Function List
- OutdoorPlugIn_ComputePrediction
- Computation of wave propagation prediction for a specified scenario. All relevant information has to be passed to the function.
- OutdoorPlugIn_ComputePoints
- Computation of wave propagation prediction for a specified scenario and the specified individual points. All relevant information has to be passed to the function.
- OutdoorPlugIn_ComputeTrajectories
- Computation of wave propagation prediction for a specified scenario and the specified trajectories. All relevant information has to be passed to the function.
- OutdoorPlugIn_GetDefaultValue
- This function returns the default maximum pathloss value in an outdoor scenario.
- OutdoorPlugIn_FreePredictionArea
- This functions frees allocated memory
- OutdoorPlugIn_FreePredictionHeights
- This functions frees allocated memory
- OutdoorPlugIn_PointInsidePolygon
- This function checks whether a point lies inside polygon
- OutdoorPlugIn_LineIntersection
- This function computes the intersection between trajectories (lines).
- OutdoorPlugIn_ReadPredictionArea
- This function reads in the specified parameters of the prediction area
Function Details
- int OutdoorPlugIn_ComputePrediction(const WinProp_Antenna * ParameterAntenna, WinProp_ParaMain * ParameterUrban, const WinProp_Receiver * receivingPoints, const int nrReceivingPoints, const void * ParameterModelUrban, WinProp_Measurement * ParameterMeasurements, const WinProp_ParaRural * ParameterRural, const WinProp_ParaHybrid * ParameterCNP, const WinProp_Callback * Callback, WinProp_Result * Resultmatrix, WinProp_RayMatrix * DataRaysOut, WinProp_Result * LOSmatrix, WinProp_ResultPlaneList * ResultPlanes, WinProp_RayMatrixList * ResultRayMatrix)
Computation of wave propagation prediction for a specified scenario. All relevant information has to be passed to the function.Parameters
- const WinProp_Antenna * ParameterAntenna
- Configuration of antenna (see WinProp_Antenna).
- WinProp_ParaMain * ParameterUrban
- Configuration of scenario (see WinProp_ParaMain).
- const WinProp_Receiver * receivingPoints
- Non-null, array of receiving points, of length equal to nrReceivingPoints.
- const int nrReceivingPoints
- The number receiving points in receivingPoints.
- const void * ParameterModelUrban
- Configuration of the urban prediction model. This parameter is optional and depends on the selected prediction model:
- Urban Dominant Path Model (see Model_DPM).
- 3D Intelligent Ray Tracing (see Model_UrbanIRT).
- WinProp_Measurement * ParameterMeasurements
- Measurement data for calibration of prediction model (see WinProp_Measurement). This parameter is optional.
- const WinProp_ParaRural * ParameterRural
- Configuration of rural prediction model. Only relevant if a rural prediction is done (see WinProp_ParaRural).
- const WinProp_ParaHybrid * ParameterCNP
- Configuration of CNP mode. This is not yet supported.
- const WinProp_Callback * Callback
- Configuration of callback functions (see WinProp_Callback). This parameter is optional.
- WinProp_Result * Resultmatrix
- If non-null, the result matrix, gets allocated during computation, it is not needed to call WinProp_AllocateResult prior to the computation.
- WinProp_RayMatrix * DataRaysOut
- If non-null, the ray matrix, gets allocated during computation.
- WinProp_Result * LOSmatrix
- If non-null, the LOS matrix, gets allocated during computation, it is not needed to call WinProp_AllocateResult prior to the computation.
- WinProp_ResultPlaneList * ResultPlanes
- If non-null, the ResultPlanes, gets allocated during computation, it is not needed to call WinProp_Structure_Init_ResultPlaneList prior to the computation.
- WinProp_RayMatrixList * ResultRayMatrix
- If non-null, the result ResultRayMatrix gets allocated during computation, it is not needed to call WinProp_Structure_Init_RayMatrixList prior to the computation.
Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.
- int OutdoorPlugIn_ComputePoints(const WinProp_Antenna * ParameterAntenna, WinProp_ParaMain * ParameterUrban, const void * ParameterModelUrban, const WinProp_ParaRural * ParameterRural, const WinProp_Receiver * receivingPoints, const int nrReceivingPoints, const WinProp_Callback * Callback, WinProp_ResultPointsList * resultPoints)
Computation of wave propagation prediction for a specified scenario and the specified individual points. All relevant information has to be passed to the function.Parameters
- const WinProp_Antenna * ParameterAntenna
- Configuration of antenna (see WinProp_Antenna).
- WinProp_ParaMain * ParameterUrban
- Configuration of scenario (see WinProp_ParaMain).
- const void * ParameterModelUrban
- Configuration of the urban prediction model. This parameter is optional and depends on the selected prediction model:
- Urban Dominant Path Model (see Model_DPM).
- 3D Intelligent Ray Tracing (see Model_UrbanIRT).
- const WinProp_ParaRural * ParameterRural
- Configuration of rural prediction model. Only relevant if a rural prediction is done (see WinProp_ParaRural).
