
This function reads the units from the UNITS block and then returns the conversion factors from property file units to model and SI units.

C Calling Sequence

int c_rto_acunfn(char *units, double *cv2mdl, double *cv2si);


Argument Type Description
  • UNITS(0): force
  • UNITS(1): mass
  • UNITS(2): length
  • UNITS(3): time
  • UNITS(4): angle
Character Array Input This Units (block) is a array of five strings which is read from the TeimOrbit file.
cv2mdl Double Precision Output This converts the units from TeimOrbit file to model units.
cv2si Double Precision Output This converts the units from TeimOrbit file to SI units. SI units are Newtons, Kilograms, Meters, Seconds, Radians.

FORTRAN Calling Sequence:

DLLFUNC void STDCALL ACUNFN(char *ptrunits, int dummylen, double *cv2mdl, double *cv2si)


Argument Type Description
  • UNITS(0): force
  • UNITS(1): mass
  • UNITS(2): length
  • UNITS(3): time
  • UNITS(4): angle
Character Array Input This Units (block) is a array of five strings which is read from the TeimOrbit file.
cv2mdl Double Precision Output This converts the units from TeimOrbit file to model units.
cv2si Double Precision Output This converts the units from TeimOrbit file to SI units. SI units are Newtons, Kilograms, Meters, Seconds, Radians.
Note: Before using ACUNFN function, you must use ATRTOU function to read the UNITS block in the property file.