RA Card

This card defines an ideal receiving antenna that can be placed anywhere in the model.

On the Request tab, in the Solution requests group, click the  Receiving antenna (RA) icon.

The options that are supported by Feko are as follows:
  • Far field pattern: An ideal receiving antenna is described with an impressed radiation pattern.
  • Near field aperture (single or multiple surfaces): An ideal receiving antenna is described with near field aperture(s).
  • Spherical modes: A receiving antenna is described by means of spherical modes with three options.
    • Far field approximation: A receiving antenna is described by means of an impressed radiation pattern obtained internally from the spherical modes description.
    • Spherical mode approximation: Spherical mode expansions of the fields radiated and received by antennas are related directly to compute the coupling between them.
    • Automatically determine approximation: The Solver determines automatically if either the far field or spherical mode approximation should be used for the model.