Functions for database pre-processing

Function List

Computation of preprocessing for an urban vector database.
This functions starts the preprocessing for the 3D Intelligent Ray Tracing. The vector database has to be passed to the function.

Function Details

int OutdoorPlugIn_ComputePrePro(const WinProp_PreProUrban * ParameterPrePro, const char * OutputFileName, URBAN_BUILDINGS * Buildings, TOPOGRAPHY * Topography, const WinProp_Callback * Callback, const void * ForTheFuture)


Computation of preprocessing for an urban vector database.


const WinProp_PreProUrban * ParameterPrePro
Configuration of preprocessing (see WinProp_PreProUrban).
const char * OutputFileName
Filename of preprocessed vector database. File suffix will be added automatically.
Vector buildings (see URBAN_BUILDINGS) used for preprocessing. Instead of using this structure the filename of a WinProp vector database can be defined in the parameters ParameterPrePro.
TOPOGRAPHY * Topography
Topography (see TOPOGRAPHY) used for preprocessing. Instead of using this structure the filename of a WinProp topography database can be defined in the parameters ParameterPrePro.
const WinProp_Callback * Callback
Callback functions for progress output (see WinProp_Callback).
const void * ForTheFuture
Not yet supported (set to NULL).

Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.

int WinProp_PreProcessIndoor(const char * SourceVectordatabase, const char * DestinationVectordatabase, const WinProp_PrePro * Para, const WinProp_Callback * Callback)


This functions starts the preprocessing for the 3D Intelligent Ray Tracing. The vector database has to be passed to the function.


const char * SourceVectordatabase
Vector database for the preprocessing (both *.ida and *.idb files are supported).
const char * DestinationVectordatabase
Filename of destination file (*.idi). The suffix must not be passed to the function.
const WinProp_PrePro * Para
Parameters for the preprocessing (see WinProp_PrePro).
const WinProp_Callback * Callback
Pointers to callback functions (see WinProp_Callback).

Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.

The documentation was generated from the following file:
  • source.eng/Interface/OutdoorPlugInPrePro.h