Subcase Information Entry The STEADY command can be used in the subcase information section to activate steady state analysis. It identifies a STEADY Bulk Data Entry that contains information required to activate steady state analysis.


STEADY = option




Argument Options Description
option <STID>
Identification number of a STEADY Bulk Data Entry for steady state analysis.


  1. Steady state analysis is used to convert results of an FRF analysis from frequency domain to time domain and combine the results with a linear static subcase and another FRF subcase in time domain.
  2. The IMPORT I/O Options Entry can be used in the corresponding FRF and linear static subcase to run steady state analysis directly from H3D files. All the corresponding subcases should contain the IMPORT I/O Options Entry in such a situation.
  3. Steady state analysis subcases are supported for fatigue analysis. The LCID field of the FATLOAD Bulk Data Entry can point to the subcase ID of a steady state analysis subcase.