- *ActionOnlyForce()
Creates an action-only force.
- *ActionOnlyForcePair()
Creates an action-only force pair.
- *ActionReactionForce()
Creates an action-reaction force.
- *ActionReactionForce() - line of action
Creates an action-reaction translational force acting along the line joining the points of action and reaction.
- *ActionReactionForce() - single component rotation
Creates a single component action-reaction rotational force (torque) acting about the given axis.
- *ActionReactionForcePair()
Creates an action-reaction force pair.
- *ActionReactionForcePair() - line of action
Creates an action-reaction translational force pair acting along the line joining the points of action and reaction.
- *ActionReactionForcePair() - single component rotation
Creates a single component action-reaction rotational force (torque) pair acting about the given axis.
- *AdamsScript()
Sets the active script for the ADAMS solver mode.
- *Analysis()
Creates an analysis.
- *AnalysisPlaceholder()
This is a container which holds information regarding the analysis.
- *AssemblyPlaceholder()
Creates a placeholder for an assembly.
- *AtPointJoint()
Creates an at-point joint.
- *AtPointJointPair()
Creates an at-point joint pair.
- *Attachment()
Specifies the details of a system or analysis attachment.
- *AttachmentCandidate()
Tag any entity as a candidate to be used as an attachment when resolving an assembly interactively.
- *AutoRequests()
Specifies if requests for all entities in a model are to be written out.
- *BallJoint()
Creates a ball joint.
- *BallJointPair()
Creates a ball joint pair.
- *Beam()
Creates a beam.
- *BeamPair()
Creates a beam pair.
- *BeginAnalysis()
Indicates the beginning of instantiation of a distributed type analysis.
- *BeginAnalysisDataFile()
Indicates the beginning of the data file for a distributed analysis in the data file.
- *BeginAssemblyDataFile()
Indicates the beginning of the data file for an assembly in the data file.
- *BeginAssemblySelection()
Adds an assembly into an assembly placeholder.
- *BeginAssemblySelections()
Indicates the beginning of an assembly selections block.
- *BeginComment()
Indicates the beginning of a comment block.
- *BeginContext()
Puts all of the *Set statements into the context of the specified system.
- *BeginDefinitionFile()
Indicates the beginning of the definition for an assembly or analysis in the definition file.
- *BeginMdl()
Indicates the beginning of an MDL block.
- *BeginTaskSelections()
Indicates the beginning of a task selections block.
- *BeginWizardSelections()
Indicates the beginning of an assembly and task wizard selections block.
- *Body()
Creates a body.
- *BodyPair()
Creates a body pair.
- *Boolean()
Creates a boolean entity.
- *Bush()
Creates a bushing.
- *BushIDScheme()
Specifies a scheme for assigning solver ID numbers to bushings.
- *BushPair()
Creates a bushing pair.
- *CoilSpring()
Creates a coil spring.
- *CoilSpringPair()
Creates a coil spring pair.
- *ColorMaterial()
Creates a color to be referenced by entities, such as graphics.
- *ColumnLabel()
Sets the column(s) label in a form or a tableform.
- *ColumnWidth()
Sets the width of a column(s) in a form or a tableform.
- *Connector()
Creates a connector tag entity which will associate a specified entity with a symbol.
- *ConstraintMate()
Creates a primitive geometry based general mating constraint.
- *Contact()
Creates a 3D graphics-based contact force between two bodies and/or deformable entities.
- *ControlSISO()
Defines a single-input, single-output, transfer function as a ratio of two polynomials in the Laplace domain when used with the associated ARRAY statements.
- *Coupler()
Creates a coupler for two or three joints.
- *CouplerPair()
Creates a coupler pair.
- *Curve()
Creates a curve entity to capture non-linear characteristics or to describe constraint paths for high-pair joint types.
- *CurveToCurveJoint()
Creates a curve-to-curve high-pair joint with two rotational degrees of freedom and one translational degree of freedom.
- *CurveToSurfaceJoint()
Creates a curve-to-surface high-pair joint with three rotational degrees of freedom and two translational degrees of freedom.
- *CVJoint()
Creates a constant velocity joint.
- *CVJointPair()
Creates a constant velocity joint pair.
- *CylJoint()
Creates a cylindrical joint.
- *CylJointPair()
Creates a cylindrical joint pair.
- *DataInclude()
Includes a data file for an assembly.
- *DataSet()
Creates a data set.
- *DefineAnalysis()
Indicates the beginning of an analysis definition block.
- *DefineAssembly()
Indicates the beginning of an assembly definition block.
- *DefineDataSet()
Indicates the beginning of a data set definition block.
- *DefineForm()
Indicates the beginning of a user-defined form definition block.
