I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry Enables the output of section resultant results.


RESULTANT (format_list, type, random) = option


Argument Option Description
format <OPTI, H3D, blank>
OPTI (Default), blank
Results are output in OPTI format (to a .secres file).
Results are output in H3D format (to a .h3d file).

No default

Enables output of resultants for user-defined sections but disables the output for cross-sections associated with pretension bolts.
random <PSDFC, RMS, blank>

Default = Blank

Blank (Default)
PSDF, RMS, Zero Crossing, and Peak Rate results are output.
Additional columns are output for the cumulative PSDF.
Only RMS and Zero Crossing results are output.
option <YES, NO, NONE, blank>
YES (Default), blank
Resultant results are output.
Resultant results are not output.


  1. The RESULTANT entry is applicable to different types of output, in conjunction with the SECTION entry.
    • Section forces and moments (STYPE=RESULT on SECTION entry). Currently these are output only in OPTI format.
    • Heat flow across sections (STYPE=HEAT on SECTION entry). These are supported for both H3D and OPTI formats.
    • Current flow across sections (STYPE=ELEC on SECTION entry). These are supported for both H3D and OPTI formats.
  2. There are two contexts in which section forces and moments can be calculated:
    • User-defined sections (via the SECTION Bulk Data Entry)
    • Internally generated sections (Pretension bolts)
  3. For section forces and moments, in case of transient analysis, OUTPUT, HGTRANS can be specified along with RESULTANT to obtain a session file (_tran.mvw file), that can be used for plotting the time histories in HyperGraph.
  4. Section resultant force and moment calculations are not available for transient subcases preloaded by a nonlinear static subcase, which may result in ERROR # 5837. In such cases, RESULTANT (OPTI) = NO should be used to disable their calculation and output.
  5. The support information for RESULTANT for section force and resultants is:
    Analysis Type
    Linear Static Analysis
    Section forces and moments are available automatically if a section is created.
    Transient Analysis (Direct and Modal) and Frequency Response Analysis (Direct and Modal)
    Section forces and moments are available only if a section is created and the RESULTANT I/O Entry is used.
  6. The support information for RESULTANT for heat flow across sections is:
    Analysis Type
    Linear and Nonlinear Steady-state Heat Transfer Analysis
    Heat flow output is automatically available if a SECTION (with STYPE=HEAT) is defined (RESULTANT is default).
    Linear and Nonlinear Transient Heat Transfer Analysis
    Heat flow output is available if both SECTION (with STYPE=HEAT) and RESULTANT entries are defined.
  7. The support information for RESULTANT for current flow across sections is:
    Analysis Type
    Steady-state Electrical Analysis
    Current flow output is automatically available if a SECTION (with STYPE=HEAT) is defined (RESULTANT is default).
    Multi-steady Electrical Analysis
    Current flow output is available if both SECTION (with STYPE=ELEC) and RESULTANT entries are defined.
    Random Response Analysis
    RESULTANT output for SECTION is available for random response analysis. If a RESULTANT output request is specified for a RANDOM subcase, by default the PSDF, RMS, Zero Crossing, and Peak Rate results are output for the defined sections in the .secres file. The PSDFC option is available to output additional columns for the cumulative PSDF. The RMS option outputs only RMS and Zero-Crossing results.