Data Fields
- unsigned int
- KnifeEdge
- unsigned int
- HataSubMode
- double
- ExponentLOS
- double
- ExponentLOSaB
- int
- Scat3D_Enabled
- int
- Scat3D_GroundProperties
- double
- Scat3D_RelativePermittivity
- double
- Scat3D_Conductivity
- double
- Scat3D_StdDivHeights
- double
- Scat3D_CorrelationLength
- int
- Scat3D_NrScatteringElements
- int
- Scat3D_MaxNrScatteringElements
- int
- Scat3D_PreprocessingMode
- WinProp_Filename
- Scat3D_PreproFile
- int
- UseExactCoordinates
- int
- HataFrequencyMode
- int
- DiffractionMaxNumber
- double
- CurvatureRadiusFactor
- int
- ConsiderEarthCurvature
- Model_DetTwoRay
- DetTwoRayModelParas
Detailed Description
This structure is used for the definition of rural prediction parameters. The structure is additionally passed to the OutdoorPlugIn_ComputePrediction function if a rural prediction should be computed.
Field Documentation
- KnifeEdge
- unsigned int WinProp_ParaRural::KnifeEdge
- Knife edge model.
- KE_OFF = Not considered.
- KE_DEYGOUT = Attenuations computed according to approach from Deygout.
- KE_EPSTEIN = Attenuations computed according to approach from Epstein/Peterson.
- HataSubMode
- unsigned int WinProp_ParaRural::HataSubMode
- Sub model of Hata.
- HATA_SUB_CLUTTERTABLE = as defined in clutter table
- HATA_SUB_DENSEURBAN = dense urban
- HATA_SUB_MEDIUMURBAN = medium urban
- HATA_SUB_SUBURBAN = suburban
- HATA_SUB_OPEN = open area
- ExponentLOS
- double WinProp_ParaRural::ExponentLOS
- Path loss exponent for LOS areas, allowed range [1, 10]
- ExponentLOSaB
- double WinProp_ParaRural::ExponentLOSaB
- Path loss exponent for NLOS areas, allowed range [1, 10]
- Scat3D_Enabled
- int WinProp_ParaRural::Scat3D_Enabled
- Boolean to enable/disable computation of 3D Scattering (NOT YET SUPPORTED)
- 0 = disabled
- 1 = enabled
- Scat3D_GroundProperties
- int WinProp_ParaRural::Scat3D_GroundProperties
- Boolean to enable/disable consideration of ground properties
- 0 = disabled
- 1 = enabled
- Scat3D_RelativePermittivity
- double WinProp_ParaRural::Scat3D_RelativePermittivity
- Relative permittivity of medium
- Scat3D_Conductivity
- double WinProp_ParaRural::Scat3D_Conductivity
- Conductivity of medium
- Scat3D_StdDivHeights
- double WinProp_ParaRural::Scat3D_StdDivHeights
- Scat3D_CorrelationLength
- double WinProp_ParaRural::Scat3D_CorrelationLength
- Scat3D_NrScatteringElements
- int WinProp_ParaRural::Scat3D_NrScatteringElements
- Scat3D_MaxNrScatteringElements
- int WinProp_ParaRural::Scat3D_MaxNrScatteringElements
- Scat3D_PreprocessingMode
- int WinProp_ParaRural::Scat3D_PreprocessingMode
- Scat3D_PreproFile
- WinProp_Filename WinProp_ParaRural::Scat3D_PreproFile
- UseExactCoordinates
- int WinProp_ParaRural::UseExactCoordinates
- Select the usage of exact coordinates or an approximation
- 1 = Exact coordinates
- 0 = Approximation
- HataFrequencyMode
- int WinProp_ParaRural::HataFrequencyMode
- Select the usage of Hata or Extended Hata model
- 0 = Hata model (150 MHz to 1500 MHz)
- 1 = Extended Hata model (30 MHz to 3000 MHz)
- DiffractionMaxNumber
- int WinProp_ParaRural::DiffractionMaxNumber
- Maximum number of diffractions if Knife Edge model is used
- CurvatureRadiusFactor
- double WinProp_ParaRural::CurvatureRadiusFactor
- Factor for the Radius of the earth
- ConsiderEarthCurvature
- int WinProp_ParaRural::ConsiderEarthCurvature
- Parameter to consider earth curvature
- 0 = radius not considered
- 1 = radius considered
- DetTwoRayModelParas
- Model_DetTwoRay WinProp_ParaRural::DetTwoRayModelParas
- The parameter for the deterministic two ray model
The documentation was generated from the following file:
- source.eng/Interface/WP_ParaRural.h