- *DefineGraphic()
Indicates the beginning of a user-defined graphic definition block.
- *DefineProcedure()
Begins a procedure definition block. *This statement has been deprecated and all functionality is now contained in the *DefineTemplate() - procedure statement.
- *DefineRecord()
Indicates the beginning of a record definition block that contains a set of data used in a table.
- *DefineSystem()
Indicates the beginning of a System definition block.
- *DefineTable()
Indicates the beginning of a record definition block. *This statement has been deprecated and all functionality is now contained in the *DefineRecord() statement.
- *DefineTableForm()
Indicates the beginning of a table format definition block.
- *DefineTemplate() - general
Indicates the beginning of a template definition block.
- *DefineTemplate() - procedure
Indicates the beginning of a template definition block.
- *DefinitionInclude()
Includes a definition file for definition based entities such as a system/assembly/analysis.
- *DeformableCurve()
Creates a three-dimensional deformable curve entity.
- *DeformableSurface()
Creates a three-dimensional deformable surface entity.
- *else()
Defines a branch for an *if() block.
- *elseif()
Defines a conditional branch for an *if() block.
- *EndAssemblySelections()
Indicates the end of an assembly's selections block.
- *EndComment()
Indicates the end of a comment block.
- *EndContext()
Indicates the end of a context block.
- *EndDefine()
Completes the preceding definition block started by any of the *Define() statements.
- *endif()
Indicates the end of an *if() block.
- *EndMdl()
Indicates the end of an MDL block.
- *EndTaskSelections()
Indicates the end of an analysis task's selections block.
- *EndWizardSelections()
Indicates the end of a wizard selections block.
- *Field()
Creates a field.
- *FieldPair()
Creates a field pair.
- *FileName()
Creates a variable of type FileName.
- *FixedJoint()
Creates a fixed joint.
- *FixedJointPair()
Creates a fixed joint pair.
- *FMU()
Creates a functional mock-up unit (FMU) entity.
- *Form()
Creates a form.
- *FrequencyInput()
Creates a frequency input entity.
- *Gear()
Creates a gear.
- *GeneralConstraint()
Creates a general constraint.
- *GeneralStateEquation()
Creates a user subroutine based general state equation entity.
- *Graphic() - AirSpring
Creates an AirSpring graphic.
- *Graphic() - box
Creates a box graphic.
- *Graphic() - CADGraphic
Creates a CAD graphic.
- *Graphic() - coil spring
Creates a coil spring graphic.
- *Graphic() - curve
Creates a curve graphic.
- *Graphic() - cylinder
Creates a cylinder graphic.
- *Graphic() - DeformableCurve
Creates a graphic on a deformable curve entity.
- *Graphic() - DeformableRoad
Creates a deformable road graphic for use with soft-soil road.
- *Graphic() - DeformableSurface
Creates a graphic on a deformable surface entity.
- *Graphic() - ellipsoid
Creates an ellipsoid graphic.
- *Graphic() - file
Creates a graphic from a graphic file component.
- *Graphic() - offset cylinder
Creates an offset cylinder graphic.
- *Graphic() - outline - body-point
Creates an outline graphic by connecting points.
- *Graphic() - outline - markers
Creates an outline graphic by connecting the origins of the markers.
- *Graphic() - outline - PointToCurveJoint
Creates an outline graphic on the curve of a PointToCurveJoint.
- *Graphic() - outline - polybeam
Creates an outline graphic by connecting polybeam points.
- *Graphic() - sphere
Creates a sphere graphic.
- *Graphic() - tire
Creates a tire graphic.
- *Graphic() - tube
Creates a tube graphic.
- *Graphic() - user-defined graphic
Creates a user-defined graphic.
- *GraphicPair() - box pair
Creates a pair of box graphics.
- *GraphicPair() - coil spring pair
Creates a coil spring pair graphic.
- *GraphicPair() - cylinder pair
Creates a cylinder pair graphic.
- *GraphicPair() - ellipsoid pair
Creates a pair of ellipsoid graphics.
- *GraphicPair() - offset cylinder pair
Creates an offset cylinder pair graphic.
- *GraphicPair() - sphere pair
Creates a sphere pair graphic.
- *GraphicPair() - tire
Creates a pair of tire graphic statements.
- *GraphicPair() - user-defined graphic pair
Creates a user-defined pair graphic.
- *IDAvoidRange()
Specifies a range of numbers that may not be used by MotionView when assigning IDs.
- *if()
Indicates the beginning of an *if() block.
- *Include()
Reads the contents of the specified MDL file.
- *InlineJoint() - inline joints (coincident origins)
Creates an inline joint with coincident i and j markers.
- *InlineJoint() - inline joints (non-coincident origins)
Creates an inline joint with non-coincident i and j markers.
