Create Parts, Part Assemblies, and Part Instances

Only CAE parts and part assemblies can be manually created in HyperMesh. PDM parts and part assemblies must be imported into HyperMesh.

Parts and Part Assemblies
  1. In the Part Browser, right-click and select Create > <entity type> from the context menu.
    The new part, or part assembly, is created and displayed in the browser. Part assembly or part level entities cannot be modified or deleted.
Part Instances
  1. To link two or more similar parts as instances, right-click on the appropriate parts and select Instances > Link from the context menu.
    You are prompted to select the source part via the Link Instance.
  2. In the Part Browser, right-click on a part and select Instances > Create from the context menu.
    The new part instance is created and displayed in the browser. You will automatically be prompted to transform the part via the Transform tool.
  3. To separate the part instance, right-click on the instance and select Instances > Break.
  4. To propagate changes made from one instance to all other instances, right-click on the instance part where changes are complete and select Instance > Sync.
    Changes are propagated from the selected instance to all other instances in the session.
  5. To rename a part instance, do one of the following:
    • Click on the part instance to highlight it and rename.
    • Right-click on the part instance and select Rename from the context menu.
    • Click on the part instance to select it then click on the name in the Entity Editor.
    Note: Changing the name of the part instance will propagate to the part instance of the same part.