LS-DYNA Input Interface KeywordDefines a muscle model for discrete elements.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
mat_ID L0 Vmax At Force FL FV


Field Contents SI Unit Example
mat_ID Material identifier.


L0 Initial muscle length.


[ m ]
Vmax Maximum shortening velocity.


[ 1 s ]
At Activation factor versus time.
< 0
Curve identifier of activation level versus time.
< 0
This constant value is used as activation level.


Force Peak isometric force.


[ N ]
FL Active tension as function of length.
< 0
Curve identifier.
> 0
Constant value of 1.0 is used.


FV Active stress factor as function of velocity.
< 0
Curve identifier.
> 0
Constant value of 1.0 is used.


FP Normalized force as function of length for parallel elastic element.
< 0
Curve identifier.
= 0
Exponential equation is used.
> 0
Constant value of 1.0 is used.


LMAX Relative length at Force. Used only when FP = 0.


KSH Constant for passive element. Used only when FP = 0.



  1. This keyword maps to /PROP/TYPE46 (SPR_MUSCLE).
  2. This keyword is used only with discrete elements.
  3. The option “_TITLE” can be added to the end of this keyword. When “_TITLE” is included, an extra 80 characters long line is added after the keyword input line which allows an entity title to be defined.