- *InlineJointPair() - inline joints (coincident origins)
Creates an inline joint pair with coincident i and j markers.
- *InlineJointPair() - inline joints (non-coincident origins)
Creates an inline joint pair with non-coincident i and j markers.
- *InplaneJoint() - inplane joint (normal)
Creates an inplane joint specifying a normal to the plane of the joint.
- *InplaneJoint() - inplane joint (plane)
Creates an inplane joint parallel to a specified plane.
- *InplaneJointPair() - inplane joints (normal)
Creates an inplane joint pair specifying a normal to the plane.
- *InplaneJointPair() - inplane joints (plane)
Creates an inplane joint pair parallel to a specified plane.
- *Integer()
Creates an integer entity.
- *JointIDAvoidRange()
Specifies a range of numbers that may not be used by MotionView when assigning joint IDs.
- *JointIDScheme()
Specifies a scheme for assigning solver ID numbers to joints.
- *JointNumAvoidRange()
Specifies a range of numbers that may not be used by MotionView when assigning joint numbers.
- *Marker()
Creates a triad representing a coordinate system.
- *MarkerIDAvoidRange()
Specifies a range of numbers that may not be used by MotionView when assigning marker IDs.
- *MarkerIDScheme()
Specifies a scheme for assigning solver ID numbers to markers.
- *MarkerNumAvoidRange()
Specifies a range of numbers that may not be used by MotionView when assigning marker numbers.
- *MarkerPair()
Creates a triad pair representing a pair of coordinate systems.
- *MaterialProperty()
Creates a material entity that can be used to assign a material for an NLFE body or certain type of graphics.
- *MergeCells()
Merges a block of form or a tableform cells into a single cell.
- *MergeColumns()
Merges several columns of a form or a tableform into a single column.
- *MergeRows()
Merges several rows of a form or a tableform into a single row.
- *Motion()
Applies a motion to a specified joint or constrains the motion between two markers.
- *MotionPair()
Applies a motion pair to a joint pair or constrains the motion between two marker pairs.
- *MotionSolveScript()
Sets the active script for the MotionSolve solver mode.
- *NLFEBody()
Creates a Nonlinear Finite Element (NLFE) beam or cable body. This is supported for the MotionSolve SolverMode only.
- *Option()
Creates an option menu.
- *OrientJoint()
Creates an orient joint.
- *OrientJointPair()
Creates an orient joint pair.
- *Output() - output expressions
Creates output with expression components.
- *Output() - output on entities
Creates output for a given entity.
- *Output() - output on entity sets
Creates output for a given set of entites.
- *Output() - output on two points
Creates output for two points attached to two different bodies.
- *Output() - user-defined output
Creates output with user-defined data.
- *ParallelAxesJoint() - parallel axes joint (normal)
Creates a parallel axes joint with its axes specified.
- *ParallelAxesJoint() - parallel axes joint (plane)
Creates a parallell axes joint with its axes normal to a specified plane.
- *ParallelAxesJointPair() - parallel axes joints (normal)
Creates a parallel axes joint pair with its axes parallel to normal defined by a point or vector.
- *ParallelAxesJointPair() - parallel axes joints (plane)
Creates a planar joint pair with its axes normal to the given plane.
- *PartIDAvoidRange()
Specifies a range of numbers that may not be used by MotionView when assigning Part IDs.
- *PartIDScheme()
Specifies a scheme for assigning solver ID numbers to parts.
- *PartNumAvoidRange()
Specifies a range of numbers that may not be used by MotionView when assigning body numbers.
- *Path()
Sets a path to search for specified files.
- *PerpAxesJoint()
Creates a perpendicular axes joint.
- *PerpAxesJointPair()
Creates a perpendicular axes joint pair.
- *PlanarJoint() - planar joint (normal)
Creates a planar joint with the normal specified.
- *PlanarJoint() - planar joint (plane)
Creates a planar joint parallel to a specified plane.
- *PlanarJointPair() - planar joints (normal)
Creates a planar joint pair with the normal specified.
- *PlanarJointPair() - planar joints (plane)
Creates a planar joint pair parallel to a specified plane.
- *Point()
Creates a point.
- *PointmassBody()
Creates a point mass body entity.
- *PointmassBodyPair()
Creates a point mass body pair entity.
- *PointNumAvoidRange()
Specifies a range of numbers that may not be used by MotionView when assigning point numbers.
- *PointPair()
Creates a point pair.
- *PointToCurveJoint()
Creates a point-to-curve high-pair joint with three rotational degrees of freedom and one translational degree of freedom.
- *PointToDeformableCurveJoint()
Creates a constraint between a point on one body and a curve, where the curve can deform and attach to one or multiple bodies.
