Update Metadata From PDM

  1. In the Part Browser, right-click on a part or parts to update and select Representations > Update from the context menu.
  2. Update metadata.
    • Rename the selected parts or part's component, or create if it does not already exist.
    • Create a material based on PDM Material and PDM MID.

      If a material of the given ID already exists, then it will not be overwritten or recreated in order to avoid overwriting any existing material properties.

      Only linear attributes are updated. Default steel attributes are used with the following unit system: millimeter, second, tonne, and Newton.

    • Create a property based on PDM PID and PDM Thickness*.

      If a property of the given PID already exists, its thickness will be updated based on PDM Thickness; however, the existing property will not be recreated. Only relevant metadata will be updated in order to avoid overwriting any existing property card values.

    Note: If a control is assigned to a representation, that is, if a representation’s name matches the name of an existing representation control, when you click Rep > Update, a property is created and assigned to the part, based on the control’s type.

    For example, if a hexa thin solid representation control named ThinSolidMesh has been defined, and a representation is then saved with the same name, upon selecting Rep > Update, a solid card image is assigned to the property.

    If a representation control has not been assigned, but the PDM MeshFlag attribute on the part is defined and matches the mesh flag of a single control, a property is created and assigned to the part, based on the matching control’s type.

    In any other case, a shell property is created and assigned to the part.