- const WinProp_Receiver * receivingPoints
- Non-null, array of receiving points, of length equal to nrReceivingPoints.
- const int nrReceivingPoints
- The number receiving points in receivingPoints.
- const WinProp_Callback * Callback
- Configuration of callback functions (see WinProp_Callback). This parameter is optional.
- WinProp_ResultPointsList * resultPoints
- Non-null, structure containing the points results.
Returns An integer: 0 = success, otherwise an error.
- int OutdoorPlugIn_ComputeTrajectories(const WinProp_Antenna * ParameterAntenna, WinProp_ParaMain * ParameterUrban, const void * ParameterModelUrban, const WinProp_ParaRural * ParameterRural, const WinProp_Trajectory * trajectories, const int nrTrajectories, const WinProp_Callback * Callback, WinProp_ResultTrajectoryList * resultTrajectories)
Computation of wave propagation prediction for a specified scenario and the specified trajectories. All relevant information has to be passed to the function.Parameters
- const WinProp_Antenna * ParameterAntenna
- Configuration of antenna (see WinProp_Antenna).
- WinProp_ParaMain * ParameterUrban
- Configuration of scenario (see WinProp_ParaMain).
- const void * ParameterModelUrban
- Configuration of the urban prediction model. This parameter is optional and depends on the selected prediction model:
- Urban Dominant Path Model (see Model_DPM).
- 3D Intelligent Ray Tracing (see Model_UrbanIRT).
- const WinProp_ParaRural * ParameterRural
- Configuration of rural prediction model. Only relevant if a rural prediction is done (see WinProp_ParaRural).
- const WinProp_Trajectory * trajectories
- The trajectories, an array of size nrTrajectories.
- const int nrTrajectories
- The number of trajectories.
- const WinProp_Callback * Callback
- Configuration of callback functions (see WinProp_Callback). This parameter is optional.
- WinProp_ResultTrajectoryList * resultTrajectories
- Non-null, structure containing the trajectory results.
Returns An int.
- int OutdoorPlugIn_GetDefaultValue(int Parameter, double * ReturnValue)
This function returns the default maximum pathloss value in an outdoor scenario.Parameters
- int Parameter
- This parameter is defined by the macro INTERMEDIATE_DEFAULT_VALUE_MAXPATHLOSS.
- double * ReturnValue
- The maximum pathloss value.
Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.
- int OutdoorPlugIn_FreePredictionArea(COORDPOINT ** Polygon)
This functions frees allocated memoryParameters
- COORDPOINT ** Polygon
- Matrix with coordinate points.
Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.
- int OutdoorPlugIn_FreePredictionHeights(double ** Heights)
This functions frees allocated memoryParameters
- double ** Heights
- Matrix with prediction heights.
Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.
- int OutdoorPlugIn_PointInsidePolygon(int NrCorners, const COORDPOINT * Corners, COORDPOINT Point, int Projection, int * Success)
This function checks whether a point lies inside polygonParameters
- int NrCorners
- Number of corners of the polygon.
- const COORDPOINT * Corners
- Coordinates of the polygon's corner points.
- Coordinates of the test point.
- int Projection
- Projection plane:
- 1 = Projection in the Y-Z plane.
- 2 = Projection in the X-Z plane.
- 3 = Projection in the X-Y plane.
- int * Success
- Indicates success (1) or failure (0) of the inner computations.
Returns An integer: 1 = the point lies in the polygon, 0 otherwise.
- int OutdoorPlugIn_LineIntersection(COORDPOINT Line1Point1, COORDPOINT Line1Point2, COORDPOINT Line2Point1, COORDPOINT Line2Point2, COORDPOINT * IntersectionPoint)
This function computes the intersection between trajectories (lines).Parameters
- COORDPOINT Line1Point1
- Starting point of Line 1.
- COORDPOINT Line1Point2
- End point of Line 1.
- COORDPOINT Line2Point1
- Starting point of Line 2.
- COORDPOINT Line2Point2
- End point of Line 2.
- COORDPOINT * IntersectionPoint
- The intersection point between the two lines.
Returns An integer:
- int OutdoorPlugIn_ReadPredictionArea(const char * FileName, int * NumberCorners, COORDPOINT ** Polygon, int DatabaseFileType, double * Resolution, int * NumberHeights, double ** Heights, int * PolygonUsed)
This function reads in the specified parameters of the prediction areaParameters
- const char * FileName
- Name of database.
- int * NumberCorners
- Number of corners of the polygon.
- COORDPOINT ** Polygon
- Coordinates of the polygon's corner points.
- int DatabaseFileType
- Type of the database file:
- DATABASE_TYPE_MAPINFO = .mif database
- DATABASE_TYPE_WINPROP_OIB = .oib database.
- double * Resolution
- Resolution.
- int * NumberHeights
- Number of prediction heights.
- double ** Heights
- Prediction heights.
- int * PolygonUsed
- Pointer to an integer that specifies if a polygon is used (1) or not (0).
Returns An int.
The documentation was generated from the following file:
- source.eng/Interface/OutdoorPlugIn.h