- analyzeCurvature
This option is useful to identify the curves and surfaces in the geometry that describe large curvatures. Given a desired angle as reference (in degrees), if some of the selected objects describe curvatures bigger than the reference angle the points are generated where the curves has varied their direction every angular step. The detected points may be only visualized or also added to the geometry.
- analyzeEdges
This tool allows the user to detect the edges in the geometry. The edges may be only visualized or also added to the geometry.
- analyzeNakedBorders
This tool allows the user to detect the naked borders (borders of the surfaces that are not in contact with other ones) in the geometry. The borders may be only visualized or also added to the geometry.
- angle
This tool allows the user to calculate the angle (in degrees) between two given vectors. Vectors are specified by an initial point and an end point.
- arc
This command allows the user to draw a circumference arc specifying its central point, radius, initial and final angles (in degrees), in this order.
- area
This command returns the total area of the selected surfaces.
- array
Copies an object or a set of objects a given number of times in the direction of each of the axes. This option lets the user easily create a matrix of geometries.
- arrayOnSurface
Creates an array of planar elements along surface.
- axis
This option toggles the visualization of the three axes in the view area and allows to modify their length.
- bentDipoles
Add new "Bent dipoles" structure to the geometry.
- booleanDifference
This command computes the resulting surfaces of subtracting the second object to the first one (A minus B operation), that is, the regions of the first object that are not contained in the second object.
- booleanInside
This command select the surfaces of the first object that are contained in the second one (A inside B operation).
- booleanIntersection
This command creates an object with the regions of the two selected objects that are included in both of them (A AND B operation). Note that the original objects used for the operation will be deleted.
- booleanOutside
This command select the surfaces of the first object that are not contained in the second one (A outside B operation).
- booleanSplit
This command introduces the cuts that an object produces in another one.
- booleanUnion
This command creates a new object that encloses the regions of the two selected objects that are included in any of them (A OR B operation). Note that this command will delete the original objects.
- booleanXOR
This command selects the surfaces of the two selected objects that are included only in one of them (A XOR B operation).
- box
This command draws a box at the specified coordinates taking a square bounded by width, depth and height.
- capacitance
Add a new capacitance to the geometry.
- circle
This command draws a circle with a specified radius and center point.
- circularHole
Add a new plane with a circular hole in it to the geometry.
- cone
This command draws a closed or open cone.
- connect2Surfaces
Generates a new surface to join the two selected ones (if they are not in contact).
- connectCurves
Connects the selected curves.
- coons
Creates a coons patch through a selected loop of 2, 3 or 4 curves.
- copy
Copies an object or set of objects. The difference between this command and the array command is that the copy command copies objects by applying a displacement vector with an arbitrary direction.
- cross
This command draws a cross-shaped surface.
- crossHole
Add a new plane with a cross shaped hole in it.
- curve
This command creates a NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) curve by specifying its control points (as well as the weight of each one). Note that the number of points must be at least one more than the degree of the curve.
- curveFunction
This command draws a curve with three functions that define points in Cartesian coordinates.
- curveInterpolation
This option allows the user to draw a curve that goes through a set of points by applying polynomial interpolation.
- cylinder
Creates a closed or open (i.e. without taps) cylinder.
- delete
This command deletes an object or set of objects from the geometry. It is also possible to delete all the command history.
- disk
This command creates a disk by specifying its center point and the radius.
- distance
This option allows the user to calculate the Euclidean distance between two given points.
- duplicate
Creates a copy of an existing object at the same position as the original one.
- ellipse
This command draws an ellipse.
- ellipsoid
This command draws an ellipsoid in the geometry.
- exit
This command closes the application.
- explode
Divides an object into a specific number of surfaces.
- export
This command lets the user export the geometry contained in the current project into a file (NURBS, IGES, DXF, MSH, NAS…)
- extendHole
This option allows the user to trim a surface with a loop and extrude the resulting cut off part of the surface.
- extrude
This command creates a surface by sweeping a curve along a translation vector, or by joining all of its points to a central point.
- extrudeNormal
Creates a closed object by sweeping the chosen surfaces in the direction of their normal vectors. This command is a simplified version of the extrudeSurface command as the extrusion direction is set to the normal vector of the surfaces.
- extrudeSurface
This option allows the user to create a solid volume from a surface. The original surface is not removed from the view area after the extrusion has been performed.
- flare
This command creates a trapezoidal prism.
- group
This command groups the selected surfaces into an object.
- help
This command displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for the console or the selected command.
- hexagon
Adds a new hexagon to the geometry.
- hyperbola
This command creates a hyperbolic curve on the geometry.
- hyperboloid
This command draws a hyperboloid on the geometry.
- import
- interdigitalLines
Creates a stripline interdigital filter.
- invertNormals
This command inverts the direction of the normal vectors of a curve, surface or solid object.
- length
This command returns the total length of the selected curves.
- line
This command generates a straight line in the geometry.
- localTransform
This command allows the user to transform the selected objects, which are assumed to be positioned in the default Cartesian coordinate system, to the current coordinate system (determined by the reference plane).
- meshFromSurfaces
This command creates a mesh from a set of surfaces.
