Single AutoTire Panel

The AutoTire panel is shown in the following image.

Figure 1.

Auto Tire- Property Files Tab

The Property Files tab has two sections: Tire Property File and Road Property File. For the tire interface, the tire parameters and the properties are set by a Tire Property File with the extension (.tir/.tpf/.fxt), while the road interface is described by a Road Property File with the extension (.rdf/.crg/.rgr). Both of these property files are in the TeimOrbit file format. The parameters of the AutoTire Properties tab and their significance is explained below:
Tire Property File
Parameter Description
Tire Property File Browse and select the required file.
Edit File Edit the file and save the edited file.
Tire Graphic Radius Distance between the WC and the contact point of tire in unloaded conditions.
Tire Graphic Width Section width of the tire.
Tire Graphic Aspect Ratio Describes the sidewall height as a percentage of the tire section width.
Tire Side Defines the left or right side of the tire.
Wheel Mass The meaning of wheel mass changes with a tire model.
Fiala, Simplified durability tire Mass of rim + Mass of Tire
MF-Tyre, MF-SWIFT Mass of the rim + Mass of tire ‘Mass of tire’ should include the tire belt mass which can be read from Tire property file (INERTIA block) or it can be read from MotionSolve log file.
FTire Mass of the rim + Mass of ‘rim-fixed’ tire parts


Mass of the rim + Mass of the tire – Mass of the ‘free’ tire parts

rim-fixed tire parts are not accounted in FTire model, only ‘free’ tire mass is accounted. These masses can be read from the tire property file or can be read from the MotionSolve log file.
CDTire Mass of the rim + Mass of ‘rim-fixed’ tire parts


Mass of the rim + Mass of the tire – Mass of the ‘free’ tire parts

rim-fixed tire parts are not accounted in the CDTire model, only ‘free’ tire mass is accounted. These masses can be read from the tire property file or can be read from the CDTire log file.
Inpl.Iner.Ixx, Inpl.Iner.Iyy Moment of Inertia of the wheel in the wheel plane.

Adjust the wheel inertia per the tire model by including the inertias of tire fixed parts that are not accounted for in the tire models.

Rot.Iner.Izz Moment of inertia of the wheel about the spin axis.

Adjust the wheel inertia by including or excluding the inertias of tire parts that are accounted for or not accounted for in the tire models.

Hub Offset Defines the offset of Hub graphic center from the wheel center.
Wheel CM offset Defines the wheel part CM offset from the wheel center.
Tire Role Defines tire function: front or rear.
VARSUB Switch Activates the solver variables that contains the tire’s states. This option can be used for control prototyping.
PIN Mode

(For CD Tire only)

Defines the options in which inflation pressure is provided to CDTire.
File Extension
Retrieve the inflation pressure from the extension of the file (example: 21MPa if the file name is tire_50.21).
Tire Prop File
Retrieve the inflation pressure from the data within the tire property file.
Retrieve the inflation pressure from the specified SolverVariable. This option is useful if you wish to have the inflation pressure varying as a function of another variable in the model, such as TIME for example.

(For CD Tire only)

Shows the inflation pressure when it is a constant value specified using either the “File Extension” or “Tire Property File”.

Units: MPa

PIN [MPa] Collector

(For CD Tire only)

Activates only when the "Variable" option is chosen for PIN Mode.
Use this selector to specify the SolverVariable in the model that contains the pressure variation during the simulation.
Note: You need to create this SolverVariable and specify the pressure function on it.

Units: MPa

Road Property File
Parameter Description
Road Property File Property File option is used to browse and select the required road property file.
Edit File Edit file button is used to edit the road property file and save the edited file.
Method Defines the road model type.
Road Type Defines the type of road.
Function Name Name of the function being called by Solver.

Auto Tire- Connectivity Tab

Use the Hub Body, Wheel Center, Tire Marker and Road Marker collector buttons in the Connectivity tab to define the tire interface.

Figure 2.
Connection Significance
Hub Body The wheel body on which the tire forces act.
Wheel Center The point corresponding to the wheel center.
Tire Marker The tire marker determines the direction in which the tire forces act.
Road Marker The road marker, is the marker with respect to which the road is positioned and oriented for the simulation.