- *PointToDeformableSurfaceContact()
Creates a contact force between a sphere of radius (r) and a deformable surface.
- *PointToDeformableSurfaceJoint()
Creates a constraint between a point on one body and a surface, where the surface can deform and attach to one or multiple bodies.
- *PointToSurfaceJoint()
Creates a point-to-surface high-pair joint with three rotational degrees of freedom and two translational degrees of freedom.
- *PolyBeam()
Creates a polybeam.
- *PrimaryDefinitionName()
Specifies the primary system definition to use for instantiating the assembly.
- *Procedure()
Creates a procedure.
- *Prompt() - MDL
Specifies the prompt for the user-defined form.
- *Proximity()
Creates a proximity sensor to measure minimum distance between two bodies that have associated graphics.
- *Real()
Creates a real entity.
- *Report()
Creates an instance of a report definition.
- *RevJoint()
Creates a revolute joint.
- *RevJointPair()
Creates a revolute joint pair.
- *RigidGroup()
Group bodies into a rigid group that will move together.
- *RowHeight()
Sets the height of a row(s) in a form or a tableform.
- *RowLabel()
Sets the row(s) label in a form or a tableform.
- *ScrewJoint()
Creates a screw joint.
- *ScrewJointPair()
Creates a screw joint pair.
- *Selection()
Picks an item from a radio group or system group.
- *Sensor()
Creates a sensor entity.
- *Set() - flexbody tolerance
Sets the tolerance value for the Find option in the Flexbody Nodes window.
- *Set() - Implicit graphic visibility
Sets the visibility of implicit graphics within a context.
- *Set()
Sets the values of the properties of the given entity.
- *SetActiveAnalysis()
Selects an analysis for simulation.
- *SetAnalysis()
Sets the scope for other *Set() statements.
- *SetAttachmentCandidateTag()
- *SetBeam() - arbitrary cross section asymmetric beam pair
Sets the properties of an asymmetric beam pair with arbitrary cross section.
- *SetBeam() - arbitrary cross section
Sets the properties of a beam arbitrary cross section.
- *SetBeam() - arbitrary cross section symmetric pair
Sets the properties of a symmetric beam pair with arbitrary cross section.
- *SetBeam() - circular cross section asymmetric beam pair
Sets the properties of an asymmetric beam pair with circular cross section.
- *SetBeam() - circular cross section
Sets the properties of a beam circular cross section.
- *SetBeam() - rectangular cross section
Sets the properties of a beam rectangular cross section.
- *SetBeam() - symmetric circular cross section
Sets the properties of a symmetric beam pair with circular cross section.
- *SetBeamPreload() - beam pair
Sets the preload properties of a beam pair.
- *SetBeamPreload() - single beam
Sets the preload properties of a single beam.
- *SetBody() - asymmetric body pair
Sets the mass properties of an asymmetric body pair.
- *SetBody() - single body
Sets the mass properties of a body.
- *SetBody() - symmetric body pair
Sets the mass properties of a symmetric body pair.
- *SetBodyIC() - all bodies in a system
Sets the initial conditions for all bodies in a system.
- *SetBodyIC() - body pair
Sets the initial conditions for a body pair.
- *SetBodyIC() - single body
Sets the initial conditions for a body.
- *SetBodyICFlag() - body pair
Sets flags to indicate whether the initial conditions are used.
- *SetBodyICFlag() - single body
Sets flags to indicate whether the initial conditions are used.
- *SetBodyICFlag() - system
Sets flags to indicate whether the initial conditions for all the bodies in the system are used.
- *SetBodyInertia() - asymmetric body pair
Sets the mass properties of an asymmetric body pair.
- *SetBodyInertia() - single body
Sets the mass properties of a body.
- *SetBodyInertia() - symmetric body pair
Sets the mass properties of a symmetric body pair.
- *SetBoolean()
Sets the value of a boolean entity.
- *SetBush() - asymmetric bushing pair
Sets the properties of an asymmetric bushing pair.
- *SetBush() - asymmetric bushing pair with user subroutine
Sets the properties of an asymmetric bushing pair with a user subroutine.
- *SetBush() - single bushing
Sets the properties of a bushing.
- *SetBush() - single bushing with user subroutine
Sets the properties of a bushing with a user subroutine.
- *SetBush() - symmetric bushing pair
Sets the properties of a symmetric bushing pair.
- *SetCell()
Sets the properties of a cell in a form or a tableform.
- *SetCoilSpring() - asymmetric coil spring pair
Sets the properties of an asymmetric coil spring pair.
- *SetCoilSpring() - asymmetric coil spring pair with user subroutine
Sets the properties of an asymmetric coil spring pair with a user sub routine.
