Create and Realize Connectors

Use the tools in the Create tool set to create connectors, assign controls, and realize.

  1. Navigate to the Connectors ribbon then select any of the tools in the Create tool set to define the associated connector type.
    • Point
    • Fastener
    • Line
    • Area
  2. On the guide bar, click to define connector options.
  3. Use the selector on the guide bar to choose an entity type, then select features on which to create connectors.
  4. Use the options in the microdialog to further define the connector.
    The following options are available for all entity types and tools.
    Move/Morph () Relocate sections or the whole connector to a different position
    Link Edit () Opens a dialogue that allows you to adjust the link detection logic.
    Show/Hide Projections () Show and hide the pre-projections that indicate where the connector will connect to.
    Other options are dependent on the entity type and selected tool.
    Trim () Split the connector at a selected position.

    Available for node list, line, element, and surface selection.

    Partition () Partition the seam connector if any part of that connector does not have projections.

    Only available for the Line tool.

    Pitch and Density
    Pitch ()
    Adjust the number of significant points along the connector line by given spacing.
    Density ()
    Adjust the number of significant points along the connector line by a number.

    Available for node list and line selection in the Point and Line tools.

    Line Interpolation
    Straight line ()
    A straight interpolation line is created between the selected nodes.

    Figure 1.
    Interpolated line ()
    A smoothed interpolation line is created between the selected nodes.

    Figure 2.

    Available for node list selection in the Point and Line tools.

    Line Creation
    None ()
    Leave the line selections separate.

    Figure 3.
    Combine Smooth ()
    Combine selected lines with an interpolated line.

    Figure 4.
    Combine Straight ()
    Combine selected lines with a straight line.

    Figure 5.
    Mid Line ()
    Generate a midline between selected lines.

    Figure 6.

    Only available for line selection.

    Remesh () Remesh the connector surface.

    Figure 7.

    Available for any selection type in the Area tool.

  5. Use the drop-down menu on the guide bar to assign a control to the connector.
    Choose a previously defined control or click Create New to open the Control Manager and define a new control. If you select Undefined, the connector will be created without a control.

    By default, an assigned control is realized.

  6. On the guide bar, complete one of the following:
    • Click to apply and stay in the tool.
    • Click to apply and close the tool.
    • Click to exit the tool without applying.