Open File


This function opens the file for reading. This function returns (1) if the file is found and opened or else (0).

C Calling Sequence

int c_rto_open_file(const char *fName);


Argument Type Description
fName Character Array Input File path

FORTRAN Calling Sequence:

LLFUNC void STDCALL RTO_OPEN_FILE_F2C(char *CHTDST, int dummylen, int *NCHTDS, int *RETURN_VAL)


Argument Type Description
CHTDST Character Array Input File path
NCHTDS Integer Input The number of characters in the FileName.
RETURN_VAL Integer Output If file is found and opened then it returns 1 or else.
Note: Before using any of the other RTO utilities, you must first open a file using this subroutine.