- *SetCoilSpring() - single coil spring
Sets the properties of a coil spring.
- *SetCoilSpring() - single coil spring with user subroutine
Sets the properties of a coil spring with a user subroutine.
- *SetCoilSpring() - symmetric coil spring pair
Sets the properties of a symmetric coil spring pair.
- *SetColorMaterialComplex()
Sets the properties for a complex color material.
- *SetColorMaterialReference()
Sets the color of a graphic or body entity.
- *SetColorMaterialSimple()
Sets the properties for a simple color material.
- *SetContact() - PointToDeformableSurfaceContact
Sets the values associated with the PointToDeformableSurfaceContact.
- *SetContact() - RigidToRigidContact
Sets the values associated with the RigidToRigidContact.
- *SetContinuousStates()
Specifies the properties for continuous states of a general state equation.
- *SetControlSISOCoeffs()
Sets the numerator and denominator coefficients for a ControlSISO.
- *SetControlSISOInput()
Sets the input to the transfer function of the controller.
- *SetCoupler() - asymmetric coupler pair
Sets the ratio for a coupler pair.
- *SetCoupler() - asymmetric coupler pair with user subroutine
Sets the properties of an asymmetric coupler pair with a user subroutine.
- *SetCoupler() - single coupler
Sets the coupler ratios for a 2-joint or 3-joint coupler.
- *SetCoupler() - single coupler with user subroutine
Sets the properties of a coupler with a user subroutine.
- *SetCoupler() - symmetric coupler pair
Sets the ratio for a coupler pair.
- *SetCurrentSolverMode()
Sets the solver mode when the MDL model is loaded into MotionView.
- *SetCurrentUserMode()
Sets the user mode when the MDL model is loaded with the option to lock the user mode.
- *SetCurve() - Cartesian 2D
Sets the values associated with a 2D Cartesian curve.
- *SetCurve() - Cartesian 3D
Sets the values associated with a 3D Cartesian curve.
- *SetCurve() - Parametric 2D
Sets the values associated with a 2D parametric curve.
- *SetCurve() - Paremetric 3D
Sets the values associated with a 3D parametric curve.
- *SetCurve() - User Defined
Sets the values associated with a user defined curve. Applies to 3D curves only.
- *SetCurveAttributes()
Sets the scale and offset for the X and Y vectors of a curve.
- *SetDefaultAnalysisInstance()
When loading an analysis from an MDL file, this statement specifies the varname and label default for that instance.
- *SetDefaultSystemInstance()
Specifies the varname and label that should be used when instantiating the system.
- *SetDiscreteStates()
Specifies the properties for the discrete states of a general state equation.
- *SetEntityID()
Sets the unique integer identification number of an entity.
- *SetEntityNumber()
Sets the unique integer identifier of an entity.
- *SetField() - asymmetric field pair with user subroutine
Sets the properties of an asymmetric field pair with a user subroutine.
- *SetField() - single field with user subroutine
Sets the properties of a single field with a user subroutine.
- *SetField() - symmetric field pair with user subroutine
Sets the properties of a symmetric field pair with a user subroutine.
- *SetFieldDamping() - asymmetric field pair
Sets the damping properties of an asymmetric field pair.
- *SetFieldDamping() - single field
Sets the damping properties of a single field.
- *SetFieldDamping() - symmetric field pair
Sets the damping properties of a symmetric field pair.
- *SetFieldForce() - asymmetric field pair
Sets the force properties of an asymmetric field pair.
- *SetFieldForce() - single field
Sets the force properties of a single field.
- *SetFieldForce() - symmetric field pair
Sets the force properties of a symmetric field pair.
- *SetFieldLength() - asymmetric field pair
Sets the length properties of an asymmetric field pair.
- *SetFieldLength() - single field
Sets the length properties of a single field.
- *SetFieldLength() - symmetric field pair
Sets the length properties of a symmetric field pair.
- *SetFieldStiffness() - asymmetric field pair
Sets the stiffness properties of an asymmetric field pair.
- *SetFieldStiffness() - single field
Sets the stiffness properties of the field.
- *SetFieldStiffness() - symmetric field pair
Sets the stiffness properties of a symmetric field pair.
- *SetFileName()
Sets the value of the FileName object.
- *SetFlexbodyComplianceState()
Sets the state of a body to flexible as well as the source of the matrix file that describes the flexbody.
- *SetFlexbodyContactPrediction()
Sets the contact prediction option for a flexbody.
- *SetFlexbodyDamping()
Sets the damping for a flexbody entity.
- *SetFlexbodyDmodes()
Sets the initial value of the modal coordinates of a flexbody.
- *SetFlexbodyInvariants()
Sets the nine boolean states for the flexbody invariants.
