Manage Part Revisions

Manage, control and update Major, Study and Library Part revisions using the Part Library.

About Part Library and Revisions

The Part Library is an integral part of data management and revision control within the Part Browser.

Part Library

By default, a Part Library is generated when the Part Browser is enabled. There are two modes:
Local file management
Uses the Part Library
The default Part Library is located at <user home>\AltairLibraries\default\libraires\PartLibrary.

The Part Library serves as a centralized library of HyperMesh parts, which in turn facilitates the collaboration between simulation teams both locally and abroad.

You must be connected to a Part Library to access all Part Library related options.

Parts without a UID cannot be saved to the Library. Considering this, the UID field in the Save Representation dialog is user editable.


In the Part Browser, the Revision column displays the Major revision, Study revision, and Library Part revision. All of the appropriate workflows have entry or access points to the part library, enabling quick and easy access to previous revisions or simply generating new revisions.
Major Revision
Depicts a change or set of changes that have been finalized and released for further review. In most cases the Major Revision is mapped to the PDM Revision, but you can modify it.
Study Revision
Created locally to track experimental changes or prototyping changes that may or may not be published. The purpose of the Study Revision is to manage design and prototype exploratory concepts. You can modify the Study Revision.
Library Part Revision
Locally, published revision within the Part Library. You cannot modify the Library Part Revision. The library revision is incremented each time you save a part representation.
You can review and edit a part's Major Revision, Study Revision, and Library Part Revision in Entity Editor.
Figure 1. Revisions for the LeftInner_A_000434_Safety. Major Revision = C (mapped to the PDM revision, user editable), Study Revision = “-“ (can be any letter or numerical value, user editable), Library Part Revision = 8 (library version, not editable)

Register and Connect Libraries

Register and connect to new libraries of your choice.

A default Part Library is generated when the Part Browser is enabled, and is located at <user home>\AltairLibraries\default\libraries\PartLibrary.

  1. From the Assembly ribbon, select the Libraries tool.
    Figure 2.

    The Library Manager dialog opens where you can find all the available options for libraries, add or remove libraries, and connect or disconnect from the current.
    Figure 3. Library Manager Dialog

    The left side of the Library Manager contains the following content:
    Column Name/Number Contents
    First Indicates if the library is connected.

    If a check mark is present, the library is connected.

    Library The name of the library.
    Path The full library path.
    Type The type of library.

    Currently, three different library types are available: part, subsystem, and material.

    Fifth Contains an option to connect or disconnect from the selected library.
    Note: You can only have one library connected for each library type.

    You can not edit library information once it's connected. You can only connect or disconnect from this library.

  2. Register new library.
    1. Click +.
    2. Select Library type.
    3. Select the Library category.
      For a Team Library, you should select the library type, the path, and the name of the library.
      For a Shared Library, you should select the library type, the full path and the name of the library and also provide host and port number.
    4. Enter Library host/port.
      If you are working with a shared Library, enter a Library port.
    5. Enter a Library Name and Library Path.
    6. Click Add.
  3. Click to remove the selected library.
  4. Disconnect currently connected library.
    Before you can connect to a new library, you must disconnect from the currently connected library.
    1. Select the currently connected library.
    2. Click Disconnect.
  5. Connect library.
    1. Select a disconnected library.
    2. Click Connect.

Sync Library Revisions

Sync the in-session version with the latest, available version in the Part Library.

If the version available in the current session is out of sync with the Library reversion, use Sync to update the session version with the Part Library version.

Before you can sync library revisions, you must Register and Connect Libraries.
In the Part Browser, right-click on a part/part assembly and select Library > Sync from the context menu.

Edit Study Revisions

Study Revisions are a way to explore design space, and can be promoted to a Major Revision as required.

Assign and edit Study Revisions in the Entity Editor.

  1. In the Part Browser, select a part/part assembly.
  2. In the Entity Editor, edit the Study Revisions field.