Functions for database pre-processing
Function List
- OutdoorPlugIn_ComputePrePro
- Computation of preprocessing for an urban vector database.
- WinProp_PreProcessIndoor
- This functions starts the preprocessing for the 3D Intelligent Ray Tracing. The vector database has to be passed to the function.
Function Details
- int OutdoorPlugIn_ComputePrePro(const WinProp_PreProUrban * ParameterPrePro, const char * OutputFileName, URBAN_BUILDINGS * Buildings, TOPOGRAPHY * Topography, const WinProp_Callback * Callback, const void * ForTheFuture)
Computation of preprocessing for an urban vector database.Parameters
- const WinProp_PreProUrban * ParameterPrePro
- Configuration of preprocessing (see WinProp_PreProUrban).
- const char * OutputFileName
- Filename of preprocessed vector database. File suffix will be added automatically.
- Vector buildings (see URBAN_BUILDINGS) used for preprocessing. Instead of using this structure the filename of a WinProp vector database can be defined in the parameters ParameterPrePro.
- TOPOGRAPHY * Topography
- Topography (see TOPOGRAPHY) used for preprocessing. Instead of using this structure the filename of a WinProp topography database can be defined in the parameters ParameterPrePro.
- const WinProp_Callback * Callback
- Callback functions for progress output (see WinProp_Callback).
- const void * ForTheFuture
- Not yet supported (set to NULL).
Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.
- int WinProp_PreProcessIndoor(const char * SourceVectordatabase, const char * DestinationVectordatabase, const WinProp_PrePro * Para, const WinProp_Callback * Callback)
This functions starts the preprocessing for the 3D Intelligent Ray Tracing. The vector database has to be passed to the function.Parameters
- const char * SourceVectordatabase
- Vector database for the preprocessing (both *.ida and *.idb files are supported).
- const char * DestinationVectordatabase
- Filename of destination file (*.idi). The suffix must not be passed to the function.
- const WinProp_PrePro * Para
- Parameters for the preprocessing (see WinProp_PrePro).
- const WinProp_Callback * Callback
- Pointers to callback functions (see WinProp_Callback).
Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.
The documentation was generated from the following file:
- source.eng/Interface/OutdoorPlugInPrePro.h