- *SetFlexbodyMexact()
Specifies which modal body coordinates the solver should not change during initial condition calculation.
- *SetFlexbodyModes()
Identifies which modes are included when MotionView generates the flexbody matrix file for the solver.
- *SetFlexbodyNode()
Sets the pairing of a flexbody node and the part of the MDL model to which it's being attached.
- *SetFlexbodySolverData()
Sets the flexbody solver data.
- *SetFlexbodyVmodes()
Sets the initial values of the velocity of the flexbody modal coordinates.
- *SetFMUInputs()
Sets input array for an FMU entity.
- *SetFMUOptions()
Sets simulation options for an FMU entity.
- *SetFMUParameters()
Sets values for parameters of an FMU entity.
- *SetFMUType()
Sets the type of FMU to be used when the FMU has more than one type.
- *SetForce() - asymmetric force pair with user subroutine
Sets the value for a translational, rotational, line of action, and single component rotational asymmetric force pair when a user-defined subroutine is used to model the force expression.
- *SetForce() - asymmetric line of action
Sets the value for an asymmetric line of action action-reaction force pair.
- *SetForce() - asymmetric rotational
Sets the values for an asymmetric rotational action-only or action-reaction force pair.
- *SetForce() - asymmetric single component rotation
Sets the value for an asymmetric single component rotational action-reaction force pair.
- *SetForce() - asymmetric translational and rotational
Sets the values for an asymmetric translational and rotational action-only or action-reaction force pair.
- *SetForce() - asymmetric translational
Sets the values for an asymmetric translational action-only or action-reaction force pair.
- *SetForce() - line of action
Sets the value for a line of action action-reaction force.
- *SetForce() - rotational
Sets the values for a rotational action-only or action-reaction force (torque).
- *SetForce() - single component rotation
Sets the value for a single component rotational action-reaction force.
- *SetForce() - single force with user subroutine
Sets the values for a translational, rotational line of action and single component rotational force when a user-defined subroutine is used to model the force expression.
- *SetForce() - symmetric line of action
Sets the value for a symmetric line of action action-reaction force pair.
- *SetForce() - symmetric rotational
Sets the values for a symmetric rotational action-only or action-reaction force (torque) pair.
- *SetForce() - symmetric single component rotation
Sets the value for a symmetric single component rotational action-reaction force pair.
- *SetForce() - symmetric translational and rotational
Sets the values for a symmetric translational and rotational action-only or action-reaction force pair.
- *SetForce() - symmetric translational
Sets the values for a symmetric translational action-only or action-reaction force pair.
- *SetForce() - translational and rotational
Sets the values for a translational and rotational action-only or action-reaction force.
- *SetForce() - translational
Sets the values for a translational action-only or action-reaction force.
- *SetFrequencyInput()
Set properties for a FrequencyInput entity.
- *SetGeneralConstraint() - expression
Sets a general constraint to an expression.
- *SetGeneralConstraint() - user-defined
Sets a general constraint to a user-defined property.
- *SetGeneralStateEquation()
Specifies the type of states available and user defined subroutine expression for the general state equation.
- *SetGraphicAttributes()
Sets the visualization properties for the Graphic entity.
- *SetInteger()
Sets the value of an integer entity.
- *SetJointFriction() - asymmetric joint pair
Sets the friction properties for an asymmetric joint pair.
- *SetJointFriction() - single joint
Sets the friction properties for a joint.
- *SetJointFriction() - symmetric joint pair
Sets the friction properties for an symmetric joint pair.
- *SetJointFrictionLugre() - joint pair
Sets the friction properties for a joint pair with friction.
- *SetJointFrictionLugre() - single joint
Sets the friction properties for a joint with friction.
- *SetJointIC() - asymmetric joint pair
Sets asymmetric initial conditions of a joint pair.
- *SetJointIC() - single joint
Sets the initial conditions of a joint.
- *SetJointIC() - symmetric joint pair
Sets symmetric initial conditions of a joint pair.
- *SetLocalUserDLL() - GSE
Specifies the local subroutine files for a general state equation that has continuous states.
- *SetLocalUserDLL()
Specifies the local subroutine file for an entity that uses user defined properties.
- *SetLocalUserDLLFlag() - GSE
Sets the flag to control the usage of a user subroutine for general state equation properties.
- *SetLocalUserDLLFlag()
Sets the flag to indicate whether a local user subroutine is used for an entity that uses user defined properties.
- *SetLocalUserFuncname() - GSE
Specifies the local subroutine function name for a general state equation that has continuous states.
- *SetLocalUserFuncname()
Specifies the local subroutine function name for an entity that uses user defined properties.
- *SetLocalUserFunction() - GSE
Specifies the local subroutine function, type and function name for a general state equation that has continuous states.
