- ADAPTFEKOLaunchOptions
ADAPTFEKO launch options.
- AMRFEKOLaunchOptions
AMRFEKO launch options.
- AngularGraphAxis
The graph angular axis properties.
- Application
The POSTFEKO application object which is returned by the pf.GetApplication() method.
- Arrows3DFormat
The 3D plot arrows properties.
- Axes3DFormat
The 3D plot local coordinate axis properties.
- AxisGridSpacing
The axis grid spacing properties.
- AxisRange
The axis range properties.
- BandwidthAnnotation
A 2D graph bandwidth annotation.
- BeamwidthAnnotation
A 2D graph beam width annotation.
- CartesianGraph
A 2D Cartesian graph where results can be plotted.
- CartesianGraphGrid
The Cartesian graph grid properties.
- CartesianGridLines
The Cartesian graph grid lines properties.
- CartesianSurfaceGraph
A Cartesian surface graph where results can be plotted.
- CartesianSurfaceGraphGrid
The Cartesian graph grid properties.
- CartesianSurfaceGraphGridLines
The Cartesian graph grid lines properties.
- CharacteristicModeData
Characteristic mode results generated by the Feko Solver.
- CharacteristicModeQuantity
The characteristic mode quantity properties.
- CharacteristicModeStoredData
Stored characteristic mode results.
- CharacteristicModeTrace
A characteristic mode 2D trace.
- Complex
A complex number.
- ComplexMatrix
A two-dimensional matrix.
- ComplexMatrixIndexer
This is an intermediate object that allows convenient indexing of multidimensional matrices.
- ComponentLaunchOptions
The components launch options that specifies the command line parameters for the various Altair Feko components.
- Contours3DFormat
The 3D plot contours properties.
- Currents3DFormat
The currents 3D plot visualisation properties.
- CustomData3DFormat
The custom data 3D plot visualisation properties.
- CustomData3DPlot
A custom data 3D result.
- CustomDataQuantity
The custom data quantity properties.
- CustomDataSmithTrace
A custom data 2D Smith trace.
- CustomDataSurfacePlot
A custom data surface plot result.
- CustomDataTrace
A custom data 2D trace.
- CustomMathScript
Custom math script data that can be plotted.
- CustomSmithTraceQuantity
The custom data Smith trace quantity properties.
- CustomStoredData
Stored custom data.
- DataSet
The structure used for containing math results. A DataSet contains axes that indicate where quantities are defined, as well as the values for those quantities at each point.
- DataSetAxis
Every DataSet contains axes and quantities. The DataSetAxis describes the definition of an axis.
- DataSetIndexer
When iterating over a data set, the DataSetIndexer provides a means to access the currently indexed point and to retrieve information about its position in the data set. For instance, it is possible to determine where in space a point is located and at what frequency. By using the indexed point, the index, name, unit and value of the associated axes can be determined.
- DataSetMetaData
Additional information that further helps to define a data set.
- DataSetQuantity
Every DataSet contains axes and quantities. The DataSetQuantity describes the definition of a quantity.
- DependentAxisFormat
The trace dependent axis properties.
- ErrorEstimate3DPlot
An error estimate 3D result.
- ErrorEstimateData
Error estimates generated by the Feko Solver.
- ErrorEstimatesQuantity
The error estimate quantity properties.
- ExcitationData
Excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- ExcitationMathScript
Excitation math script data that can be plotted.
- ExcitationQuantity
The excitation quantity properties.
- ExcitationSmithQuantity
The Smith excitation quantity properties.
- ExcitationSmithTrace
An excitation 2D Smith trace.
- ExcitationStoredData
Stored excitation results.
- ExcitationTrace
A excitation 2D trace.
- FEKOGPUOptions
Feko Solver graphical processing units (GPU) launch options.
- FEKOLaunchOptions
Feko Solver launch options.
- FEKOParallelDiagnosticTests
Feko Solver parallel diagnostic test launch options. These settings should be disabled for normal Feko Solver runs to not degrade performance.
- FEKOParallelExecutionOptions
Feko Solver parallel execution launch options.
- FEKORemoteExecutionOptions
Feko Solver remote execution launch options.
- FarField3DFormat
The far field 3D plot visualisation properties.
- FarField3DPlot
A far field 3D result.
- FarFieldData
Far field results generated by the Feko Solver.
- FarFieldMathScript
Far field math script data that can be plotted.
- FarFieldPowerIntegralData
Far field power integral results generated by the Feko Solver.
- FarFieldPowerIntegralStoredData
Stored far field power integral results.
- FarFieldPowerIntegralTrace
A far field power integral 2D trace.
- FarFieldQuantity
The far field quantity properties.
- FarFieldReceivingAntennaData
Receiving antenna results generated by the Feko Solver.
- FarFieldStoredData
Stored far field results.
- FarFieldSurfacePlot
A far field surface plot.
- FarFieldTrace
A far field 2D trace.
- FontFormat
The font format property.
- Form
A fully customisable dialog. The form can be used as the base component for facilitating feedback from interactive scripts.
- FormButtons
The form buttons.
- FormCheckBox
A check box item. Check boxes are used mainly in two cases. The first case is when a simple yes/no response is required. The second case is when multiple selections from a number options is permitted. In this case each option will be presented by a separate check box.
- FormComboBox
A combo box item. A combo box provides a list of options of which at least one must be selected.
- FormConfigurationSelector
Selects a solution configuration.
- FormDataSelector
Select result data of the specified type.
- FormDirectoryBrowser
A directory browser item. When working with multiple files, it is often simplest to specify only the directory where the files are located. When generating multiple files, it is also useful to specify where the files should be stored. The directory browser is then a tool for navigating through the operating system's directory structures to set an active directory of interest.
- FormDoubleSpinBox
A spin box item supporting doubles. Spin boxes are sometimes also referred to as numeric steppers or spinners. Spin boxes are used to obtain a numerical value. Up and down arrows are provided to increment or decrement the value respectively. Alternatively, the numerical value can be typed into the input field.
- FormFileBrowser
A file browser item. The file browser can be used to navigate an operating system's directory structure to look for and select a file.
- FormFileSaveAsBrowser
A file browser item. The file browser can be used to navigate an operating system's directory structure to look for and select a file.
- FormGroupBox
A group box is a type of frame that contains other items. Group boxes are often used to make logical groupings of items and are therefore mainly design components. Functionally, group boxes make it easier to hide or disable several items simultaneously by simply modifying the properties of the group box container.
- FormImage
An image item. Images can be added to any form or group box. Supported formats include PNG, BMP and JPG/JPEG files.
- FormIntegerSpinBox
A spin box item. Spin boxes are sometimes also referred to as numeric steppers or spinners. Spin boxes can be used to obtain an integer value. Up and down arrows are provided to increment or decrement the value respectively. Alternatively, the numerical value can be typed into the input field.
- FormItem
The structure of all form items. All form items share a set of common properties that are listed here.
- FormLabel
A label item or a simple string of text. Labels are typically used to explain the contents of a form. Note that most form items already have a built-in label associated with it.
- FormLabelledItem
Allows access to built-in label objects associated with the derived form item.
- FormLayout
A layout is a type of frame that contains other items. Layouts are often used to make logical groupings of items and are therefore mainly design components. Functionally, layouts make it easier to hide or disable several items simultaneously by simply modifying the properties of the layout.
- FormLineEdit
A line edit item; also known as a text box or text field. A line edit is used to obtain text-based input from a user.
- FormModelSelector
Selects a Feko model.
- FormProgressDialog
A progress dialog provides feedback for actions that take a long time to execute.When the progress value reaches 100 the dialog automatically closes.
- FormPushButton
A push button item. Push button are used to trigger a function/call back that is associated with the button.
- FormRadioButtonGroup
A radio button group item. Radio button groups are used when precisely one option out of a set of options can be selected.
- FormScrollArea
A scroll area is a type of frame that contains a scrolling view of other items. Scroll areas are often used to make logical groupings of items where many items need to be displayed.
- FormSeparator
A Separator item. Separators are used to visually group (or separate) items on a form. Both horizontal and vertical separators are available.
- FormTree
A tree.
- FormTreeItem
A tree item.
- FrameFormat
The frame format property.
- Graph
A 2D graph where results can be plotted.
- GraphAnnotation
A 2D graph annotation.
- GraphAxisLabels
The graph axis labels properties.
- GraphAxisTitle
The graph axis title properties.
- GraphLegend
The graph legend properties.
- GraphLineFormat
The line format property.
- HorizontalGraphAxis
The graph horizontal axis properties.
- HorizontalSurfaceGraphAxis
The graph horizontal axis properties.
- ImplicitPointsAnnotation
A 2D graph implicit points annotation.
- ImportSet
Sets of imported data from external files.
- IndependentAxisFormat
The trace independent axis properties.
- Interpolator
An interpolator object.
- InterpolatorSettings
Interpolator settings object.
- IsoSurface3DFormat
The near field plot isosurface properties.
- LaunchResult
The result of last Feko or external process run.
- Launcher
The object coordinating the launching of Feko and external processes.
- Legend3DLinearRangeFormat
The 3D plot legend linear range properties.
- Legend3DLogarithmicRangeFormat
The 3D plot legend logarithmic range properties.
- LoadCable
Cable load results generated by the Feko Solver.
- LoadCoaxial
Coaxial load results generated by the Feko Solver.
- LoadComplex
Complex load results generated by the Feko Solver.
- LoadData
Load results generated by the Feko Solver.
- LoadDistributed
Distributed load results generated by the Feko Solver.
- LoadEdge
Edge load results generated by the Feko Solver.
- LoadFEM
FEM load results generated by the Feko Solver.
- LoadMathScript
Load math script data that can be plotted.
- LoadNetwork
Network load results generated by the Feko Solver.
- LoadParallel
Parallel load results generated by the Feko Solver.
- LoadQuantity
The load quantity properties.
- LoadSeries
Series load results generated by the Feko Solver.
- LoadSmithQuantity
The Smith load quantity properties.
- LoadSmithTrace
A load 2D Smith trace.
- LoadStoredData
Stored load results.
- LoadTrace
A loads 2D trace.
- LoadVertex
Vertex load results generated by the Feko Solver.
- LoadVoxel
Load results generated by the Feko Solver.
- MathScript
Math script data that can be plotted.
- MathTrace
A 2D math trace.
- Matrix
A two-dimensional matrix.
- MatrixIndexer
This is an intermediate object that allows convenient indexing of multidimensional matrices.
- Mesh
A mesh consisting of mesh entities that represents the simulated model.
- MeshCube
A cube in 3D space. Exists as part of a mesh.
- MeshCubeRegion
A mesh entity representing a region meshed with cubes.
- MeshCubes
The list of mesh cubes.
- MeshCurvilinearSegment
A curvilinear segment in 3D space. Exists as part of a mesh.
- MeshCurvilinearSegmentWire
A mesh entity representing a wire meshed using curvilinear segments.
- MeshCurvilinearSegments
The list of mesh curvilinear segments.
- MeshCurvilinearTriangle
A curvilinear triangle in 3D space defined by three corner points and three midpoints halfway along each side. Exists as part of a mesh.
- MeshCurvilinearTriangleFace
A mesh entity representing a face meshed using curvilinear triangles.
- MeshCurvilinearTriangles
The list of mesh curvilinear triangles.
- MeshCylinder
A cylinder in 3D space. A geometry cylinder's mesh equivalent that can be directly interpreted by the solver (e.g. using the UTD solution method).
- MeshCylinders
The list of mesh cylinders.
- MeshEdgesFormat
The mesh edge properties.
- MeshEntity
A mesh entity forming part of a mesh.
- MeshFacesFormat
The mesh face properties.
- MeshLegendFormat
The mesh legend properties.
- MeshPolygon
A polygon in 3D space. A geometry polygon's mesh equivalent that can be directly interpreted by the solver (e.g. using the UTD solution method).
- MeshPolygons
The list of mesh polygons.
- MeshRendering
The mesh rendering properties.
- MeshSegment
A segment in 3D space. Exists as part of a mesh.
- MeshSegmentWire
A mesh entity representing a wire meshed using segments.
- MeshSegments
The list of mesh segments.
- MeshSegmentsFormat
The mesh segments properties.
- MeshTetrahedra
The list of mesh tetrahedra.
- MeshTetrahedron
A tetrahedron in 3D space. Exists as part of a mesh.
- MeshTetrahedronRegion
A mesh entity representing a region meshed with tetrahedra.
- MeshTriangle
A triangle in 3D space defined by three points. Exists as part of a mesh.
- MeshTriangleFace
A mesh entity representing a face meshed using triangles.
- MeshTriangles
The list of mesh triangles.
- MeshUnmeshedCylinderRegion
A mesh entity representing one or more unmeshed cylinders. This type of mesh is typically solved using a solution method that does not require fine subdivision, like the uniform theory of diffraction.
- MeshUnmeshedPolygonFace
A mesh entity representing one or more unmeshed polygons. This type of mesh is typically solved using a solution method that does not require fine subdivision, like the uniform theory of diffraction.
- MeshVerticesFormat
The mesh vertices properties.
- MeshVolumesFormat
The mesh volume properties.
- MeshWiresFormat
The mesh wires properties.
- ModalExcitationStoredData
Stored excitation results.
- Model
A model object containing simulated results.
- NearField3DFormat
The near field 3D plot visualisation properties.
- NearField3DPlot
A near field 3D result.
- NearFieldData
Near field results generated by the Feko Solver.
- NearFieldMathScript
Near field math script data that can be plotted.
- NearFieldPowerIntegralData
Near field power integral results generated by the Feko Solver.
- NearFieldPowerIntegralStoredData
Stored near field results.
- NearFieldPowerIntegralTrace
A near field power integral 2D trace.
- NearFieldQuantity
The near field quantity properties.
- NearFieldReceivingAntennaData
Receiving antenna results generated by the Feko Solver.
- NearFieldStoredData
Stored near field results.
- NearFieldSurfacePlot
A near field surface plot.
- NearFieldTrace
A near field 2D trace.
- NetworkData
Network results generated by the Feko Solver.
- NetworkMathScript
Network math script data that can be plotted.
- NetworkStoredData
Stored network results.
- NetworkTrace
A Networks 2D trace.
- Normalisation
The axis normalisation properties.
- OPTFEKOLaunchOptions
OPTFEKO launch options.
- PREFEKOLaunchOptions
PREFEKO launch options.
- PREFEKOVariableExportOptions
PREFEKO variables (names, values, comments) export launch options.
- Plot3DLegendFormat
The 3D plot legend properties.
- PlotSamplingFormat
The plot sampling format property.
- Point
A point in 3D space. This object lives in the Lua session only. Points are defined by numbers and cannot be defined with expressions. Mathematical operations can be done on points.
- Points
A list of points in 3D space.
- PolarGraph
A 2D Polar graph where results can be plotted.
- PolarGraphGrid
The polar graph grid properties.
- PolarGridLines
The polar graph grid lines properties.
- PowerData
Power results generated by the Feko Solver.
- PowerIntegralQuantity
The power integral quantity properties.
- PowerMathScript
Power math script data that can be plotted.
- PowerQuantity
The power quantity properties.
- PowerStoredData
Stored power results.
- PowerTrace
A power 2D trace.
- QuickReport
A quick report document to generate.
- RadialGraphAxis
The graph radial axis properties.
- Ray3DPlot
Rays 3D result.
- RayData
Ray results generated by the Feko Solver.
- Rays3DFormat
The rays 3D plot visualisation properties.
- RaysQuantity
The rays quantity properties.
- ReceivingAntennaData
Receiving antenna results generated by the Feko Solver.
- ReceivingAntennaQuantity
The receiving antenna quantity properties.
- ReceivingAntennaTrace
A receiving antenna 2D trace.
- ReportImageSizeSetting
Image export size properties.
- ReportTemplate
A report template document to generate.
- ReportTemplateTagSettings
The report template tag and associated window settings.
- RequestPoints3DFormat
The 3D plot request points properties.
- Result3DPlot
A 3D plot of result.
- ResultArrow
A 2D results arrow.
- ResultData
Result data that can be plotted.
- ResultPlot
Graph data plotted on either 2D or 3D graphs.
- ResultReport
The base class for report types.
- ResultSurfacePlot
A result surface plot.
- ResultTextBox
A 2D results text box.
- ResultTrace
A 2D results trace.
- SAR3DPlot
A SAR 3D result.
- SARData
SAR results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SARQuantity
The SAR quantity properties.
- SARStoredData
Stored SAR results.
- SARTrace
A SAR 2D trace.
- SParameterData
S-parameter results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SParameterMathScript
S-parameter math script data that can be plotted.
- SParameterQuantity
The S-parameter quantity properties.
- SParameterStoredData
Stored S-parameter results.
- SParameterSurfacePlot
A S-parameter surface plot.
- SParameterTrace
A S-parameter 2D trace.
- ShadowFormat
The shadow format property.
- SimpleAnnotation
A 2D graph simple annotation.
- SmithChart
A 2D Smith chart where results can be plotted.
- SmithChartGrid
The Smith chart grid properties.
- SolutionConfiguration
A solution configuration for which the model is simulated.
- SourceAperture
Aperture field excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourceCoaxial
Coaxial approximation excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourceCurrentRegion
Impressed electric current in a region excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourceCurrentSpace
Impressed electric current in space excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourceCurrentTriangle
Impressed current connected to triangle excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourceElectricDipole
Electric dipole excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourceMagneticDipole
Magnetic dipole excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourceMagneticFrill
Magnetic frill excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourceModal
Modal port excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourcePCB
PCB excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourcePlaneWave
Plane wave excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourceRadiationPattern
Radiation pattern excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourceSolutionCoefficient
Solution coefficient excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourceSphericalModes
Spherical mode excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourceVoltageCable
Voltage on a cable excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourceVoltageEdge
Voltage on an edge excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourceVoltageNetwork
Voltage on a network excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourceVoltageSegment
Voltage on a segment excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourceVoltageVertex
Voltage on a vertex excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SourceWaveguide
Waveguide excitation results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SphericalModesReceivingAntennaData
Receiving antenna results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SpiceProbeData
SpiceProbe results generated by the Feko Solver.
- SpiceProbeQuantity
The SPICE probe quantity properties.
- SpiceProbeStoredData
Stored far field power integral results.
- SpiceProbeTrace
A SpiceProbe 2D trace.
- SurfaceCurrents3DPlot
A surface currents and charges 3D result.
- SurfaceCurrentsAndChargesStoredData
Stored surface currents and charges results.
- SurfaceCurrentsData
Surface currents generated by the Feko Solver.
- SurfaceCurrentsMathScript
Surface currents math script data that can be plotted.
- SurfaceCurrentsQuantity
The surface currents and charges quantity properties.
- SurfaceGraph
A surface graph where results can be plotted.
- SurfaceGraphAxisGridSpacing
The axis grid spacing properties.
- SurfaceGraphAxisLabels
The graph axis labels properties.
- SurfaceGraphAxisRange
The axis range properties.
- SurfaceGraphAxisTitle
The graph axis title properties.
- SurfaceGraphFontFormat
The font format property.
- SurfaceGraphFrameFormat
The frame format property.
- SurfaceGraphLegend
The graph legend properties.
- SurfaceGraphLineFormat
The line format property.
- SurfaceGraphShadowFormat
The shadow format property.
- SurfaceGraphTextBox
The text box properties.
- SurfacePlotLegendFormat
The surface plot legend properties.
- SurfacePlotLegendLinearRangeFormat
The surface plot legend linear range properties.
- SurfacePlotLegendLogarithmicRangeFormat
The surface plot legend logarithmic range properties.
- SurfacePlotSamplingFormat
The surface plot sampling format property.
- TRCoefficientData
Transmission reflection coefficient results generated by the Feko Solver.
- TRCoefficientMathScript
Transmission reflection coefficient math script data that can be plotted.
- TRCoefficientStoredData
Stored transmission reflection coefficient results.
- TRCoefficientTrace
A transmission reflection coefficient 2D trace.
- TRQuantity
The transmission reflection coefficient quantity properties.
- TextBox
The text box properties.
- TraceAxes
The trace axes properties.
- TraceLegendFormat
The trace legend properties.
- TraceLineFormat
The line format property.
- TraceMarkersFormat
The trace markers format property.
- TraceMathExpression
The trace math expression.
- TraceSamplingFormat
The trace sampling format property.
- TransmissionLineData
Transmission line results generated by the Feko Solver.
- Version
An object that describes that application version in detail.
- VerticalGraphAxis
The graph vertical axis properties.
- VerticalSurfaceGraphAxis
The graph vertical axis properties.
- View
A 3D model view where results can be plotted.
- View3DAnimationFormat
The animation properties.
- View3DAxesFormat
The view 3D axes properties.
- View3DFormat
The view 3D format properties.
- View3DLegendRangeFormat
The view 3D legend range properties.
- View3DSolutionEntityFormat
The view 3D solution entity properties.
- View3DSourceFormat
The view 3D source properties.
- WaveguideExcitationStoredData
Stored waveguide excitation results.
- WidthAnnotation
A 2D graph width annotation.
- Window
A view where results can be plotted.
- WireCurrents3DPlot
A wire currents 3D result.
- WireCurrentsAndChargesStoredData
Stored wire currents and charges results.
- WireCurrentsData
Wire currents generated by the Feko Solver.
- WireCurrentsMathScript
Wire currents math script data that can be plotted.
- WireCurrentsQuantity
The wire currents and charges quantity properties.
- WireCurrentsTrace
A wire currents 2D trace.