UZ Card

The UZ card is used to create a cylinder that will be solved with the uniform theory of diffraction (UTD).

On the Construct tab, in the Surfaces group, click the  Cylinder icon. From the drop-down list, click the  Unmeshed cylinder (UZ) icon.

Figure 1. The UZ - Specify a UTD cylinder dialog.


The start point of the cylinder axis (previously defined with a DP card).
The end point of the cylinder axis (previously defined with a DP card).
A point on the radius of the cylinder. The angle S2–S1–S3 must be 90°.
S1 side end-cap
Select a flat end cap or a semi-infinite end on the side of S1.
S2 side end-cap
Select a flat end cap or a semi-infinite end on the side of S2.

Example of UZ Card Usage

The UZ card is used to create a UTD cylinder. Note the absence of discretisation.
Figure 2. Example of cylinder created with the UZ card.