Auto Line

Use the Auto Line tool to identify locations to create line connectors between components and parts. This process works on 2D geometry and mesh.

  1. From the Connectors ribbon, Line tool group, click the Auto Line tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Select the parts to automatically add connectors to.
  3. Click on the guide bar and define the following options.
    Search distance
    The distance between the parts.
    Minimum length
    The tolerance for the smallest connector.
    Holes exclusion radius
    Filters holes from the flange search if under a defined width.
    Sets a spacing value on the connector.
    Create internal seams
    Creates connectors within a part if able.
  4. Click on the guide bar.

The created output is connectors with the appropriate spacing and other associated parameters. The connectors are in the unrealized state.