The trace axes properties.
app = pf.GetApplication() app:NewProject() app:OpenFile(FEKO_HOME..[[/shared/Resources/Automation/Example_Expanded.fek]]) cartesianGraph = app.CartesianGraphs:Add() trace = cartesianGraph.Traces:Add(app.Models[1].Configurations[1].NearFields[1]) -- Set axes properties trace.Axes.Independent.Unit = "inch" trace.Axes.Independent.Scale = 0.5 cartesianGraph:ZoomToExtents()
Usage locations
The TraceAxes object can be accessed from the following locations:
- Properties
- CharacteristicModeTrace object has property Axes.
- CustomDataSmithTrace object has property Axes.
- CustomDataTrace object has property Axes.
- MathTrace object has property Axes.
- SpiceProbeTrace object has property Axes.
- FarFieldPowerIntegralTrace object has property Axes.
- NearFieldPowerIntegralTrace object has property Axes.
- TRCoefficientTrace object has property Axes.
- LoadSmithTrace object has property Axes.
- ExcitationSmithTrace object has property Axes.
- SARTrace object has property Axes.
- WireCurrentsTrace object has property Axes.
- SParameterTrace object has property Axes.
- PowerTrace object has property Axes.
- LoadTrace object has property Axes.
- ExcitationTrace object has property Axes.
- FarFieldTrace object has property Axes.
- NearFieldTrace object has property Axes.
- ReceivingAntennaTrace object has property Axes.
- NetworkTrace object has property Axes.
- ResultTrace object has property Axes.
Property List
- Dependent
- The trace dependent axis properties. (Read only DependentAxisFormat)
- Independent
- The trace independent axis properties. (Read only IndependentAxisFormat)
Property Details
- Dependent
- The trace dependent axis properties.
- Type
- DependentAxisFormat
- Access
- Read only
- Independent
- The trace independent axis properties.
- Type
- IndependentAxisFormat
- Access
- Read only