Read Quoted String


This function reads the string associated with an attribute in a block of a file.

C Calling Sequence

int c_rto_file2si_conversion_factors(double *cFactors);


Argument Type Description
cFactors Double Precision Input Converts all the units from TeimOrbit file to SI units.

FORTRAN Calling Sequence:

DLLFUNC void STDCALL RTO_READ_QUOTED_STRING_F2C(char *blockName, int len1, int *blockNameLen, char *attributeName, int len2, int *alen, char *strvalue, int len3, int *valueLen, int *success)


Argument Type Description
blockName Character Array Input This contains the block name in a TeimOrbit file.
blockNameLen Integer Input This contains the number of characters in the block name.
attributeName Character Array Input This contains the name of the attribute inside a block.
alen Integer Input This contains the number of characters in the attribute name.
strvalue Integer Output This returns the string value of the attribute.
success Integer Output If the value is read then success returns 1 or else 0.