_s#.h3d file
The _s#.h3d file is a compressed binary file, containing both model and result data. It can be used to post-process results in HyperView or using the HyperView Player.
File Creation
The _s#.h3d file is created when the H3D format is chosen (I/O Option OUTPUT), and an optimization is performed containing a linear static subcase. A similar file is created for each static subcase.
File Contents
The _s#.h3d file contains node and element definitions in addition to the
following results:
- Result
- Description
- Displacement
- Displacement results from linear static analysis.
- Element strain energy
- Element strain energy results from linear static analysis.
- Stress
- Stress results from linear static analysis.
- Density
- Density results from topology optimization.
- Shape
- Shape results from topography, shape, and free shape optimization.
- The # in the file name is the user-defined subcase ID.
- The I/O Option Previously Supported Results controls the frequency of output for analytical results during an optimization.