I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry Used in the I/O Options section or in Acoustic Complex Eigenvalue Analysis Subcases to request displacement for acoustic grids. This output request is only supported for acoustic interface grids.


ACDISP (format, SUBSYS=SUBSYS_ID) = option


Argument Options Description
format <H3D, COUPLED, blank>

Default = blank

Results are output in Hyper3D format (.h3d file).
Results are only output for structural displacements at wetted surface.
Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available.

No default

ID of the subsystem.

When used along a subsystem definition, this option generates an individual result file for each subsystem with results for that subsystem only.

For more information, refer to the SET Bulk Data Entry.
option <YES, ALL, NO, NONE, SID>

Default = ALL

YES, ALL, blank
Displacement is output for all acoustic interface grids.
Displacement is not output for any acoustic interface grids.
If a set ID is given, displacement is output only for acoustic interface grids listed in that set.


  1. When ACDISP command is not present, acoustic interface grid displacement is not output for acoustic complex eigenvalue subcases.
  2. Multiple instances of this card are allowed; if instances are conflicting, the last instance dominates.
  3. When ACDISP is present in an acoustic fluid-structure model, the following results are output.
    • Displacement of fluid acoustic interface grids
    • Displacement of structural acoustic interface grids
    • Fluid Pressure results are also output