
Function List

Computation of wave propagation prediction for a specified scenario. All relevant information has to be passed to the function.
Computation of wave propagation prediction for a specified scenario and the specified individual points. All relevant information has to be passed to the function.
Computation of wave propagation prediction for a specified scenario and the specified trajectories. All relevant information has to be passed to the function.
This function returns the default maximum pathloss value in an outdoor scenario.
This functions frees allocated memory
This functions frees allocated memory
This function checks whether a point lies inside polygon
This function computes the intersection between trajectories (lines).
This function reads in the specified parameters of the prediction area

Function Details

int OutdoorPlugIn_ComputePrediction(const WinProp_Antenna * ParameterAntenna, WinProp_ParaMain * ParameterUrban, const WinProp_Receiver * receivingPoints, const int nrReceivingPoints, const void * ParameterModelUrban, WinProp_Measurement * ParameterMeasurements, const WinProp_ParaRural * ParameterRural, const WinProp_ParaHybrid * ParameterCNP, const WinProp_Callback * Callback, WinProp_Result * Resultmatrix, WinProp_RayMatrix * DataRaysOut, WinProp_Result * LOSmatrix, WinProp_ResultPlaneList * ResultPlanes, WinProp_RayMatrixList * ResultRayMatrix)


Computation of wave propagation prediction for a specified scenario. All relevant information has to be passed to the function.


const WinProp_Antenna * ParameterAntenna
Configuration of antenna (see WinProp_Antenna).
WinProp_ParaMain * ParameterUrban
Configuration of scenario (see WinProp_ParaMain).
const WinProp_Receiver * receivingPoints
Non-null, array of receiving points, of length equal to nrReceivingPoints.
const int nrReceivingPoints
The number receiving points in receivingPoints.
const void * ParameterModelUrban
Configuration of the urban prediction model. This parameter is optional and depends on the selected prediction model:
  • Urban Dominant Path Model (see Model_DPM).
  • 3D Intelligent Ray Tracing (see Model_UrbanIRT).
WinProp_Measurement * ParameterMeasurements
Measurement data for calibration of prediction model (see WinProp_Measurement). This parameter is optional.
const WinProp_ParaRural * ParameterRural
Configuration of rural prediction model. Only relevant if a rural prediction is done (see WinProp_ParaRural).
const WinProp_ParaHybrid * ParameterCNP
Configuration of CNP mode. This is not yet supported.
const WinProp_Callback * Callback
Configuration of callback functions (see WinProp_Callback). This parameter is optional.
WinProp_Result * Resultmatrix
If non-null, the result matrix, gets allocated during computation, it is not needed to call WinProp_AllocateResult prior to the computation.
WinProp_RayMatrix * DataRaysOut
If non-null, the ray matrix, gets allocated during computation.
WinProp_Result * LOSmatrix
If non-null, the LOS matrix, gets allocated during computation, it is not needed to call WinProp_AllocateResult prior to the computation.
WinProp_ResultPlaneList * ResultPlanes
If non-null, the ResultPlanes, gets allocated during computation, it is not needed to call WinProp_Structure_Init_ResultPlaneList prior to the computation.
WinProp_RayMatrixList * ResultRayMatrix
If non-null, the result ResultRayMatrix gets allocated during computation, it is not needed to call WinProp_Structure_Init_RayMatrixList prior to the computation.

Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.

int OutdoorPlugIn_ComputePoints(const WinProp_Antenna * ParameterAntenna, WinProp_ParaMain * ParameterUrban, const void * ParameterModelUrban, const WinProp_ParaRural * ParameterRural, const WinProp_Receiver * receivingPoints, const int nrReceivingPoints, const WinProp_Callback * Callback, WinProp_ResultPointsList * resultPoints)


Computation of wave propagation prediction for a specified scenario and the specified individual points. All relevant information has to be passed to the function.


const WinProp_Antenna * ParameterAntenna
Configuration of antenna (see WinProp_Antenna).
WinProp_ParaMain * ParameterUrban
Configuration of scenario (see WinProp_ParaMain).
const void * ParameterModelUrban
Configuration of the urban prediction model. This parameter is optional and depends on the selected prediction model:
  • Urban Dominant Path Model (see Model_DPM).
  • 3D Intelligent Ray Tracing (see Model_UrbanIRT).
const WinProp_ParaRural * ParameterRural
Configuration of rural prediction model. Only relevant if a rural prediction is done (see WinProp_ParaRural).
const WinProp_Receiver * receivingPoints
Non-null, array of receiving points, of length equal to nrReceivingPoints.
const int nrReceivingPoints
The number receiving points in receivingPoints.
const WinProp_Callback * Callback
Configuration of callback functions (see WinProp_Callback). This parameter is optional.
WinProp_ResultPointsList * resultPoints
Non-null, structure containing the points results.

