LS-DYNA Input Interface KeywordDefines a cumulative failure model.
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) |
*MAT_ADD_EROSION | |||||||
mat_ID | Pmax | Eps_min | Eps_eff | Eps_vol | P_thick_fail | NCS | |
Pmin | SigP1_max | Sig_max | Eps_max | Shear | Sigr | K | Time_max |
If IDAM = 0
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) |
IDAM | fct_IDel |
If IDAM > 0
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) |
IDAM | EPSF_ID | INST_ID | N | D_crit | EXP | fct_IDel | |
If IDAM < 0
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) |
IDAM | fct_IDel | ||||||
Optional cards.
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) |
Tab_ID_FLD | Nstep | Thinning | fct_IDg12 | fct_IDg13 | fct_IDe1c | ||
Volfrac | Tmax | Dtmin |
Field | Contents | SI Unit Example |
mat_ID | Material
identifier. (Integer) |
Pmax | Maximum
pressure. (Real) |
Eps_min | Minimum principal
strain. (Real) |
Eps_eff | Maximum effective
strain. (Real) |
Eps_vol | Maximum volumetric
strain. (Real) |
P_thick_fail | Number of integration points to
element failure. (Real) |
NCS | Number of failure criteria to
element failure. (Real) |
Pmin | Minimum
pressure. (Real) |
SigP1_max | Maximum principal
stress. (Real) |
Sig_max | Maximum equivalent
stress. (Real) |
Eps_max | Maximum principal
strain. (Real) |
Shear | Maximum Tensorial shear
strain. (Real) |
Sigr | Initial fracture stress for
Tuler-Butcher criterion. (Real) |
K | Critical value of the damage
integral for Tuler-Butcher criterion. (Real) |
Time_max | Failure time. (Real) |
IDAM | Additional failure model flag.
(Integer) |
EPSF_ID | Plastic strain at failure table
identifier (used only if IDAM >
0). (Real) |
INST_ID | Instability (necking) plastic
strain table identifier (used only if IDAM >
0). (Real) |
N | Damage accumulation exponent (used
only if IDAM > 0). (Real) |
D_crit | Critical damage for stress
softening triggering (used only if IDAM >
0). (Real) |
EXP | Scale factor for stress softening
exponent function (used only if IDAM >
0). (Real) |
fct_IDel | Element size scale factor function
identifier. (Integer) |
EL_REF | Reference element size for size
scaling table. (Real) |
FCT_SR | Strain rate dependency function
identifier. (Real) |
SHRF | Lower stress triaxiality boundary
for element size scaling. (Real) |
BIAXF | Upper stress triaxiality boundary
for element size scaling. (Real) |
INITYP | Damage initiation criterion
type. (Real) |
TAB_ID | Failure initiation criterion table
identifier. (Real) |
PARAM2 | Damage initiation
parameter. (Real) |
PARAM3 | Damage initiation
parameter. (Real) |
EVOTYP | Damage evolution type.
(Real) |
COMPTYP | Criterion combination
type. (Real) |
DISP | Damage evolution parameter.
(Real) |
Tab_ID_FLD | Table or function identifier of the
Forming Limit Diagram. (Integer) |
Nstep | Number of cycles for the stress
reduction for stress reduction. (Real) |
Thinning | Thinning failure
value. (Real) |
fct_IDg12 | Function identifier of the maximum
in-plane shear strain
versus element
size. (Integer) |
fct_IDg13 | Function identifier of the maximum
transversal shear strain
versus element
size. (Integer) |
fct_IDe1c | Function identifier of the maximum
in-plane major strain
versus element
size. (Integer) |
Volfrac | Volume fraction of the solid
element to reach before the element is
deleted. (Real) |
Tmax | Maximum
temperature. (Real) |
Dtmin | Minimum time
step. (Real) |
- This keyword maps to /FAIL/GENE1, /FAIL/INIEVO, and/or /FAIL/TAB2.
- The option “_TITLE” can be added to the end of this keyword. When “_TITLE” is included, an extra 80 characters long line is added after the keyword input line which allows an entity title to be defined.