Connector Browser

Use the Connector Browser to view and modify connectors in the current model.

To open the Connector Browser, first navigate to the Connectors ribbon, then click the Connectors tool.
The Connector Browser consists of:
  • The Link Entity Browser – located in the left pane of the split tab, it displays information about all of the linked entities in the model and Connectors groups.

    Figure 1.
  • The All Tab – displays a table of contents tree view of all the connections the model contains. HyperMesh organizes and displays the connectors in different folders based on their respective realization type. The names of the folders are obtained from the FE configuration names that are specified for respective solvers in the feconfig.cfg file.

    Figure 2.
Use the Connector Browser to:
  • Add Links
  • Remove links
  • Update links
  • Find Links from Connectors
If you double-click an entity in the entity list, that entity and all of its associations will display in the Connector Browser. For example, in Figure 3, if you double-click on a fastener (1), the Fastener tab will display all of the entity's associations (2).

Figure 3.

The actions performed in the Connector Browser, such as selecting, highlighting, showing, or hiding supported entities, are reflected in the modeling window.

The browser and the HyperMesh database synchronize with each other to ensure that all the changes made to the connector or the supported entities information in the database are reflected correctly in the browser at all times.

The browser can be configured to only display the information you wish to see. The current configuration is always saved, so that when the browser is opened in the future it will contain the same configuration as the last time that it was used.