MD Card

This card exports the model and solution coefficients to a .sol file.

On the Request tab, in the Solution requests group, click the  Model decomposition (MD) icon.

Figure 1. The MD - Options for model decomposition dialog.

A .sol file can be used to specify an impressed current source (AM card).


Remove all previously defined model decomposition options
All previously defined model decomposition options are removed.
Model name
The name of the model.
Include all structures
Model decomposition is done for all structures.
Include structures with specified labels(s)
Model decomposition is only done for structures with specified labels.
Include structures with label range
Model decomposition is only done for structures with a label in the range specified in the fields Start at label and End at label.
Calculate solution coefficients in local coordinate system
Select this option to calculate the model decomposition in a local coordinate system. Define the local coordinate system by specifying the offset from the origin and the rotation about the axis.
Origin of offset coordinate
Specify the Cartesian coordinates of the transformed origin. These values are affected by the scale factor of the SF card if used.
Rotation about the axis
The angle of rotation α x around the X axis, the angle of rotation α y around the Y axis and the angle of rotation α z around the Z axis in degrees.