- *SetLocalUserFunction()
Specifies the local subroutine function and function name for an entity that uses user defined properties.
- *SetLocalUserInterfaceDLL()
Specifies the local subroutine files for an ADAMS general state equation.
- *SetLocalUserInterfaceDLLFlag()
Specifies the flag to control the usage of local subroutines specified by the *SetLocalUserInterfaceDLL() statement.
- *SetLocalUserInterfaceFuncname()
Specifies the local subroutine function name for a general state equation for continuous states.
- *SetMate()
Sets the properties related to the Constraint Mate advanced joint.
- *SetMaterialProperty() - ANISO
Sets the linear elastic Anisotropic material property for a large deformation body.
- *SetMaterialProperty() - Hyper Elastic - Mooney-Rivlin
Sets the Hyper Elastic Mooney-Rivlin material property for an NLFE body.
- *SetMaterialProperty() - Hyper Elastic - Neo-Hookean
Sets the Hyper Elastic Neo-Hookean material property for an NLFE body.
- *SetMaterialProperty() - Hyper Elastic - Yeoh
Sets the hyper elastic Yeoh material property for a large deformation body.
- *SetMaterialProperty() - Linear Isotropic
Sets the material property for a linear elastic isotropic material.
- *SetMaterialProperty() - Linear Orthotropic
Sets the property for a linear elastic orthotropic material.
- *SetMaterialProperty() - NeoHookean-Incompressible
Sets the hyper elastic Neo-Hookean Incompressible material property for a large deformation body.
- *SetMotion() - asymmetric motion pair
Sets the properties of an asymmetric motion pair.
- *SetMotion() - asymmetric motion pair with user subroutine
Sets the properties of an asymmetric motion pair with a user subroutine.
- *SetMotion() - single motion
Sets the properties of a motion.
- *SetMotion() - single motion with user subroutine
Sets the properties of a motion with a user subroutine.
- *SetMotion() - symmetric motion pair
Sets the properties of a symmetric motion pair.
- *SetMotionIC() - asymmetric motion pair
Sets the initial conditions of an asymmetric motion pair.
- *SetMotionIC() - single motion
Sets the initial conditions of a motion.
- *SetMotionIC() - symmetric motion pair
Sets the initial conditions of a symmetric motion pair.
- *SetNLFEBody() - Beam
Sets the properties for a Beam type NLFE body.
- *SetNote()
Specifies a descriptive note for an entity.
- *SetOption()
Sets the value of an option.
- *SetOrientation() - marker angles orientation
Uses the angles orientation method to set the orientation of a marker.
- *SetOrientation() - marker dual axes orientation
Uses the dual axes method to set the orientation of a marker.
- *SetOrientation() - marker pair angles orientation
Uses the angles orientation method to set the orientation of a marker pair.
- *SetOrientation() - marker pair dual axes orientation
Uses the dual axes method to set the orientation of a marker pair.
- *SetOrientation() - marker pair single axis orientation
Uses the single axis method to set the orientation of a marker pair.
- *SetOrientation() - marker single axis orientation
Uses the single axis method to set the orientation of a marker.
- *SetPoint() - asymmetric point pair
Sets the coordinates for an asymmetric point pair.
- *SetPoint() - single point
Sets the coordinates of a point.
- *SetPoint() - symmetric point pair
Sets the coordinates for a symmetric point pair.
- *SetPointmassBody() - asymmetric point mass body pair
Sets the mass properties of an asymmetric point mass body pair.
- *SetPointmassBody() - single point mass body
Sets the mass properties of a point mass body.
- *SetPointmassBody() - symmetric point mass body pair
Sets the mass properties of a symmetric point mass body pair.
- *SetPointmassBodyIC() - all point mass bodies in a system
Sets the initial conditions for all point mass bodies in a system.
- *SetPointmassBodyIC() - point mass body pair
Sets the initial conditions of a point mass body pair.
- *SetPointmassBodyIC() - single point mass body
Sets the initial conditions of a point mass body.
- *SetPointmassBodyICFlag() - all point mass bodies in a system
Sets flags to indicate whether initial conditions for all the point mass bodies in a system are used.
- *SetPointmassBodyICFlag() - point mass body pair
Sets flags to indicate whether initial conditions are used.
- *SetPointmassBodyICFlag() - single point mass body
Sets flags to indicate whether initial conditions are used.
- *SetPolyBeamProps() - single polybeam
Sets the properties of a polybeam.
- *SetReal()
Sets the value of a real entity.
- *SetRigidGroup()
Set properties for the rigid group.
- *SetRowsCols()
Sets the number of rows and columns in a form or a tableform.
- *SetSensor()
Sets the values for a sensor.
