CAD Abstraction

Abstract information incoming from the CAD hierarchy to robustly create connectors.

Basic Metadata Mapping

Link metadata type
The type of entity information the Part link metadata is referencing. The options are “Part Name”, “Part UID”, and “Property ID”.
Name matching
How much of the Connector Link information is available. The options are “Exact” or “Partial”. The “Partial” option looks for any Part/Property that can match with the string in the “Connector link” and adds it as links.
Connector link
The Part metadata title that contains the Connector link information. They are directly mapped as links on the connector.
Connector type
Optional metadata that can be on the Part that is typically found to describe the manufacturing methodology.
ISO process type
Optional metadata that can be on the Part that is typically found to describe the process methodology.

Figure 1. Options Menu in the Connector Creation Tools

Figure 2. Part Browser

Figure 3. Connector Browser

Custom Metadata Mapping

If there is further information on the Part that doesn’t fit the basic metadata mapping fields above, you can consider custom metadata mapping in Preferences > Connectors.

Select any metadata to map by creating a file such as the one below, where the desired Titles are described as: <Connector Metadata Name>=<CAD Metadata Name>

Figure 4.