- meshToSurfaces
This command converts a mesh to a set of (open) surfaces.
- move
This command moves an object by applying a translation vector to it.
- ogive
This command create a tangent ogive in the geometry.
- openRing
Add a new open ring to the geometry.
- parabola
This command draws a parabola.
- paraboloid
This command creates a paraboloid in the geometry.
- perpendicular
This command generates a straight line in the geometry perpendicular to the selected object that cross the introduced point.
- pipe
This command create a circular cross-section tube that surrounds the selected curve with the specified radius.
- planarSurface
This option allows the generation of planar surfaces from multiple coplanar lines.
- plane
This command creates a plane in the geometry.
- point
This command defines a point in the geometry.
- pointCloud
This command allows the user to create several points on the geometry.
- pointsFromCurve
The user can draw several points along a selected curve. The points are generated along a curve as a result of its division in several subcurves (the curve is not split) of identical size.
- pointsFromCurveByDistance
The user can draw several points along a selected curve. The points are generated along a curve when the desired length of a subcurve (the input curve is not split) is reached.
- pointsFromSurface
The user can draw several points along the two parametric dimensions of a selected surface.
- polygon
This command draws a polygon in the geometry.
- project
This command projects points and curves onto surfaces or objects. The original points and curves are not modified.
- rebuildCurve
This option allows rebuilding any given curve by sampling and interpolating the resulting points.
- rebuildSurface
This option allows rebuilding any given surface by sampling and interpolating the resulting points.
- rectangle
This command draws a rectangle in the geometry.
- rectangularHole
Adds new hole rectangle in geometry.
- rename
This command renames an object to a given new name
- revolve
This command creates a surface by revolving a curve around a rotational axis.
- rhomboid
This command draws a rhomboid in the geometry.
- ring
Adds new ring in geometry panel.
- rotate
This command rotates an object a given number of degrees around a specified axis.
- scale
This command scales the size of an object or objects by a factor specified by the user.
- scale1D
This command scales only the specified dimension (X, Y, Z) of an object or objects by the factor specified by the user.
- scale2D
This command scales only the two specified dimensions (X, Y, Z) of an object or objects by the same factor specified by the user.
- scale3D
This command scales the three dimensions (X, Y, Z) of an object or objects by the same factor specified by the user.
- scaleNonUniform
This command scales the three dimensions (X, Y, Z) of an object or objects by the three different scale factors for each dimension specified by the user.
- script
This command loads and executes a script or saves the history to script.
- segment
This command draws a straight segment in the geometry.
- semicircle
This command draws a semicircle in the geometry.
- set
This command allows visualizing and/or changing the value of a parameter.
- skinned
This command creates a surface by interpolating it through several curves.
- sphere
This command creates a new sphere in the geometry.
- spiral
Create a spiral curve with a given center, radius and number of turns.
- spiralCross
Adds a new spiral cross to the geometry.
- splitByProjection
This command projects curves onto surfaces or objects and split them with the resulting projections. The projected curves are only used to split the target surfaces and they are not included to the geometry.
- splitCurves
Split operation applied to curves.
- splitRing
Add a new split ring to geometry.
- splitSurfaceByIsoparam
This option is useful when a surface needs to be split at a given isoparametric curve. This operation may be used to separate surfaces with extreme curvatures in different parts.
- splitSurfaceByIsoparamGrid
This option is useful when a surface needs to be split at a given grid of isoparametric curves. This operation may be used to separate surfaces with extreme curvatures in different parts.
- splitSurfaces
Split operation on surfaces.
- stripCross
Adds new strip cross in geometry.
- stripHexagon
Adds new strip hexagon in geometry.
- stripTrifilar
Add a new hollow trifilar surface to the geometry.
- surface
This command allows the user to create a NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational Basis Spline) surface specifying its control points.
- surfaceCornerPoints
This command allows drawing a surface that is bound by the corner points specified by the user.
- surfaceEdges
This command creates the curves that delimit a surface.
- surfaceEllipse
Adds a new ellipse to the geometry.
- surfaceFromEdges
- surfaceFunction
This option creates a surface by defining two parameters and three functions.
- surfaceInterpolation
This command allows drawing a surface that goes through a set of points specified by the user.
- surfaceIsoparamCurve
Any isoparametric curve of a surface (in the U- or V-dimension) may be obtained by using this command.
- surfaceSpiral
Create a spiral surface with a given width, radius and number of turns.
- sweep
Interpolate a surface through the curves chosen by the user.
- symmetric
This command creates an object that is symmetric to the original one with respect to a plane of symmetry.
- tangent
This command generates a straight line in the geometry tangent to the selected curve that cross the introduced point.
- tCross
Adds a new T cross (a cross with T-shaped ends) to the geometry.
- threeDipoles
Add three dipoles to geometry.
- threeDipolesUnion
Add three joined dipoles to geometry.
- torus
Adds a new torus to the geometry panel, receiving the central point, the minor (inner) radius and the major (outer) radius of the torus.
- trifilar
Add a new trifilar to the geometry.
- trim
This command allows the user to trim a surface using a curve or set of curves.
- unset
Deletes already existing parameters.
- untrim
This command removes cutting loops of the selected surfaces.