DC Card

Domain connectivity (discontinuous Galerkin domain decomposition method) can be used to connect a discontinuous mesh and geometry where one is a static mesh (for example, a large imported car model) and the second is dynamic parameterized geometry (for example, a small antenna).

On the Solve/Run tab, in the Solution settings group, click the  Domain connectivity (DC) icon.

Figure 1. The DC - Domain connectivity dialog.


Number of connections
Specify the number of connections for the two meshes.
Label of first/second face
Define for each connection, the labels of the corresponding faces.
Define for each connection point, a tolerance distance to distinguish between regions, where a gap in the model is desired (or not desired).

Requirements for Domain Connectivity

The following boundary conditions for the application of the method have to be considered:
  • Gap distance g should be about λ/1000 and must not be greater than λ/100.
  • The meshes may not penetrate each other.
  • The domain connectivity edges may not be part of a dielectric region. However, dielectrics can be defined elsewhere in the model.
  • For T-junctions the domain connectivity-cut may not be through the junction.
  • Domain connectivity can be applied for MoM and MLFMM, but not for asymptotic methods like PO, LE-PO, RL-GO and UTD.