
The Rider models the mass and inertia of a human body and includes graphics for the human body. Controls for setting are available for modifying the mass, dimension of a human body, and for changing the angles in joints. Changing the angles in joints allows positioning the rider in many postures.

The Rider is not flexible: the bodies comprising the model and the joints connecting the bodies are rigid.
Figure 1. Rider model


General Info

Pre-defined positions are available to quickly position the Rider. Current options are ‘Standing’, ‘Motorcycle Rider’, ‘Scooter Rider’, ‘Truck Driver’ and ‘Car Driver’.
The Rider height specified in centimeters. The height can vary from 100 to 200 cm.
Body Density
Specifies the body density in kg per meter cube.
Displays the mass of the Rider in the model units based on the specified height and body density value. This parameter is not editable and is only used to demonstrate the current Rider mass.
Inertia Ixx, Iyy, Izz
Displays the moment inertia values of the Rider in the model units based on the height and body density values. This parameter is not editable and is only used to demonstrate the current Rider inertia values.

Body Joint Angles

Pelvis (forward – backward)
Input for the pelvis angle about y direction.
Figure 2.

Neck (up – down)
Input for the neck angle about y direction.
Figure 3.

Knee Symmetry
Check the box to mirror the values from left to right. It makes the right limb angle field read only.
Left/Right Knee (fold – unfold)
Input for the left/right knee angle about y direction.
Figure 4.

Ankle Symmetry
Check the box to mirror the values from left to right. It makes the right limb angle field read only.
Left/Right Ankle (up – down)
Input for the left/right ankle angle about y direction.
Figure 5.

Elbow Symmetry
Check the box to mirror the values from left to right. It makes the right limb angle field read only.
Left/Right Elbow (fold – unfold)
Input for the left/right elbow angle about y direction.
Figure 6.

Hip Fold Symmetry
Check the box to mirror the values from left to right. It makes the right limb angle field read only.
Left/Right Leg (fold – unfold)
Input for the left/right leg angle about y direction.
Figure 7.

Hip Lateral Symmetry
Check the box to mirror the values from left to right. It makes the right limb angle field read only.
Left/Right Leg (fold – unfold)
Input for the left/right leg angle about x direction.
Figure 8.

Hip Rotation Symmetry
Check the box to mirror the values from left to right. It makes the right limb angle field read only.
Left/Right Leg (in – out)
Input for the left/right leg angle about z direction.
Figure 9.

Shoulder Fold Symmetry
Check the box to mirror the values from left to right. It makes the right limb angle field read only.
Left/Right Shoulder (fold – unfold)
Input for the left/right shoulder angle about y direction.
Figure 10.

Shoulder Lateral Symmetry
Check the box to mirror the values from left to right. It makes the right limb angle field read only.
Left/Right Shoulder (fold – unfold)
Input for the left/right shoulder angle about z direction.
Figure 11.

Wrist Symmetry
Check the box to mirror the values from left to right. It makes the right limb angle field read only.
Left/Right Wrist (in – out)
Input for the left/right wrist angle about z direction.
Figure 12.

Connecting a Rider

When adding a Rider the guide bar appears showing the body and marker collectors.
  1. From the guide bar, select the reference marker for the Rider. The marker is used to locate the Rider and provides an initial frame of reference.
    • Click on Reference Marker and select a marker from the modeling window.


    • Click the Reference Marker Advanced Selector and select the required marker from the dialog.
  2. Similarly, select the attachment body for the Rider.
    • Click on Attachment Body and select a body from the modeling window.


    • Click on the Attachment Body Advanced Selector and select the required body from the dialog.