Returns An integer: 0 = success, otherwise an error.

int OutdoorPlugIn_ComputeTrajectories(const WinProp_Antenna * ParameterAntenna, WinProp_ParaMain * ParameterUrban, const void * ParameterModelUrban, const WinProp_ParaRural * ParameterRural, const WinProp_Trajectory * trajectories, const int nrTrajectories, const WinProp_Callback * Callback, WinProp_ResultTrajectoryList * resultTrajectories)


Computation of wave propagation prediction for a specified scenario and the specified trajectories. All relevant information has to be passed to the function.


const WinProp_Antenna * ParameterAntenna
Configuration of antenna (see WinProp_Antenna).
WinProp_ParaMain * ParameterUrban
Configuration of scenario (see WinProp_ParaMain).
const void * ParameterModelUrban
Configuration of the urban prediction model. This parameter is optional and depends on the selected prediction model:
  • Urban Dominant Path Model (see Model_DPM).
  • 3D Intelligent Ray Tracing (see Model_UrbanIRT).
const WinProp_ParaRural * ParameterRural
Configuration of rural prediction model. Only relevant if a rural prediction is done (see WinProp_ParaRural).
const WinProp_Trajectory * trajectories
The trajectories, an array of size nrTrajectories.
const int nrTrajectories
The number of trajectories.
const WinProp_Callback * Callback
Configuration of callback functions (see WinProp_Callback). This parameter is optional.
WinProp_ResultTrajectoryList * resultTrajectories
Non-null, structure containing the trajectory results.

Returns An int.

int OutdoorPlugIn_GetDefaultValue(int Parameter, double * ReturnValue)


This function returns the default maximum pathloss value in an outdoor scenario.


int Parameter
This parameter is defined by the macro INTERMEDIATE_DEFAULT_VALUE_MAXPATHLOSS.
double * ReturnValue
The maximum pathloss value.

Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.

int OutdoorPlugIn_FreePredictionArea(COORDPOINT ** Polygon)


This functions frees allocated memory


Matrix with coordinate points.

Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.

int OutdoorPlugIn_FreePredictionHeights(double ** Heights)


This functions frees allocated memory


double ** Heights
Matrix with prediction heights.

Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.

int OutdoorPlugIn_PointInsidePolygon(int NrCorners, const COORDPOINT * Corners, COORDPOINT Point, int Projection, int * Success)


This function checks whether a point lies inside polygon


int NrCorners
Number of corners of the polygon.
const COORDPOINT * Corners
Coordinates of the polygon's corner points.
Coordinates of the test point.
int Projection
Projection plane:
  • 1 = Projection in the Y-Z plane.
  • 2 = Projection in the X-Z plane.
  • 3 = Projection in the X-Y plane.
int * Success
Indicates success (1) or failure (0) of the inner computations.

Returns An integer: 1 = the point lies in the polygon, 0 otherwise.

int OutdoorPlugIn_LineIntersection(COORDPOINT Line1Point1, COORDPOINT Line1Point2, COORDPOINT Line2Point1, COORDPOINT Line2Point2, COORDPOINT * IntersectionPoint)


This function computes the intersection between trajectories (lines).


Starting point of Line 1.
End point of Line 1.
Starting point of Line 2.
End point of Line 2.
COORDPOINT * IntersectionPoint
The intersection point between the two lines.

Returns An integer:

int OutdoorPlugIn_ReadPredictionArea(const char * FileName, int * NumberCorners, COORDPOINT ** Polygon, int DatabaseFileType, double * Resolution, int * NumberHeights, double ** Heights, int * PolygonUsed)


This function reads in the specified parameters of the prediction area


const char * FileName
Name of database.
int * NumberCorners
Number of corners of the polygon.
Coordinates of the polygon's corner points.
int DatabaseFileType
Type of the database file:
  • DATABASE_TYPE_MAPINFO = .mif database
  • DATABASE_TYPE_WINPROP_ODB = .odb database
  • DATABASE_TYPE_WINPROP_OPB = .opb database
  • DATABASE_TYPE_WINPROP_OCB = .ocb database
  • DATABASE_TYPE_WINPROP_OIB = .oib database.
double * Resolution
int * NumberHeights
Number of prediction heights.
double ** Heights
Prediction heights.
int * PolygonUsed
Pointer to an integer that specifies if a polygon is used (1) or not (0).

Returns An int.

The documentation was generated from the following file:
  • source.eng/Interface/OutdoorPlugIn.h