3 y3 z3> and <x4 y4 z4> refer to the initial and final Cartesian coordinates of second vector, respectively.

Interactive mode usage:

  • Initial coordinate for the first vector: x1 y1 z1.
  • Final coordinate for the first vector: x2 y2 z2.
  • Initial coordinate for the second vector: x3 y3 z3.
  • Final coordinate for the second vector: x4 y4 z4.

All coordinates are specified by writing each of their three spatial components separated by a blank space.


Select first point for first vector [x y z] 0 0 0
Select second point for first vector [x y z] 3 0 0
Select first point for second vector [x y z] 0 0 0
Select second point for second vector [x y z] 0 2 0
The angle between given points is 90.0