- Indoor Propagation
The workflow for a typical indoor propagation simulation is to use WallMan to create the geometry, Feko or AMan to produce the antenna pattern and ProMan to simulate the model and view the results.
- Urban Propagation
The workflow for a typical urban propagation simulation is to use WallMan to create the geometry, Feko or AMan to produce the antenna pattern and ProMan to simulate the model and view the results.
- Combined Urban / Indoor Propagation
The workflow for a combined urban and indoor propagation simulation is to import the geometry and save it in WallMan, use Feko or AMan to produce the antenna pattern and ProMan to simulate the model and view the results.
- Rural / Suburban Propagation
The workflow for a typical rural or suburban simulation is to import the terrain profile into ProMan, AMan to produce the antenna pattern and ProMan to simulate the model and view the results.
- Propagation in Tunnels
The workflow for a typical propagation simulation in a tunnel is to use TuMan to create the tunnel geometries, use Feko or AMan to produce the antenna pattern and use ProMan to simulate the model and view the results.
- Network Planning
Whether the scenario is indoor, urban or rural, a network planning simulation can be regarded as post-processing of a propagation simulation.
- Inclusion of the Receiver Antenna Pattern
The inclusion of the receiver antenna pattern is a post-processing step.
- Time-Variant Scenarios
In a time-variant scenario, objects or groups of objects are moving as a function of time. This time variance is specified in WallMan.
- MIMO in Network Planning
Simulate multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems in a network-planning project in ProMan.
- MIMO Through Post-Processing
Simulate multiple-input multiple-output systems through post processing in ProMan without network planning.
- Interaction With Other Tools
An application programming interface (API), written in C, is available for easy integration of WinProp in other simulation or post-processing tools.