Combined Urban / Indoor Propagation

The workflow for a combined urban and indoor propagation simulation is to import the geometry and save it in WallMan, use Feko or AMan to produce the antenna pattern and ProMan to simulate the model and view the results.

The typical workflow for combined urban / indoor simulations is close to that for urban simulations. The difference lies in the model preparation in WallMan. There, you import an existing indoor database (.idb file) into an urban database. After importing the indoor database, you can move and rotate it to give it the correct position and orientation among the other buildings.
Note: The combined database is saved as an urban .odb file.
Figure 1. Combined urban/indoor database.

The rest of the process is identical to a regular urban simulation. A few more simulation options appear when defining parameters in ProMan. For example, the resolutions of the indoor and outdoor results can be chosen to differ.
Figure 2. Combined urban / indoor solution.

Fields can optionally travel through the outer walls of urban buildings from outside to inside, but for those buildings, no interior detail is included. Also, fields that penetrate such buildings do not exit on the other side. For the indoor part of the database, interior walls, doors, windows, and any other details that were defined are included. Fields travelling from the exterior to the interior of such buildings and vice versa are automatically included in the results.