- *SetSolverArray()
Sets the values for the solver array.
- *SetSolverDiffEquation() - single solver differential equation
Sets the values needed to describe an implicit or explicit differential equation for the solver to solve.
- *SetSolverDiffEquation() - single solver differential equation with user subroutine
Sets the properties of a solver differential equation with a user subroutine.
- *SetSolverString()
Sets the value of the solver string.
- *SetSolverVariable() - single solver variable
Sets the value of the solver variable.
- *SetSolverVariable() - single solver variable with user subroutine
Sets the properties of a solver variable with a user subroutine.
- *SetSpline3D()
Sets the input data for a three dimensional (3D) spline entity that is defined using *Spline3D().
- *SetSpline3DAttributes()
Sets the offset and scale for three dimensional (3D) spline data.
- *SetSpringDamperGraphic() - pair coil spring
Sets the graphic properties of a coil spring pair.
- *SetSpringDamperGraphic() - single coil spring
Sets the graphic properties for the coil spring entity.
- *SetSpringDamperGraphicVisible() - pair coil spring
Controls the visibility of spring and damper graphics of the coil spring entity.
- *SetSpringDamperGraphicVisible() - single coil spring
Controls the visibility of spring and damper graphics of the coil spring entity.
- *SetSpringPreloadOption() - pair coil/torsion spring
Sets the preload control option for the coil or torsion spring pair.
- *SetSpringPreloadOption() - single coil/torsion spring
Sets the preload control option for the spring.
- *SetState()
Sets the state of an entity.
- *SetString()
Sets the value of a string entity.
- *SetSurface() - file
Sets the values associated with a surface entity where the parametric surface is described by a Parasolid file.
- *SetSurface() - user subroutine
Sets the values associated with a surface entity that describes the surface with a user subroutine.
- *SetSystem()
Sets the scope for other *Set() statements.
- *SetSystemNumber()
Sets the unique integer associated with a system.
- *SetTorsionSpring() - asymmetric torsion spring pair
Sets the properties of an asymmetric torsion spring pair.
- *SetTorsionSpring() - asymmetric torsion spring pair with user subroutine
Sets the properties of an asymmetric torsion spring pair with a user subroutine.
- *SetTorsionSpring() - single torsion spring
Sets the properties of a torsion spring. \
- *SetTorsionSpring() - single torsion spring with user subroutine
Sets the properties of a torsion spring with a user subroutine.
- *SetTorsionSpring() - symmetric torsion spring pair
Sets the properties of a symmetric torsion spring pair.
- *SetUserConstraint()
Sets the values associated with a user constraint.
- *SetVal()
Sets the value of an MDL variable or a local variable.
- *SetVector() - asymmetric vector pair
Sets the component values of an asymmetric vector pair.
- *SetVector() - single vector
Sets the component values of a vector.
- *SetVector() - symmetric vector pair
Sets the component values of a symmetric vector pair.
- *ShowCompliantOption()
Specifies if the implicit compliant option for a system can be viewed/edited in the interface.
- *SolverArray()
Creates a solver array of type U, PLANT_INPUT, PLANT_OUTPUT, IC, X, or Y.
- *SolverDiffEquation()
Creates a solver differential equation.
- *SolverString()
Creates a string within the solver input file.
- *SolverVariable()
Creates a solver variable.
- *SPDPIDScheme()
Specifies a scheme for assigning solver ID numbers to spring dampers.
- *Spline3D()
Creates a three-dimensional (3D) spline entity.
- *StandardInclude()
Records which std_inc.mdl file is part of the MDL model.
- *String()
Creates a string entity.
- *Surface()
Creates a surface entity for use in high-pair joints such as a curve-to-surface joint.
- *SurfaceToSurfaceJoint()
Creates a surface-to-surface high-pair joint with three rotational degrees of freedom and two translational degrees of freedom.
- *SysNumAvoidRange()
Specifies a range of numbers that may not be used by MotionView when assigning system numbers.
- *System()-MDL Statement
Creates a system.
- *Table()
Creates a table with a specified number of records.
- *TableForm()
Creates a record-based form to display a table.
- *Template()
Creates a Templex template.
- *TorsionSpring()
Creates a torsion spring.
- *TorsionSpringPair()
Creates a torsion spring pair.
- *TransJoint()
Creates a translational joint.
- *TransJointPair()
Creates a translational joint pair.
- *TwoDContact()
Creates a 2D graphics based contact force between two bodies.
- *UJoint()
Creates a universal joint.
- *UJointPair()
Creates a universal joint pair.
- *UserConstraint()
Creates a user constraint entity to describe a constraint by way of a user subroutine.
- *Vector()
Creates a vector.
- *VectorPair()
Creates a vector pair.