Read Table Line


This function reads a single line from the table.

C Calling Sequence

int c_rto_read_table_line(char *value);


Argument Type Description
value Character Array Output This contains the last line in a table.

FORTRAN Calling Sequence:

DLLFUNC void STDCALL RTO_READ_TABLE_LINE_F2C(char *value, int len1, int *valuelen, int *success)


Argument Type Description
value Character Array Output This contains the last line in a table.
valueLen Integer Input This contains the number of characters in the value.
success Integer Output If the value is read then success return 1 or else 0.
Note: Before using the Read Table Line function, a Read table Block or Read Table SubBlock function should be used. Typically the Read Table Line function is used in a loop function that is to read the entire table.