
This function reads the UNITS block from the road property file and returns a character array which contains the unit strings.

C Calling Sequence

int c_atrtou(int *id, char *units);


Argument Type Description
id Integer Input This is an Identifier which is associated with the TeimOrbit file.
  • UNITS(0): force
  • UNITS(1): mass
  • UNITS(2): length
  • UNITS(3): time
  • UNITS(4): angle
Character Array Output This Units (block) is a array of five strings which is read from the TeimOrbit file.

FORTRAN Calling Sequence:

DLLFUNC void STDCALL ATRTOU(int *id, char *units, int dummylen)


Argument Type Description
id Integer Input This is an Identifier which is associated with the TeimOrbit file.
  • UNITS(0): force
  • UNITS(1): mass
  • UNITS(2): length
  • UNITS(3): time
  • UNITS(4): angle
Character Array Output This Units (block) is a array of five strings which is read from the TeimOrbit file.
Note: Before using the ATRTOU function, you must use the int c_rto_open_file(const char *fName) function to open the road property file for reading the UNITS block. If the units block is not found in the property file or if the unit string is not found inside the units block then ATRTOU function returns with an error.