Power Angular Spectrum
The Power Angular Spectrum represents the power of the rays that reach the passive antenna according to the arrival direction. The power of each ray that reaches the passive antenna is computed taking into account the angular range in which the ray is received. As shown in the following figure, an imaginary circumference is drawn around the receiver, which is divided into the number of sectors specified by the user. Only the power of the rays received within a specific angular range is associated with the angular range.

In this panel, the user can set:
- Steps: the user can choose the step if a parametric simulation has been performed.
- Number of sectors: number of divisions in which the angular space is divided. For instance, if the number of sectors is 12, 360º is divided by 12, so each angular sector is 30º.
- Frequency: the user can also select the frequency.
- Representation type: the user can also select whether to show a linear graph or a polar one.
When the user presses the Ok button, the chart is shown: