Replace Part
Update links for the purpose of part replacement (link reference).
Use the Update Link option available in the Connector Entity Browser's context menu to update a single link reference in one or more connectors. The connectors whose links were modified during this operation will be unrealized and the connector's realized elements will be permanently removed.
Update Link by Directly Editing Column Data in the Connector Browser
In the Connector Browser, select the connector(s) to
update, then click the Link column and enter a new link
ID or link name.
- In the Link Entity Browser, update links for the purpose of part
replacement (link reference) by entering a new link name in the Entities
field or link ID in the ID field.All link references to the old part will be updated to reference the new part in the Connector Entity Browser.
Figure 1. Note: When unresolved entities are referenced in the Link field, a red asterisk will appear next to it. Once the entity is resolved, the asterisk will disappear.Figure 2.
Update Link Using the Replace Link Option in the Link Entity Browser's Right-Click Context Menu
- In the Link Entity Browser, right-click on a link and select Replace Link from the context menu.
- Select a replacement part.
- In the Confirm dialog, click Replace.