CDTire Modeling

MotionView integrates the Comfort and Durability family of tire models - CDTire - from Fraunhofer ITWM. The CDTire can be used in Ride and Handling vehicle analysis focusing on comfort, durability, and vehicle dynamics.

CDTire offers three basic tire models:
A tire model featuring a 900 dof flexible belt model, a 1200 dof sidewalls model, and a brush contract model.
A hard real time capable model featuring a 150 dof flexible belt model with a local viscoelastic sidewall model, and a brush contact model.
A hard-real time capable model based on the MF 5.2 / Pacejka 2002 empirical model coupled with CDTire/Thermal.
For more information see the CD-Tire User Manual.
Note: To use CDTire you must purchase a license. There are two ways to check out a CDTire license.
  1. Altair license file
  2. Flexlm license
MotionSolve can be directed to select one of the two by using the environmental variable ALTAIR_LICENSE_FOR_CDTIRE.
  • If ALTAIR_LICENSE_FOR_CDTIRE=1, the Altair license file will be checked for a CDTire license. If that fails, Flexlm licensing will be checked.
  • If ALTAIR_LICENSE_FOR_CDTIRE is not equal to 1 or does not exist, then Flexlm licensing will be checked. If that fails, MotionSolve will exit the simulation.

Contact your Altair Sales representative for more information on CDTire licensing.

To add a CDTire in your MotionView model, add an AutoTire entity from the MBD-Vehicle Dynamics Tools (see Accessing the Components Library in MotionView and AutoTire - Auto Entity for more information). Once you have added an AutoTire, select a CDTire property file. You can find example property files in the installation here:
