Geometry Cards

Geometry cards are used to create geometry and are placed before the EG card in the .pre file.

Table 1. Geometry Cards.
Card Description
BC Specifies the outer boundaries of the simulation region.
BL Creates a line.
BP Creates a parallelogram.
BQ Creates a quadrangle.
BT Creates a triangle.
CB Changes already assigned labels.
CL Creates a circular line using segments.
CN Changes the direction of the normal vector.
DC Connects a discontinuous mesh and geometry where one is a static mesh and the second is a dynamic parameterised geometry.
DD Utilises domain decomposition to solve a MoM model more efficiently.
DK Creates a dielectric or magnetic eighth of a sphere.
DP Defines a node point.
DZ Creates a cylindrical dielectric shell.
EG Defines the end of the geometry.
EL Creates a segment of an ellipsoid
FA Defines an antenna array analysis.
FM Sets parameters related to the MLFMM.
FO Defines a Fock region.
FP Sets parameters related to the FEM.
HC Creates a cylinder with a hyperbolic border.
HE Creates a coil from wire segments.
HP Creates a plate with a hyperbolic border.
HY Creates a hyperboloid section.
IN Reads an external include file containing mesh information.
IP Sets the parameter that defines the degree of meshing.
KA Defines the border of the PO area.
KK Creates a elliptical conical segment.
KL Sets the wedges in the PO area.
KR Creates a planar elliptical element.
KU Creates a spherical element.
LA Specifies the label, for example, for segments, triangles and polygonal plates.
ME Defines the medium.
MB Defines a modal port boundary condition.
NC Defines the name for the next configuration.
NU Creates a NURBS surface from specified control points.
PB Creates a paraboloid.
PE Specifies the unit cell that will be used in periodic boundary condition calculations.
PH Creates a flat plate with an elliptic hole.
PM Creates a polygonal shape that is meshed into triangles.
PO Applies the physical optics approximation.
PY Creates a polygonal plate for use with UTD.
QT Creates a dielectric or magnetic cuboid (meshed into tetrahedral elements).
QU Creates a dielectric or magnetic cuboid (meshed into cuboidal elements).
RM Specified remeshing and adaptive mesh refinement.
SF Enters a scaling factor, with which all dimensions are multiplied.
SL Defines for the combined MoM/MTL, the transitioning point from circuit elements (defined in a cable schematic) to the full wave model (defined using DP cards).
SY Utilises symmetry in the construction of the geometry.
TG Transformation (for example, translation and rotation) of the geometric structures
TO Creates a toroid.
TP Transforms a point.
UT Parameters for the uniform theory of diffraction (UTD).
UZ Creates a cylinder for use in the UTD region.
VS Specifies known visibility information (required when using physical optics with multiple reflections).
WA Define all active windscreen antenna elements.
WG Creates a parallelogram consisting of a wire grid.
WR Defines the dielectric windscreen reference plane.
ZY Creates a cylindrical element.