Remote Server

A remote newFASANT server can be set up to execute a project remotely.

By default, newFASANT is run locally on your own machine, meaning that the kernels used is provided with the software installed and must have an active license for them.

With the Client-Server mode, you can define a new remote server where newFASANT software must be installed and must have an active license for the installed kernels. It requires setting up a connection to the server indicating its network route (IP address) and the port to which it will connect. Once the connection is established, the client sends data to the server, processing it and returning the results to the client.

To get a newFASANT server up and running, you must launch the newFASANT executable within the installation alongside the -server argument. A port number can be specified after the -server argument, by default, it will use 3107 (no additional arguments are needed).

For example:
C:\Program Files\Altair\2021\feko\bin>newfasant.exe -server
To create a remote connection, you only need to set up the connection profile. Click Tools > Remote.
Figure 1. Remote menu

And the following panel is displayed:
Figure 2. Remote panel

Click New Server to open the panel to create the connection with the new server.
Figure 3. New Server panel

  • Name (optional): Identification for the new server to show on the server list in the main tab.
  • Hostname: IP address of the server.
  • Port: Listening connections port.
Then click OK to select the new remote server.

Complimenting this form, return to the Remote panel where the specified server can be selected in the Select a server drop-down list. By default, Local, means that the current machine is used as both client and server.

To ensure that the selected profile is the correct one and that the connection is available, click Check Connection. In case the check is successful, the following dialog appears:
Figure 4. Success message

If the server is configured incorrectly or has a problem, the next message will appear:
Figure 5. Failure warning

  • Delete Server: Allows you to delete any server in the list of stored servers.
  • Enable server fallback: This option checks all the servers on the list to see if it is active.
  • Import: This option loads the configuration information about the servers from a selected file.
  • Export: This option saves the configuration information about the servers to a selected file.

Save all changes by clicking Save.